Relentless Pursuit

Do it for God: The Christian Romo Story

Nathan Anaya/ Christian Romo Season 3 Episode 10

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When high school weights class piqued my interest, I never imagined it would guide me to a place where faith and fitness intertwine so gracefully. Christian Romo joins us, embodying this very fusion as he shares his transformative journey that has reshaped not just his body, but his spirit and mission in life. Christian's candid revelations about his path from early content creation struggles to becoming a beacon of positivity on social media illustrate how fitness can become a vessel for glorifying God. His tale is one of resilience, turning criticism into motivation, and steadfastly living by the philosophy that our daily actions—be it in the gym or beyond—should aim to make a godly impact that resonates with the teachings of 1 Corinthians 10:31.

The weave of gratitude through the fabric of one's life can often be attributed to a nurturing family and a foundation strong in faith—a truth Christian lives by. Our conversation unravels the beauty of a life untouched by significant struggles, pointing to generational blessings and the unwavering support of loved ones as its cornerstones. As we explore the rich parallelism between physical discipline and spiritual strength, we are reminded of the power of prayer and the ever-present guidance of the Holy Spirit within us. The episode culminates with insights into 'crazy faith' and the courage to pursue unconventional ministry, illustrating that when we live authentically in our faith, we pave the way for God to unlock doors to opportunities beyond our wildest dreams.
Speaker 1:

What's up, guys? Welcome to this week's episode of Relentless Pursuit. We're so excited for you to be joining us. This week we have a special guest, and a truly special guest, because he came from all the way, from down the street.

Speaker 2:

Praise the Lord, bro it took me like five minutes to get here.

Speaker 1:

We have Christian Romo. I'm so excited. What's up? Christian?

Speaker 2:

What's going on, bro? I'm really just grateful to be on this podcast, dude. I'm trying to be as most myself as possible. I'm not trying to be like another person or something like that, but I'm really grateful. Thank you God for this opportunity and anything to expand his kingdom, just like you said, man. Yeah, it's surely a pleasure, bro. It really is a pleasure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and for those who don't know Christian, pretty much his whole thing is that do it for God. Do it for God when he's working out, he sponsored, he has so many doors opening to him through this really realm of working out and just honestly, something that can seem so easy to somebody, you're expanding it and labeling it doing it for God. And so tell me about your story. How did you get to this point?

Speaker 2:

I think it all started when I was in high school, bro. I took weights class and that's actually where I met Josh, actually during weights and stuff like that in high school, and I never thought much of like lifting or something like that. I always thought more about oh, I'm a basketball guy, I'm gonna play basketball. So I did, bro, dude, I have no fundamentals, I'll tell you. No one, bro. I was no one to shoot.

Speaker 2:

And then I figured out my sophomore junior year that I was like okay, maybe lifting is my thing. And then, as soon as I started with it, I stayed consistent. And then boom, I became addicted. And then, ever since then, bro, I've just been grinding almost every single day. The last time I took three days rest was like when I was 16, like I've been at it every, even on vacation, bro, if I see a floor, I'm like all right, that works perfect, like I can do like a whole bunch of calisthenic stuff or whatever. It is wow. And it was during covid, when there's absolutely nothing to do. I was like you know what?

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna make.

Speaker 2:

I feel like making a video. What else am I gonna do? There's nothing to do. So I made a video. It did terrible, like I did. Absolutely nothing happened. But then that sparked my interest in creating content. Yeah, and then I just created more dumb videos. All my friends were like this is so dumb, why do you do this? Laughing like they either like it. They thought it was cringy, which it was. If I look back at those videos, bro, they're probably so cringy and over time I just started gaining a little and little followers, but not even the right reasons. Like my first video that kind of went viral. I was wearing a crop top and then I got roasted, bro.

Speaker 2:

I get there's thousands of comments of me like why are you doing that, why? And then some were like, do you, bro, like you? And I'm like, okay, publicity is publicity. So I just kept doing stuff and finally landed like some sponsorship deals, which at the time I was extremely blessed to have. Looking back now they were like smaller companies. Either way, it was still a blessing.

Speaker 2:

And then, just from that door being opened, I got more doors open, more opportunities, more blessings, thank to God. And it just led me where I am right now, dude, and I remember I didn't want to make my platform. Just what do I have to say? And then I don't really have nothing to say. But God has something to say and that's like.

