Relentless Pursuit

Tending the Garden

Nathan Anaya Season 3 Episode 9

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Have you ever wondered how the intricacies of a vineyard can reveal the depths of divine purpose? Join us as we unpack the beautiful tapestry of God's design in our lives, exploring the profound imagery of John 15. We'll discuss Jesus as the true vine and God as the master gardener, delving into the transformative process of pruning. It's not about loss; it's about shaping us for greater fruitfulness. We take a closer look at our individual purpose, drawing parallels with Adam's unique role in the Genesis narrative, and discuss how understanding our crafted existence can lead to healing and a profound sense of fulfillment.

The conversation deepens as we examine the divine blueprint for men and women, untangling the threads of equality woven at the dawn of creation. We seek to understand how the fall disrupted this harmony and how Christ's redemption has restored the partnership between genders. As we explore the call to prune away sin and embrace co-equality in our spiritual lives, we also celebrate the uniqueness of each individual's calling. You were chosen before birth for a distinct role in God's plan, and within you lies the power to make an extraordinary impact. So listen in, as we inspire you to embrace your divine assignments with courage and trust in the One who has prepared you for such a time as this.
Speaker 1:

What's up RP family? I'm so excited for another episode of Relentless Pursuit. And as I continue to go through John, through these episodes, I just want you to know that the best revelation is a personal revelation, because what you receive from him is greater than what you could receive from another person. But God has something specific for you. I just want you to know that. And so, as we go through John, as we continue to go through John, he says I am. Or, in John 15, says I am the true vine and my father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that does not bear fruit. Every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes so that it will be more fruitful. And then I want to jump to verse 16. He said you did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit that will last and so that whatever you ask in my name, the Father will give you.

Speaker 1:

And so, in this I want you to understand, is that how God designed the world? He made it, the world lacking. He made the world needing something. And so when he made you, you were the void, or you were the one that was going to fill the void, and so meaning he made animals, he made the water, he made the sky, he made the day, he made the night. But at the sixth day, when everything else was created, he did something very specific and he made put together dirt, blew in it, blew his spirit into it and made life and made Adam. And so we have to understand is that there was such a specific design to how Adam was made that it set Adam apart from the rest of creation.

Speaker 1:

Now, the reason why I'm saying that is because one thing that I want you to know is that wisdom reveals the shame, wisdom reveals hurt. And so when you can understand how God is moving, how God is working, the reason why he prunes you, the reason why he shows you the things in your life that you've still been carrying, it helps illuminate what you need to repair, what God needs to repair in your life. And so the reason why I started with this verse is because I want you to understand if God is pruning you or pruning something or removing something from your life, don't look at it as a loss, look at it as a blessing, because we have to understand, as people and given to God, that God has made something very specific for us. In fact I would say it God has made us for something specific. He has a purpose or need in this world. So he designed you and knew you before you were born. He knit you together in your mother's womb and he designed you to fulfill that need. And so, with that being said, I want to focus on this other scripture that really stood out to me in Genesis 2. In verse 20, it says so the man gave names to all livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wind and animals, but for Adam no suitable helper was found. So automatically, we understand that there is a need, there is a lack, there is a void, and so, because no suitable helper was found, so the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs, then closed it up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made woman from the rib.

Speaker 1:

Very detail of how God makes us. We have to understand that God had designed us because there was no suitable helper for the need that was there. There was no one with the exact purpose, potential gift or calling that was able to fit what was lacking. And I want you to understand that is because God had to make what was not there in order to fulfill what was needed in the earth. So Adam was in lack. Adam understood that he had the authority in all the earth. He understood that he could name every animal, that every animal was subject to him, that the winds, the waves, the trees, everything was under his authority. But still it was not good. God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. And so, in that, what did God do? He pruned, in a way, he cut off a piece of his rib, he cut off something that was there. And what he did is he made something suitable, or someone suitable to fit the need that was there. And so, in that, god's original plan, an original design for woman, was to fulfill the need for a man. Now, with that being said, I'm not saying that one is greater than the other, because the Bible says that there was the curse. Okay, so let's actually go into this a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

The curse, okay, so let's actually go into this a little bit more. That word suitable helper, it's more so in the meaning of equal on the same playing ground. It's co-laborers, it's not necessarily. One is a submissive and the other is the dominant. No, it's more so, speaking from the sense of that, because man was alone, he would have fell on his own, but now he needed a woman to help lift him up, and vice versa. They were on the same platform, they were on the same playing field, they were co-equals.

