Relentless Pursuit

Victory over Sin: The Resurrection Promise

Nathan Anaya Season 3 Episode 5

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Embark on a profound exploration of faith and fulfillment as we honor Holy Week, journeying from the depths of despair to the pinnacle of hope with Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection. This week's episodes unveil the transformative events that are not merely historical milestones but the very heartbeat of our belief, as we scrutinize the biblical prophecies and witness the awe-inspiring narrative of Jesus claiming victory over sin and death. Experience the poignant Last Supper, feel the tension in the garden of Gethsemane, and stand before the pivotal choice of Jesus or Barabbas, as each moment resonates with the promise of redemption and the inception of salvation. Join us and find assurance in the enduring message of Easter — a testament to the power of unwavering faith.

As we revel in the joy of Jesus's relentless pursuit of humanity's salvation, we invite you to deepen your spiritual roots and share in the boundless love that radiates from His teachings. And we're not alone in this journey; next week, a special guest joins us to enrich our conversation with fresh perspectives on the path to greater understanding and divine connection. Whether you're well-versed in scripture or seeking new revelations, let's come together to celebrate the miraculous triumph of life over death and share the good news far and wide. This is more than just a series of episodes — it's an invitation to transform your heart and renew your spirit.

Speaker 1:

What's up, rp family? I'm so excited that you are joining us this week. This is a special week. This is Holy Week For most people in the church. We recognize this week as holy because this is the week where Jesus died on the cross and it was his triumph over death and sin and then he resurrected on this coming Sunday. And it's such a powerful event in history because this is everything that the Old Testament prophets prophesied. It is coming to place and in this time I normally give scripture, which we will do.

Speaker 1:

But I believe that I want to paint this picture and I remember one time where I spoke this message and I tried to convey, like this picture of Jesus going to hell. And the Bible says Jesus went to hell, and there's a whole song about it. He said he went to hell and grabbed the keys. Anyways, that was my old timer voice, let's go, but anyways. So the Bible says on that cross, and as he died, the Bible says that Joseph, this religious leader, went and collected his body and put him in the tomb and then they sealed the tomb with the stone. And that's what's happening in the physical, that's what's happening in real life, but what's happening in Jesus's life as his spirit is traveling, because there was a reason why he went to the cross. So on this cross, he died and took upon his back the burden of sins. He became that sacrificial lamb that we know him to be, and so he put on sin so that he could go to hell.

Speaker 1:

And this picture that God gave me a few years ago was that, this moment where all hell was triumphing and laughing and yelling and saying, yes, we got him, we got him, we got him, we got him. And there was a moment where they were celebrating, almost like it was a Super Bowl weekend and that Sunday their favorite team scored the game-winning touchdown, and it was like they were shouting in excitement. But there was a moment where this beam of light came down to the gateway of hell and this is how I picture it in my head and I know some of you, um, there, there might be different theologies out there, but this is how I pictured it in my head and that this beam of light came from the roof of hell and it was just at the gate and it just knocked doom and the guardians of the gate of hell. They looked over and they couldn't because it was blinding them. The light that was over him. And over this light and there was, they were guiding, or they were looking, and they couldn't hold it. So they just opened the door so they can get him out of his sight, out of their sight.

Speaker 1:

And as he, as they open the door, the doors open and jesus begins to take a step in and all of hell's begins to look at this blazing light that's just shining at the gate. And all of a sudden, they're in an instant panic, but without even being able to do anything about their panic, they all of a sudden run to the front of hell, to the gates of hell, not to attack, not to be offensive, not to defend, but to kneel. And I truly believe that as Jesus began to walk through hell, all the demons in hell had to make a line, kneeling before him, saying Jesus is king. And as he's walking to the front of the throne room of hell, where Lucifer is sitting, he opens the door and just holds his hand up and Lucifer, without Any Decision making ability In this moment, gives Jesus the keys To death, hell and the grave. And so we see, in that moment where the celebration of hell turns to the defeat and loss to his authority. And then Jesus, on that Sunday, rises again and says that victory, that triumph, that acknowledgement that heaven cannot be defeated, that Jesus cannot be defeated, jesus cannot be overcome, but Jesus is the Savior of all mankind and he stayed with his disciples, stayed with his people for 40 days 40, and after those 40 days he rose into heaven, took he was seated at the right hand of the father and he remains in authority for all eternity.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing about that story is that it doesn't end there. That is really the beginning point for Christianity. Yes, we believe and we love that he was born. Yes, we believe and we love that he was born. Yes, john 1, luke 2, the beginning of the gospel is incredibly impactful because that's and the grave, and he was seated at the right hand of the Father. We would not be here, we were not able to celebrate God. We wouldn't be able because we would have been the outcasts, we would have been the broken, we would have been the hurting.

