Relentless Pursuit

Sanctified Walk

Nathan Anaya Season 4 Episode 1

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Welcome back to Season 4 of Relentless Pursuit! In this episode, we delve into the profound biblical concepts of cleanliness and holiness. Discover why the high priest had to wash before entering the Holy of Holies, and how Jesus' sacrifice allows us to come into God's presence. We also explore the symbolism of feet in the Bible, illustrating how believers are called to spread the gospel, even in challenging circumstances. Join us as we unpack how to walk in purity, sanctification, and the peace of God's presence. Don't forget to share and spread the message!

00:00 Introduction and Welcome

00:22 The Concept of Cleanliness in the Bible

03:11 The Significance of Feet in Christianity

05:23 Walking in Faith and Obedience

10:17 David's Dance and Repentance

13:57 Reflecting on Personal Walk with God

16:58 Generational Curses and Personal Responsibility

welcome back to season four for Lentless Pursuit. We're so excited for you to be joining us this week and be quick to share this episode. We want to reach more and more people. We know that God has a word for everyone today. And so we are coming in agreement with the promises of what God has called us to. Thank you for joining. I want to talk about this. I'm going to get a little different today. Because I want to talk about this subject of clean. meaning, The Bible talks about the high priest and the high priest in the Bible and him going into the Holy of Holies, but him having to be clean so that he must wash himself in order for him to be in the presence of God, right? And because if he hasn't washed himself, then he will suffer the death that is warranted. Because what is impure Can't come into a pure place. when uncleanliness is met by cleanliness, uncleanliness has no other option but to die. When the light has been met with darkness, the darkness must, The light illuminates the darkness. And so if a priest is not clean or cleansed when he enters in the holy of holies, he would die. In fact, they would tie a rope around him and put bells on him so that if he fell and died in, the holy of holies, that there would be people pulling him out cause they would hear the, the bells that fell. In order to enter into the presence of God, we would need to be clean in order to see him. He had to almost like shield you. there's a story in the Bible where it talks about Moses going up to the Mount, Mount Sinai and talking to God and he was like, God, let me see your face. And God was like, you cannot see my face or you'll die. And he was like, but I'll let you see my back. And so, Moses had to be shielded. And even after that encounter with God, the, when he came down the mountain, he had to cover his face because his, there were the glory of the Lord was shining on him and the people was, was almost like afraid of what God was doing and what God, the significant, the, the, the glory was so powerful. and so God told Moses, he couldn't see his face. Because he would surely die. And that the significance of this is how now he was washed clean and we were washed clean by God, sending his son as a sacrifice and atonement for our sins. which means now you can enter into the presence of God without the fear of your life. In the Bible, it talks about a man getting baptized and Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and Peter is so passionate about Jesus. He was like, Oh, well, if you're going to wash me, wash everything, wash my head to my feet, you know, wash me all. Cause I need it. Praise God. Sometimes I feel the same way. Amen. but Jesus was like, you're already clean. I just need to wash your feet. we are meant as Christians to go into the rough places. we are to go to the deep side of things because God has called us to bring the people from the deep. of sin, the addictions of sin, the depressions of sin, the anxieties of sin, and call them into the light. So we are to be the ones that spread testimony. And with that being said, we need to go into these places that will cling onto us filth. And so we look at Romans 10, Romans 10, 15, it says, and how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the scriptures say, how beautiful are the feet of the messengers who bring the good news. And so we have to see this is because God or Jesus was washing the feet of his disciples. He washes the feet of his children, of his disciples who go out and are being sent by God to speak the gospel, to preach his word. And so because the disciples were ministering and doing the things that God has called them to do, their feet were dirty. So he had to wash his feet. And now that Jesus died on the cross and he washed us completely, we have a beauty in our feet. Meaning is that even when we go into the rough places, even when we go into the places that have a brokenness around us, even places that have darkness all around us, we have beauty on our feet because we go in the perfect piece of God. The Bible also talks about the shoes of peace, which are part of the armor of God. Our peace comes from his presence. Now, when we dwell in his presence, we are, almost not just made clean, but sanctified. And so our feet, which represent the dirtiest part of us, or even humility are our feet, which carry the gunk of yesterday, the dirt of yesterday. We are purified in his presence. And so in order to go out and fulfill the great commission