Speaker 2:

All our mission here on earth is to just preach God's word and just expand his kingdom, get one more soul, make heaven crowded, and that's exactly what I want to do. So everything that I do, I make sure I do it for God, whether it's lifting, whether it's breathing, watching TV, talking to people, just loving others. And the main Bible verse that I relate my life to is 1 Corinthians 10, 31. And it's whether you eat or drink, whatever you do it all for the glory of God. I just resonate so hard with that. So anytime I catch myself like just slacking in any single way, I'm like no, like I got to do the Lord's work, like whether I'm in the toilet or whether I'm brushing my teeth.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't matter what I'm doing, or actually working in a job, I'm going to do it as if I'm working for the Lord, I'm serving the Lord and that's just been sticking with me, man. And any chance I get to talk about God, I want to. I feel like I'm not that knowledgeable in the Bible, dude. The Bible is huge. I'm pretty sure you know how big it is, so I know good amount and I also know absolutely zero at all. But what I do know is I love God and I'm just on fire for Jesus. I just want to spread his word to any single person that I can, even if it's like a regular conversation. Okay, hey, god bless you, brother, have a great day, stay blessed.

Speaker 2:

Try to make it as nonchalant as you can, because I feel like now people are always like oh God, we can't really talk about religion, we can't do about this, about religion, we can't do about this. But I feel like in our like realm of friends, we can right. Yeah, so, even as keeping it like hey, bro, stay blessed, have a blessed day like I, I hope I pray that they're like yo, something's different with this guy, what's up with this dude like he, that's cool. And I feel like god spoke to me through other people and they told me that they like when I say it. They're like, oh, I had that's cool. I'm gonna start using that. I like how I say it. They're like oh, that's cool, I'm going to start using that. I like how it's just so simple.

Speaker 1:

Hey, have a blessed day.

Speaker 2:

And ever since then I just feel like I need to do it more and I feel like I'm never doing enough, and I feel like we will never do it enough because we always fall short. But we can glorify God every single day for the rest of our lives no-transcript what?

Speaker 1:

let me explain this. Um, you are so consistent to share love to people that you've opened doors into giving them access to things that you would have normally shut down on, like, in the sense of you allowed them into your garage, you allowed them around your personal space, you around, you allowed them around, uh, uh, you know really, access to the behind the scenes? Yeah, because you are you, no matter where you are, right, absolutely, and so you allow people to see who you truly are behind the camera. Yeah, and so how do you explain that, or how do you tell people or how do you convey that, yeah, I'm consistent to working out. Yeah, I'm consistent to doing my content, but I'm also consistently loving. I'm also consistently open to sharing with you about God. How do you explain people that you are willing to do that?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so, as easy as I'm going to make it seem, I feel like it's just the way that I was brought up by my parents, dude. I don't know how God blessed me with this life, bro, but I promise you I've had zero struggles in my life and I wish that I could have some so I can relate to others, and I don't want to put myself better because I, bro, I'm no one dude. So I don't know why god blessed me with this life in particular, bro, I think about it all the time. Could it be a generational blessing? I'm not entirely sure, but I feel like the fact that I was always loved, I was always grew up in a nice household, they put me up, they, they raised me.

Speaker 2:

Well, I, I became Christian when I was like 12, 13. I lived my life regular and then more towards loving God and just serving his word and doing everything for his glory. And I think it's just so easy for me to express that consistency because of my parents, dude. So, like they, even they hype me up like bro to their friends oh yeah, look, mico. Oh yeah, look, mijo, hace agarra puras a's. He gets straight A's. And then, bro, for some reason that puts me in a position like if they say, I got to get A's, I'm going to have to get A's Not because they expect that of me, but because they tell that of me, and now I need a reputation to uphold or something like that, yeah, yeah, and I don't know, dude, just for the fact that I could, if I have an opportunity to be better, I would love to always choose the opportunity to be better.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And whether it's loving people, whether it's going to the gym, whether it's like just talking to anybody in the regular life. I just think that I don't know. It's so easy to love, it's actually, I feel like it's harder to hate.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm sure it is. Yeah, dude, and there's not one person that I dislike. Let's say I have this person that, like, I would rather not hang out with. That's when she should pray for them the most. You don't know what they're going through. You don't know what the struggles they've been through, especially me. I have no idea and I don't know. I feel like maybe God placed me in this life to just keep spreading that love to others, like the golden rule to do to others what you want them to do to you. I just feel like it's, I don't know, as dumb as it sounds. It's easy for me to display my love and it's weird for me. I don't think I can be fake. Maybe I have in the past.