Speaker 1:

And so in this day, in this time, in this period, it seems like we have to understand and peel back the really the distractions that come with serving God, and I say it that way because I want you to understand that there will be things that distract you that seem good. When Eve seen the fruit, the Bible says that she saw it and it looked good. It was pleasing. There are things like ministry, there are things like microphones, there are things like platforms, there are things like opportunities, there are things like people that will elevate us or elevate our pride or elevate our selfishness and allow us to feed the flesh without us even knowing it. And it's blind. We are blinded to the fact that we could be going away from God, even though we're trying and attempting to grow closer to God. But it is because of God that his grace is sufficient in our weakness and we no longer have to worry and we no longer have to be afraid of what our eternal destination is, because our eternal destination, as long as we believe in him and have the faith in him, we will be saved.

Speaker 1:

And this week the reason why it's called Holy Week and not just Resurrection Sunday or Easter is because it starts on Palm Sunday they lay down these palm trees. People in Jerusalem, the Jews of that time, were laying down the palm trees, saying and what's crazy about it? I will wait for that. And so they're preparing the way for him to enter into Jerusalem during this time of Passover and they're preparing this way and Jesus says get me the donkey. And he rides in on the donkey. And what's crazy about it is sometimes I feel like I'm the donkey and God has to steer me in the direction that I am to go. But we can have that discussion for another day, but anyway, so that Palm Sunday he rides in on a donkey, they're shouting.

Speaker 1:

Then that Monday which I think is super significant because it is Jesus when Jesus cleanses the temple, he goes into the temple of the Pharisees and Sadducees, and just Pharisees, and he grabs the tables and throws them and he understands that they're selling their sacrifice, selling sacrifices to the people. And it's almost like really a type and shadow of what God's going to start doing, or what Jesus is doing by sacrificing himself is that we are no longer going to need these animal sacrifices. Cleanse out the temple, cleanse out our life, and so that he could remain the sacrifice that we need. But anyway, back to what God was doing in this time. He cleansed out the temple. He said this is a den of thieves. God's house is a house of prayer. He cleanses them out the temple. I believe he cursed the fig tree right before that too, or whatever, but we'll continue. And that Tuesday he's teaching parables and they witnessed the tree that Jesus cursed. They witnessed that it was withered.

Speaker 1:

That Wednesday, which is when Judas was plotting against Jesus and he was trying to betray him, that Thursday is the last supper. It is when Jesus was saying take this is my body and you break it. And take this is my blood, drink it. And so then we have friday. This is one of my favorite moments in scripture because it talks about this time in the garden where jesus was sweating blood.

Speaker 1:

And something I really wanted to highlight in this is that adam and eve first brought sin through the garden. Adam and Eve first brought sin through the garden. Adam and Eve first brought sin through the garden, through a tree. Now Jesus is taking on the burden of sin in a garden and going to be sacrificed on a tree. It's not that something. Jesus is not telling us, that just that he is taking our burdens, taking our sin. But he's telling us is that just as you ate the fruit, you're going to now eat the fruit of my father, which is me. Just as you ate the fruit, you're going to now eat the fruit of my Father, which is me.

Speaker 1:

Throughout the scriptures, it references Jesus as the food in which we eat. It says he is the bread of life. The manna came down from heaven. He said take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my body and Jesus is our bread. Jesus is our food. Jesus is our food, jesus is our fruit, jesus is God's fruit and that we are partaking in to cover our sins. And so Jesus is in this garden and he's sweating blood.

Speaker 1:

And I just want to paint this picture because there's this I don't remember how many, I'm gonna have to look that up, how many soldiers, but there is this group of soldiers that came to arrest Jesus and this one specific man, who is the high priest's assistant, named Matthias. He came to Jesus and after Jesus kissed him, or Judas kissed him on the cheek, matthias Got a little close to Peter, and we all know Peter because Peter's a wily one. Peter's bold, courageous, but he's also he is crazy. He's some people that got saved that from the streets. They peters, amen. I feel like I'm a peter a little bit, but anyways.

Speaker 1:

So, peter, he pulled out his knife and cut off his ear. This is the one thing that I love about the Bible is that there are small details that if you aren't paying attention as you're reading, you'll walk over it, and that in this portion of scripture he cut off his ear, and the Bible says Jesus did not reach down and grab the ear and put it back on. No, he said he touched the ear where the ear was, and it grew back. Why? This can be a figure of what he's doing for us and that we have need of cutting off our ears so that we can have a fully healed and restored new ear, so that we can hear what God is trying to say. We had the religion in our ear previously, we had wickedness in our ear previously, but because of his sacrifice, because of his death on the cross, we have now a ear that is tuned into God's voice, and so now we have the ability and opportunity to activate that faith, because faith comes by hearing the word of God, and so only way for our faith to be initiated is through hearing his voice. But in order for us to hear him clearly, without the distractions or the hindrances of this world, he needed to give us a new ear, and so the details come in, come into play here, because then the Bible says that they ask are you Jesus? And he says I am.