of baptizing people in the name of Jesus and going into the world and preaching the gospel, making disciples of all nations, we must walk in the purity and sanctification that is God's presence. And in order to walk through the temptations of the world, because we are fortified in our faith, because peace is what he provides meaning. There is chaos out there and Sometimes peace is being robbed by video games. Sometimes peace is being robbed by the smallest things. Food could rob your peace. The smallest thing, your phone could rob your peace. It doesn't even have to be as crazy as drugs and alcohol. It could just be the something that's right in front of you that you see on a day to day basis. Laziness can rob your peace. Because in his presence is perfect peace. And so the things that hinder or block his presence rob you of your peace, rob you of the beauty of his presence. We have been made clean by the blood of the Lamb, which has, taken away The multitude of sins to allow us to bear the responsibility of being in his presence. We are responsible for his presence Meaning we have an opportunity and even an obligation to dwell with god To dwell in his presence The reason why your feet has so much emphasis in the bible is because your feet tell you where you've been When Moses went into the, to the burning bush, God told him to take off your shoes because this is holy ground. Because Jesus wasn't here yet. Jesus didn't sanctify yet. But Because holiness is here. you can't meet holiness with uncleanliness because the light has to consume darkness. When you turn on a light switch in a dark room, what happens? Darkness leaves. And so darkness had to go because he was carrying the mess of yesterday and he had to walk in the holiness of today. We have been made clean. By Jesus, the reason why, or it's been in the, if you've been in the presence of God, beautiful are your feet. If you've been speaking God's word, beautiful are your feet. But if you've been in the place of clay, the place of filth, the place of sin, the stench of where you come from has leached onto your feet. The Bible says Jesus, Washed their feet because he said the rest of you is clean. But now you have to walk in purity. Now you have to remove the entanglements of yesterday, the snares and the tramps. When a bear is walking, in a forest and there's a trap, what gets caught his feet? And so the feet are directed by your mind, by your brain, by your will, your desires, your feet don't go where your mind or your head doesn't tell it to go. And so the Bible says, Jesus, his, his feet are bronze. And so it got me thinking, it got me down a rabbit trail because I mean, I'm on this thing of feet. So, so his feet are bronze. Well, we look at what the Bible has, has Signified bronze to be in and we look at the culture of of what was around during that time and they would use bronze pure bronze to to be mirrored so that they could see the reflection and so When Jesus it says his feet were bronze bronze Well, it's showing a reflection, it's showing what, what, one's self, it's the signifying of where we should walk. Because his feet are bronze, so we have to mirror where he's walking, where he's going. And Jesus is saying, mirror where I'm going. To be the reflection of my walk, dwell in my presence, dwell in God's presence. The Bible says the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord because we are mirroring where he's going. We are walking his footsteps. He, we are following God as he is leading us into places where we cannot even expect. Where you step matters. Your posture matters. Your placement matters. Your position matters. And that's why there is so much emphasis on your feet because your position is first established by your feet. Your, posture is first established by your feet. Everything is first, established by your feet, David, when he disobeyed God and put the arc of the covenant on the new arc. our new cart, the shoulders of man, and not the shoulders of man, he was afraid. And so what happened, David would do the, the, actually let's go into the story. So he put the Ark of the Covenant on a new cart instead of the shoulders of man, it ended up tipping over. And so one man tried to reach it and save it. He died. Because he's not, he's, he, uncleanliness meant cleanliness, meant holiness, and so he died, boom, and David was afraid, so he put the Ark of the Covenant in Obed Edom's house. Obed Edom began to get blessed, and richly blessed, and Jerusalem was, was not having that same provision as it was when the Ark of the Covenant was there in the temple. So let's go. And so David, he's like, all right, let's go. We got to get this arc of the covenant back into the city of David, into Jerusalem. And he went and he picked up, put on the shoulders of men and every six steps was He would dance in repentance. He would. He said one, two, three, four, five, six and dance. Dance like David dance. David would dance every six steps. Lord, I'm sorry, God, I repent. What? OK, we're going down some rabbit trails today. So six is the symbol or the number of man. We'll And so we would understand as six being man's fall, six being man's sin, six being man's shortcomings. David was like, okay, because I sinned, my feet will dance on the sixth step. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Dance. Six is the number of men and, it's our feet that have to bear that responsibility of repenting because of our position being off or repenting because my placements off but I know that my feet will go now in the presence and walk in the, Obedience of God. My feet will walk in alignment to God's will. in Luke 10, 10, it says, but whatever city you enter and they do not welcome you, go out into the streets and say, even the dust of your city, which clings to your feet, we will wipe off in, protest against you breaking all ties. Yet understand this, the kingdom of God has come near and you rejected it. Our feet are what tie us to either yesterday or our future. There's a reason why our testimony first has to start of where we're coming from. And it has to declare where we're going to. Because where we're walking to has to be under the covering of God's presence now the Jesus and Psalms 23 it says you either walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I shall fear no evil Why do we not why are we not afraid? Because we are mirroring the steps of God because he's going before us and Scattering our enemies. And so when we walk in the mirror or the shadow of God You Provision is there. Peace is there. Understanding is there. Empowerment is there. And we will be no longer identified as what was, but we will enter into what's new and what's in Him. And so that's our God. That's our God. Our God has made a way when there was no way. Our God, in fact, So, There's a time when Jesus was walking on water and it's a very well known story. Jesus was walking on water. He was walking on a miracle and then calls Peter to come out. He just said, come out. And Peter was the one that took the initiative and went out of the boat. And the Bible says he first stepped out of the boat. It's almost stepping out of uncertainty and you're utilizing the feet of where you, you have one, In, in place of a strong foundation and one on the unknown. You have, and that's how a lot of Christians live today is that we have one foot on what we know is comfortable. What we know is familiar. And then one foot on the miracle. And we like to say, God, why aren't you giving me my miracle? Well, you haven't fully given me your walk. You haven't fully stepped out. In faith, we walk by faith not by sight. We step into what God has for us and not yesterday. We step into what God's presence is and not into our. Thoughts or desires, we have to walk in the obedience of what God has called us to. That's the crazy part is that God has called us to go. God has called us to walk. God has taught called us and the funny thing is it like in Abraham He doesn't always tell us the end goal. He just says go Go and I'll tell you where you're going on your way on your route Go, go, go take that first initial step and buying that car. Go take that first initial step and looking at a house. I'm on Zillow and, and MLS. And for you that don't know, realtor uses MLS to look up houses that are available every single day. I'm on both MLS and Zillow looking for a house for me and my family for like a future home. forever home. And that's my first step. Saying, God, I believe that you can turn my finances around. God, I believe that you can open the door and provide an opportunity that I can't see right now. And so I'm gonna take that step. Washing my feet. of doubt, washing my feet of uncertainty and believing and walking by faith in that operating in the holiness and righteousness that you've declared over my life that I can be a new creation and be powerful because of who you've called me to be. I'm not operating in my own strength. The only reason I'm able to walk in God is because he first died on a cross and set me free from bondages of yesterday. I washed my feet and I have to wash my feet every day because Lord, I know I fall short time and time again. But God, your provision, your presence, your, your peace is here. And so I rely on you and not my own strength. Amen. I encourage you guys, if you are listening to this today, reflect on your life where you have tracked in the things of yesterday, where you have brought in the things of yesterday, the generational curses, the sins that you used to do, you're now flirting with again. It's not that you're partaking in them, but you're flirting. It's because you still have things on your feet that you have to be cleansed from. Sometimes, There was a person that was, I was hearing a story from, and he was saying that, I never had to struggle with drinking, but I realized that drinking was a family curse. And he was saying now, I had the desire to try it, to see if I even liked it. And that's where we start flirting with the things of yesterday and tracking into the sin of yesterday, the tanglements of yesterday. And we have to walk in the purity of today because God is too good for us to go back and look at what was, and sometimes it's not even what is in our life. Why did Solomon fall into his sin of having 700 women? That's crazy, because David had a generational curse that he allowed to take root in his life and never separated himself from it. And although Solomon never had that direct sin, he had to wash himself of what it was. And what happened is he tracked. Cause he did build the temple. He did do things for God. He did operate by the spirit. He did do these things, but still tracked in what was because he never fully washed his feet. Y'all go in the shower, just clean where your knees are. Y'all get that full range of motion. Anyways, wash your feet, praise God.

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