Speaker 2:

but don't get me wrong, I've been fake in the past, but it's so easy to stay true, bro, because that's who you are like. How are you going to stray away from who you are? Yeah, and god made me like this for a reason, so I just got to be consistent in all I do and, as not as bad as it sounds like, I am growing in my faith, but I do feel like the more hours I put into the gym, um over do the amount of hours I put into worship, or I put into just like spiritual, like time. It's god and it's the same, though. You want to be consistent. If you want to get bigger, you got to be consistent. You got to grow. You got to grow. You got to work your muscles. Same thing with your spiritual growth. If you want to grow, you got to spend time in the Word. You got to pray throughout the day. You got to engage in the church. You know what they say this is wife right.

Speaker 1:

God's wife or Jesus' wife. They're the same person, brother. They're both my dogs, bro. They're both my dogs. Yeah, dude.

Speaker 2:

So now I've been super involved in my local church, bro, and it feels good. It finally feels good because I finally caught moments where I've been poured onto and I have the blessing to pour onto others at the same time. I remember one time, literally just yesterday, bro, I was talking to some kids and I just felt myself pouring onto them, but that knowledge or that wisdom that I got was from other people who were followers of Christ. So, bro, I remember that I was like whoa, I was like dude, this is happening, bro. I'm like this is God's work going through me. And same thing.

Speaker 2:

So now I'm still I'm nowhere near like perfect or getting my spiritual growth like super high, but I want to strive for it. So anytime I catch myself in any bad thought or any, or alone time, whatever it is, I make sure to get in the word, I make sure to just pray and just spend time with God. I acknowledge that he's our heavenly father, but at the same time, he's also our friend. So I don't want to be like, oh, like the King James Version, the Heavenly Father, Thank you unto the most high. I'm like hey, God, what's good, it's me, bro. I just want to let you know exactly what I'm going through.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's my friend, bro.

Speaker 2:

He's my father and my friend at the same time. So it's just as easy. As, like, I feel like people underestimate the power of prayer, bro. If they say if you have enough as a mustard seed of faith to make a mountain grow, I believe that with all my heart, bro, even if people think it's like a metaphor or like a parable of whatever it could be dude, I think we have that power because the Holy Spirit dwells inside us, but because the limitations of earth, we don't think so. Like you're telling me I can't jump on the roof, bro, you're telling me God can't jump on the roof. Like God can do anything he wants to, but we're like, no, because humanly possible. Like humanly, that's impossible, we can't do that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I hate the fact that I put myself on those limitations of the humanness of this earth because we can yeah and I wish I had the faith to do, and I don't know how I can do it, because I feel like our minds aren't open enough, like God's mind.

Speaker 1:

And so, with that, the impossible, tell me about some of the areas in your life that you've seen God work the impossible on. You just got. I don't know if you just, but you're signed or sponsored by yeah.

Speaker 2:

Damanhur Tanaka. Shout out Damanhur Tanaka.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, these companies that are like massive You'll see them in the gym that are they're just people buying these brands, Let alone you're being flown out to different areas, to. I can't even, I can't even battle the fact that this even happened yeah, that's insane to me, and it's just you are are not only having these doors open to you, but also you're having this label of do it for god. So explain the this area of impossibility that god's doing in your literally my entire social media is impossible, bro.

Speaker 2:

Like, I don't know how I got to the point where I was. I don't think that I have something special in me than other other people do, but just the fact that I have God with me. Bro, there's this. I forgot what it was. There's a certain Bible verse that I just read. It says if God is with me, what can mere mortals do to me, bro? I, what can mere mortals do to me, bro? I thought I was like, bro, that's sick. I was like, yeah, and then that hypes me up, bro. What can they do to me? And I do. I'm no one special, bro. I don't think I've done anything.