Speaker 1:

And now the thing is with the curse and this is why let's get into this too, because the curse is so crazy, because in Genesis chapter I believe it's three we're going to go to it the curse of woman was to the woman he said I will make your pains and childbearing very severe. Your desires, your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you. That is the curse. So if the curse is that God is going to make man rule over you, that means that there was the same playing field, there was the same level, they were equals, but then because of sin, sin brought down woman's value in the earth, and the reason why I'm saying that I'm not being sexist in this, that was the curse of sin. But what ended up happening is, if we read a little bit further up, the curse that he gave to Lucifer. The Satan was that, and I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers. He will crush your head and you will strike his heel. That was referencing Jesus, and so now we're going to bring this back together where the curse was saying woman, you're going to be under man.

Speaker 1:

Now, where comes? The reverse of the curse is Jesus then comes, dies for our sins, and he gives us an opportunity to break the curse, break the bondage. The reason why sin is so aggressively after women is because he knows, or sin knows, or the adversary knows, that when men and women are suitable for each other, they can go further in the covenant that they have with the Lord. Now what I'm saying is that they will access full authority to what God has designed them for. And that's the crazy part is that he is pruning what does not need to be there, meaning he's pruning the sin, because when you prune a tree, you are pruning the dead branches, the dead branches, the wages of sin, equal death, and so God is pruning the sin in our lives. So we can be established as co-labors, co-equals in this fight. Journey together For me and my wife, we are fighting together. We are fighting the same battle. We are fighting on. We are fighting the same battle. We are fighting on the same playing field. We are fighting so that we could go forward in God and access the full authority that God has designed us for. And that's what's crazy, rewind, we're in the curse If we would have been under the law of Moses?

Speaker 1:

Now, let's establish this, because the new covenant established a lot of different things. If we were under the law of Moses, my wife would be a servant to me. Essentially, that her desires. What the law of Moses is saying, what the curse is saying, according to God, is that her desires don't really matter. You're here to serve me. You're here to serve me. She's here to serve me, but with the blessing of Christ, that has been reversed. And then we have been repaired and reestablished and restored back to our original design, where we are suitable for each other.

Speaker 1:

And that's the crazy part, because then he goes into in john, chapter 15. He says I chose you for this task. I chose you, eve, to be the suitable help. Saying, according to god, is that her desires don't really matter. You're here to serve me. She's here to serve me, but with the blessing of christ, that has been reversed, and then we have been repaired and re-established and restored back to our original design, where we are suitable for each other. And that's the crazy part, because then he goes into in John, chapter 15, he says I chose you for this task. I chose you, eve, to be the suitable helper for Adam. I chose you, adam, to be the authoritative man in the earth to name the animals, to move and operate in the garden. And I have chose you to do this task because where there was lack, I used you to fill a need. That's what's insane. And so we can continue to go through this journey.

Speaker 1:

Even in Genesis, it's like the revelation that's there is because women were made to be the. And this is what this is why I get a little frustrated with the spirit of religion is because religion will attack women. How many years were women not allowed to get behind a pulpit? How many years were women not allowed to get behind a pulpit? How many years were women not allowed to exercise their gifts? If you were a woman and you could sing, awesome, you have a ministry, but if you didn't go to the children's ministry, and it's almost like they diminished the gifting of women. They diminished gifting of women because sin is written and woven into the heart of people. Because we were born in sin, our heart is deceitful above all things.

Speaker 1:

But that's where, being a new creature in a new creation, in crisis, we get this fresh revelation that there were prophets, prophetesses in the bible. There were people and women that did mighty things. We can go through the list of women that were able to be empowered, that were empowered by god to do amazing things, miracles, signs and wonders. There are pastors, there are preachers, there are evangelists, there are um prophets, there are teachers there all these different things of women in the Bible. And we diminish them.