Speaker 1:

And the army, or the group of soldiers? What happened with them is that they got on a knee, they were baffled, they were taken back and almost like they had reverence to who Jesus was, because what he said was so significant to them, because he said I am he. When Jesus said I am he he referenced when Moses was talking to the burning bush I am that, I am, I am the great I am. In the beginning. It references so much from Genesis references Jesus, exodus references Jesus, leviticus references Jesus, and we can go on and on. Joshua Judges, jeremiah, ezekiel, all the prophets in the old, all the major and minor prophets reference Jesus. It's all about Jesus. The Old Testament is telling you that we can't do it by works, and so we need Jesus so we can do it by faith. And so the thing about that time is when they came to arrest him, they arrested him Even though they understood a little bit more who he was. Even though they understood a little bit more who he was.

Speaker 1:

Jesus went up in front of the Sanhedrin, judged, essentially telling them to take him to the Romans, to Pilate, to Pontius Pilate. And Pilate was like take him back. And then we fast forward to the moment where Jesus is standing before Pontius Pilate and saying and Pontius Pilate is, I believe, is starting to believe that he is Jesus. And Pontius Pilate turns to the people of the Jews and was like OK, I'll give you an option Do you want Jesus or do you want this murderer Barabbas? Was it Barabbas or Barnabas? I just studied for this too. I need deliverance. But he was like who do you want? And the people decided on the murderer, which is really crazy. If you ask me that's, I was gonna say jeffrey dahmer, but that's probably not the same. But anyways, he was like what do you want?

Speaker 1:

And they decided for Jesus to be crucified. And crucifixion was only meant for the worst of the worst. It was meant for the people that were enemies to Rome and they wanted him to be crucified. It was the worst type of death that they could have asked for. But Jesus understood. He said no man kills me, no man can kill me. He understood that he needed to take the place of what we deserve and if he didn't go through the crucifixion the worst of the worst, then he would have left some meat on the bone, he would have left a bill to be paid. But he did what he did because he loved us and, like I said, this is a little different than what I normally do. So he got on the cross. He was. I believe it was six hours that he was up dying. He was pierced on his hands, his feet the only way and his legs were not broken. They weren't broken right, they were going to break his legs, but he died anyways. So the only way he could breathe is if he lifted himself up by the wounds of his hands so he could take a, and then he would go back down because the pain. For six hours he was up there on that cross.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy when you think about all the things that you've done, all the fact that he was thinking of you. He was thinking of me on that cross, of all my sins. I'm going to die for you. Nate drank alcohol. Even though you've manipulated, you lied, even though you've been deceitful, even though you've been proud, even though you've been greedy, even though you've been gluttonous, even though you've been lustful, even though you've been all these things, nate, I'm still going to die for you. I'm going to put all your sins on my back and I'm going to carry them to where they cannot come back and I'm going to make you a new, new creation.

Speaker 1:

What's crazy is that he was pierced from his side to confirm, in a way, like to confirm that he was dead like he was, and water and blood came out. Now I don't. I just feel like there's revelation in the water and the blood, because we have to understand that we are being born again through water, but we are allowing a blood transfusion where it's no longer our blood but it's God's. Our DNA is being rewritten because of that transfusion. But the thing that he was pierced on his side and through his ribbons back, when I said in Genesis type and shadow of where Eve ate the fruit, gave it to Adam. Adam ate. Sin came into the world. Now, where did Eve come from? Eve came from Adam's rib. That's why she's called woman.

Speaker 1:

Jesus was then pierced to confirm his death. He was pierced to confirm his death. He was pierced to confirm his death. And that same thing that happened in Genesis is shadowing the thing that happened on that good Friday. There's this message that says it's Friday, hell is winning, or I got to put it up but I tried to do. The voice Couldn't do it. It is what it is.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, it's crazy to think about someone that's willing to endure that much suffering so that you can be saved. How much more can we do for the people that are coming after us to be saved? How much can we do, are we willing to do, in order for people to come after us so they can be saved, so they can inherit and an eternity, and inherit this perfect peace that they can inherit, this everlasting love? Jesus is so good to us that we don't deserve him, but thank you, god for this resurrection Sunday. Thank you, god that you went to the cross. Thank you, god, that you are now seated at the right hand of the Father. Hey hallelujah. Thank you, jesus.

Speaker 1:

We had an awesome podcast today. I had so much fun just walking through this time period. Thank you for joining this week's episode of Relentless Pursuit. We're so excited to continue to dive into things about Jesus Loving Jesus, listening to Jesus, hearing Jesus, getting revelation about Jesus, learning about Jesus. I love Jesus and I hope you love Jesus too, and I know you love Jesus too, and so help us continue to push this gospel forward by sharing, liking, following and subscribing to all our social media platforms. And tune in next week because we'll have a special guest. See you guys soon.

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