Speaker 2:

I don't think none of my videos are even worthy enough to be as viral as they should be, but just the fact that I think that I glorify god through it all and he wants the best for me, and he sees that I find pleasure in this. Like he wants us to be happy. He desires for us what did I just hear? He desires for us to hear him more than we desire to hear him. And I just think I don't know, bro, I don't. So, like, I have a good amount of followers. I don't have insane. I'm not a huge. I feel like I'm not. I don't I hate the word influencer, I'm not. I'm just. I just have a little bit of social following and that's it, and I feel like God gave me exactly what I needed.

Speaker 2:

So, like I want millions of followers, I want to be that guy god uses that's god's vessel right there, that's the dude that did this because the holy spirit dwells in him like I want to be famous for god. Weirdly, I don't know, I get that, but then there's still some selfish intent in that, because I'm still going to be known in a way so I struggle with that every single day.

Speaker 2:

But I don't know how I got with diamantize. I don't know how I got with anaka. Like, I'm not that huge to be with them, but that's just god's blessing in itself, dude. Yeah, and I can't. I don't know, dude, I don't know why I'm here, and but I know, I do know. No, I don't know why I'm here, but I do know why I'm here and that's because of god. I shouldn't be placed here and who knows, bro, I feel like. So, like, the more I've been growing into my faith, the more my content has been changing towards more. Bro, I want all my posts to be about god now. Yeah, all of them. But then the culture doesn't want that. Yeah, no, so it's hard. So I don't know, bro, shout out to the companies that I am with, because I feel if I continue this path and I stay along like super God content, I feel like they wouldn't like me as much.

Speaker 1:

And that sucks dude.

Speaker 2:

But if that's God's will for me to no longer be in this space, then let God's will be done, regardless if I like it or not.

Speaker 1:

And so what do you think your outcome is? What do you think the end goal is for you? Do you want to start your own brand? What is the end goal for you think?

Speaker 2:

the end goal is for you. Do you want to start your own brand? Do you do? What is the end goal for here? The end goal that I always started sounds like 16 years old. It's probably open on my own gym. Anyone can open up their own clothing brand people, all my friends. I've tried and it's hard, don't get me wrong. Like you can do it, but it's extremely hard to just knock into that space. I've thought about branding, but I don't know, bro, like I feel like. What do I have to offer, bro? Anything I have to offer is just me saying god's word. I feel like me myself. I don't know what to say. I have nothing to say except spreading god's word, you know, and that's my mission. So, if anything, I'm, that's exactly what I should say a gym, bro.

Speaker 2:

A gym, yeah, it's to be called romo's rig dude oh, there you go.

Speaker 1:

And that was, uh, the good garage name, wasn't it? Yeah, that was the garage name.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's mark one right there. There we go. We're gonna keep going there we go, that's the ultimate goal. So if god blesses me with whatever he wants to bless me with, bro, I'm gonna. I want to do that and then just tie it in, bro. Tie it in with god, and if they don't like it, bro, tough luck bro, I don't know what to tell you that there's eos down the street there's Eos down the street, bro. God bless you bro.

Speaker 1:

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. I get it, but yeah, in that, what would you say to the people that want to expand this creative mindset into ministries that aren't really portrayed in churches, For example? I think what you're doing the content creation, working out it's a ministry and, whether you've seen it as that or not, I believe that's a ministry. That's a form of spreading God's word. That's a form of evangelizing. That's a ministry. Now, what would you say to those people that want to start something crazy, that's something out of there that churches don't even like. Are you serious? That's not even a church thing. What would you say to those kids or those people that are trying?

Speaker 2:

I feel like if they say, if your dream doesn't scare you, then it's not like a good dream. You know, I'm saying so honestly, bro. I never thought of tying like god with the gym and it just happened to work out that way. God's will made it that way. I feel like we're all given different gifts, spiritual gifts, and then things that we're good at, things that we excel at, and that's the point that we should target into and, for the most part, like whoever has dreams of achieving certain things, it has to do with their gifts, or else they wouldn't do what they're good at. So I think you just got to keep pushing on, dude, like, be as creative as you. Possibly. The more crazier, probably the better. Yeah, as weird as it sounds, and if because I yeah, because I did I a few years ago.

Speaker 2:

You wouldn't be able to walk into church without with a hat or with shorts.