Speaker 1:

Why? Because sin tries to bring the curse. Sin tries to bring the curse and where there is death, god prunes. Where there is death, god prunes. Where there is death, god prunes. And this cycle of diminishing who he's called you for and what he's called you to is it continues because we allow the dead things to not be pruned. But he has chose you from this task for this task. He has chose you to pick up your sword and pick up your shield and fight this battle. What's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Because and I want to continue to go on through this journey in genesis too, because in adam and eve were just the start of allowing god's grace to flow through them. Being the overcomers, they overcame, whether I know they caused sin, but at the same time they raised up men of God, men and women of God, really. And the thing is, with the Bible, you get plagued with so many different questions of what the heck is happening. Why is this? I don't understand this. And that's the beauty of what God can bring you, because wisdom, the reason why they ate the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The Bible says God asked them, them who told you were naked. Wisdom revealed their shame. But a godly wisdom empowers them over shame and leads them in the path of the righteousness.

Speaker 1:

Now, what does that mean? He says in Genesis, chapter four, when Cain kills Abel doing right closes the door to sin. Being righteous closes the door to sin. Yes, sin will always be there, temptation will always be there, but doing what is right in the eyes of God will push you away from the door, and sin separates us from God's presence.

Speaker 1:

Now, what was the curse of Abel or Cain, sorry, what was the curse of Cain One? There was a marking over him, the mark of Cain and that I don't want to misquote this, but Cain's fear was his shame, because he did not allow God to prune him. And if we don't allow God to prune us, our shame will overwhelm us into walking in fear. So what was Cain's fear? That, because he was shamed for killing Abel, he was afraid to be killed. Crazy. And so the assurance of security was only found in God's presence. And that's what's cool about it too, is because when God was like all right, you got to go, you killed your brother, and Cain was like I'm my brother's keeper. That's one of my favorite quotes of the Bible. It's not even like it's something super spiritual, but it's just the coolest thing. I'm my brother's keeper. That's one of my favorite quotes of the bible. It's not even like it's something super spiritual, but it's just the coolest thing and my brother's keeper anyways. Um, so kane or god kicked out kane from the garden was, or from eden was like go. But he was like what if I die? What if these people come to kill me? Blah, blah, blah. And god was like womp, womp. I just wanted to bring that up. Anyway.

Speaker 1:

Cain was projecting his sin through his fear. He was projecting his shame through fear. He was projecting what he had done, and because of his shame of it, because of his guilt of it, he was afraid. And that's what's crazy, is that what ended up happening is that God said that he wouldn't die, that he would be cool, and there was a word that was given to him. It was like yo, just go, you can't be here, you can't be in my presence because my presence is holy, and so I need you to leave, but nothing's going to happen to you, don't even trip. But Cain was like ah, something's going to happen to me. He was twitching out and he was getting anxiety, he was getting depression, he was filled with fear. And so what happened? He built a city so he could protect himself, because then he found his security in the city. And so that was the first instance of cities. Cities originated through fear.

Speaker 1:

But what ended up happening was God was like yo, I'm going to reverse this curse of fear, I'm going to reverse this curse of sin. I'm going to reverse this curse that I placed over you, because my grace is sufficient in your weakness, my mercies are new every morning, and I'm going to break that bondage that you have placed yourself in, because I have chosen you for a mission. I have chosen you for a purpose. I have chosen you because there is a need. And that's what's crazy about Jeremiah. Let's go to the Bible, because we're going to keep jumping. The Bible Jeremiah 1.5. 1.5. 1.5. Here we go. Let's compare this because I want to go to, I think, the Amplified Yep.

Speaker 1:

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you and approved you as my chosen instrument. I just want to first, before we continue. Before I formed you and approved you as my chosen instrument, I just want to first, before we continue. Before I formed you, before you were even formed in the womb, god knew you and he formed you for a purpose. You were his chosen instrument. Before you were born, I consecrated you to myself as my own and I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations. And that's so crazy to me because we almost diminish who we are, because, like I said, our heart is deceitful above all things. We were born in sin. We were born sinful, sinful, but through the grace of God, through the mercy of God, our innocence I'm sorry, our wickedness essentially is broken because of God. Thank you, jesus. And he chose you, he designed you and before you're even a twinkle in your father's eye.

Speaker 1:

God had a lack in the world and was like you know what I need? An evangelist that is willing to be courageous and bold and speak about me. So let me make this person, let me make Jake, let me make John, let me make I don't know I'm going with Jays, but let me make this person and I'm going to send them so that they can be the next evangelist. There is no one suitable for this assignment, and so what I'll end up doing is I will make this person. There is no one suitable for what is missing in this church, so I'm going to make this person and then send them there. There is no one suitable to be the apostle that I've called. There is no one suitable to be the teacher that I've called to these people. There is no one suitable to be the prophet that I've called to these people. There was no one suitable to be the prophet that I've called to the nations for this specific assignment.

Speaker 1:

Then I'm going to make and form and allow, give and place my chosen instrument into this assignment, and that's what's crazy that God is doing in this earth today. He has chosen his people, he has formed them from their mother's womb and there is a remnant that has been consecrated by God to him and to himself, and that he is now setting and exposing them and expanding them and sending them out and to do his will and to do what God has empowered him to do. And so today, if you're listening to this, I want you to understand that God has designed you for this hour, for such a time as this, and that if you go into, if you access into your assignment, if you allow the will of God to flow through you, you can do miracles, signs and wonders, because God is living in you. Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. And I want you to know that today, because God designed you. He designed you for a purpose. It is written in your DNA that God has empowered you and has established you in him. And I want you to know that, no matter what the enemy tries to put on you, no matter the fear, the shame or the guilt that you may feel from your previous life, god has covered it in the blood and it is in the ocean of forgetfulness. As long as you have repented, god is going to use you today. God is going to use you as long as you allow his spirit to live within you and move within you. I implore you that you just say yes to him and allow him to work through you, because before he formed you in your mother's womb, he knew you. He appointed you for time as this he pointed you for.

Speaker 1:

Today there's chaos all over the world. Trust me, I see it. In fact, they're the. The crazy part is that, understanding that we don't live by an earthly economy, we don't live by an earthly government. Yes, we honor and we give honor where honor is due, but our law comes from God. Our economy is heavenly, and so where there seems to be no funds, god can open a fish's mouth. And there is a pearl. Where there seems to be lack, god can open a fish's mouth. And there is a pearl. Where there seems to be lack, god can send someone. Hey, listen, I felt on my heart to bless you with this and write you a check. Then.

Speaker 1:

And there, where there seems to be chaos and division, god says listen, I have sent this vessel that will be the next politician, the next council member, the next whatever is lacking politician, the next council member, the next whatever is lacking, and God will send somebody and chosen somebody before they were born, before they were formed in their mother's womb, to be the next president, to be the next congressman, to be whatever God has called them to be. Now we need people that are faith-based, spirit-led individuals, that are willing to say yes to the calling and what God had designed them for, that are willing to say yes to the calling and what God had designed them for, that are willing to say yes to whatever you have. God, let your will be done before mine. Lord, I don't want my desires, I want your desires. So give me the desires of my heart, because they're yours, in Jesus' name. Yeah, and just continue to pray on that, that God, that you would allow God to prune the things that don't need to be in you, the things that are dead, and that you would allow his spirit to live within you so you can be the suitable helper to whatever God is calling you to.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining this week's episode of Relentless Pursuit. I'm so thankful for you guys to continue to watch. I'm thankful for your faithfulness. I'm thankful, I trulyness, I'm thankful, I truly am. I know God is doing great things in Relentless Pursuit and I know he's not done. There are so many great things that we have in store and planned for the future of RP, and we're going to continue to keep moving, continue to keep moving, continue to push the boundaries of what man limits us in and continue to excel in what God has called us to, and so thank you for joining this week's episode. I'll see you guys next week.

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