Speaker 2:

Like, and now bro, I'd be pulling up in basketball shorts, bro, dude, my student pastor rocks a hat all day long. Oh, the fact that they are doing that, I think, welcomes more people. Literally is god wants you as you are, bro, yeah, and he doesn't care that you cuss, doesn't care that you dream, doesn't care that you do all this stuff. He just wants you, he wants your heart, and it's not until later that you're gonna make the decision yourself that you should change because you want to abide by god's law, you want to do god's word, and it's god just moving in you, bro, so it will come, bro, you as long as you get to. I totally shifted to it what the question was, bro, as long as you work hard, bro, but no. So, to answer your question, be as creative as you can and literally jump into that space, because if you think it's weird, a lot of people aren't doing it you could be the first one to crack into that space.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the crazy part of that. You said it God's love will accept you as you are.

Speaker 1:

so come as you are, but god's love won't leave you where you were exactly, and god's love will always mature, you always goosebumps bro, yeah, I agree with you what you're saying, because here's the thing is that there has been this such a and and this is go off, but there's been this such a standard that's been enforced by man and what people's uh, mindset on people's conviction that women have to wear dresses, men have to be suited and booted like they're ready to go, and there's been this such a push that now, with this counterculture of what it is, now we're getting into the place of where everything's accepted and it's almost to a fault and and we have to find that balance, that middle I've heard it this way where it's a street and off this side is a ditch, off this side of the street it's another ditch, and so you just got to stay on the street and you're good, just don't go on each side of the ditch.

Speaker 1:

So over here we have religion, over here we have greasy grace is what we call it, and that's where everything goes, everything's permitted, and you just have to be in line with what God wants you to do. And I personally think I've just seen from an outside perspective obviously, yeah, we've known each other and know each other, but from an outside perspective I couldn't see the change that God is doing in your life which is really cool and it's really cool to see, because I knew you in high school. Didn't really know you, know you, but like I knew of you, I should say and then, as me and Josh were obviously best friends from, and so as you got closer to Josh and would come around more, I would get to know you a little bit more. A little bit more of where you are right now. Definitely isn't who you were back then, even a year ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know for real and that's what I'm saying. That's why I even wanted you to come on, because one I truly glorify God and what he's doing in your life right now when it comes to the Do it For God and your platform. But even in that, it's just so awesome to see that you're doing it in an unconventional way and I love that. I love that. I love the crazy faith, the crazy dreams. I love that faith, the crazy dreams. I love that because that's where God works the most is when we give him our faith. He gives us what impossibilities. He opens these doors that should have been open to us. He makes ways where there should be no ways, and I think that's so awesome, dude, and I truly I'm supporting what you're doing right now because I know that when you five, 10, 15 years down the future, when God fully or I don't want to say fully, because he's never done with us, but when he's more, when you're more matured in him, that you're going to be looking back at the people that you used to know, like me and Josh, and you'll be like, ah, what's up, guys? You're going to be like, just, it's going to be something very humbling because where you are right now, this is the smallest you're ever going to be and because God is going to elevate you.

Speaker 1:

And I truly believe that. And I don't want to like puff you up or anything, because I know we all struggle with that with the bride. For real, we all struggle with that, like we all want to be known. Yeah, absolutely, but at the end of the day, it's not for us to be known, it's for him to be known. And yeah, man, keep it going, keep pushing. Do you have any last words that you want to say? I?

Speaker 2:

don't know, bro, just be crazy about your faith, bro. Yeah, I feel like and that's another hard thing too, because, like, in order for you to be like first, you must also be last, you must be the servant to all. Yeah, so like, just keep loving bro, keep loving God, and whether you eat or drink or whatever, you do it all for the glory of God. Amen. Yeah, dude.

Speaker 1:

Amen, all right guys. Thank you so much for joining this week's episode of Relentless Pursuit. We can't wait for you guys to hear this episode, and don't forget to follow, share and subscribe to all our social media platforms. And give Christian a shout out too, because Code Romo.

Speaker 2:

Code Romo. Code Romo.

Speaker 1:

On Anaca, on anaka, diamantize. That's what. There we go, there we go. But yeah, support, support our feather fellow brother in christ. Yeah, he's gonna do great things for god and I know that this is just the beginning for him. And yeah, see you guys soon, see you guys next week. Thank you guys for watching. Let's go.

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