Relentless Pursuit

Building Godly Disciplines

Nathan Anaya Season 4 Episode 2

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In this episode of Relentless Pursuit, We welcome my wife and first guest of the new season, Medya Anaya. They discuss the importance of discipline in one's faith journey, sharing personal stories and experiences about how discipline has strengthened their relationship with God. Medya recounts her seven-year gap living by worldly standards and the transformative moment when she rededicated her life to Christ, emphasizing the sacrifices she made and the peace she gained. The couple explores practical steps for building spiritual discipline, such as prayer, fasting, and community involvement, and contrasts them with legalism. They conclude by highlighting the importance of a genuine, daily relationship with Jesus.
 In this episode, we dive deep into the principles of discipline in one's faith journey. We discusses the importance of incorporating discipline to strengthen one's relationship with God. They share personal experiences about transitioning from worldly living to a godly life, and the necessity of prayer, fasting, Bible study, and self-control. Join us as we explore how discipline helps us walk with God more closely and live a life filled with His presence.

00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:30 Guest Introduction: Midea Anaya
01:28 Discussing Discipline in Faith
01:54 Personal Faith Journey
05:09 Implementing Godly Discipline
08:22 Building Spiritual Walls
09:35 Practical Steps for a Godly Life
14:16 The Importance of Daily Relationship with God
23:02 Overcoming Anxiety Through Faith
29:41 Legalism vs. Discipline
34:44 Conclusion and Farewell

Welcome to this week's episode of relentless pursuit. I'm so excited to be here again. We just started a new season and like I said, last season or last episode, Rather, we have so much more we want to do and obviously I have to, or I want to, I get to have my wife on every season of Relentless Pursuit. And so she is obviously my first guest of this new season. Welcome, Midea Anaya to the podcast. How you doing? I'm doing well. I always forget that this is season four and not season three, so I'm super happy to be back on Relentless season four as your wife. Let's go. And now you are my husband and I am blessed to deal with you every single day for the rest of my life. Wait, were you not on the last season? Season three? Yeah, I was. Oh yeah. We record it right before we got married. Oh, we did. Yeah, we haven't recorded since being. Oh, I know It was no we did that one Yeah, so i'm Smart sometimes I remember things Okay Because now I can't even remember but it is what it is. It is what it is. Anyways, Thank you for being on, even though you really had no choice because you live with me now. And so I would have dragged you to the podcast. No, I'm just kidding. Never that. So this podcast, we're going to get into more so of the principles of discipline discipline in your walk with God, discipline in your faith. And what's the importance of having the discipline implemented in your day to day life where you can continue to strengthen your walk with God. And in the first steps, tell us about your discipline. Where in your faith journey has discipline been implemented in your personal life? Yeah starting my faith journey and really my dedication to my walk with God because I grew up in church, I've known Of God, I've known of Jesus. I've been in his presence. I've felt his anointing. I've gone through the motions of it all. I've had my encounters with Jesus growing up from a young age, all the way into my teenage years that I decided to give my life to Jesus when I was 15. And world is loud. The flesh is weak and society tells you how to live and who to be and unfortunately, I had about a seven year gap where I was just living by the standards of the world and my focus was Going to school getting a degree having a good career and making a good life for myself And I thought that was all that there was to this life Until I find found myself like deep in sin deep in the world full of emptiness full of anxiety and worry and fear that I had no choice but to Like literally fall on my knees and just cry out to god to change something Yeah Sorry He always distracts me. I'm, sorry. You're beautiful. It is what it is To change something in my life. Yeah, and it was in You That moment where I was crying out to God like I need something to break in my life I need something to change my life God like whatever it takes. I will do what you tell me. He told me in that moment to Stop living the way that I was living to give it all up to turn away from my sin and to live for him Yeah, and In that moment I decided i'm giving everything All of it up. Every single piece of this world, every single piece of what I thought I could find fulfillment in, whether it was materialistic things, possessions, people substances, whatever it was, I was giving it all up for Jesus. And I literally just Jewelry, everything, I threw it away. Which I, if I was in the picture when you threw everything away, it would have been a different story. Like we should have sold some of the things, but whatever. But real quick, before you continue, I wanted to take that little piece where you said you gave it all up. Your life and a lot of times Christianity or Christians we like to say when we're living in the world or sin is more of the dramatic things we're drinking or we're addicted or various different things. But sometimes just living a good life is sin. Yeah. At the end of the day, what is hell? Hell is the absence of God. And that's what it was made for the reason hell was made was because there was an absence of god It was the complete opposite of god and that was the reason hell existing was created now in our life We could be living a version of hell Not saying that it's a bad life But it's without God and so You're going from a good life now to a godly life What are the disciplines that had to be implemented in those in that change or in that change of direction? Yeah, so of course with giving up Everything of this world going out hanging out with friends that weren't great influences. I needed to Replace that with something else the time that I would give to that I now needed to replace with things of god with godly things and at that time I wasn't surrounded by young adults on fire for jesus. I wasn't really surrounded by anyone my age living a disciplined godly life and All I knew to do was like Go on walks and listen to podcasts and like whatever resources I could find whatever preachings I could find Anything that would draw me close to god. I spent all my time doing I dedicated all my time to that So one of the big first steps that really helped me was working out going to the gym And doing that after work, having that schedule, like I said, going on walks, reading books just filling my life with godly things and continuing to seek God in his face for what more he wanted me to do, what more he wanted me to give up. And as I was being purified, then I found myself With doors being open for me to serve in my church with doors being open for me to pour into other young people that were seeing the way that my life was transforming, that I was no longer living a mediocre Christian lukewarm life, but that I was like fully diving deep into it. And the fruits of it were apparent very quickly that my life had changed and my desires had changed. And one of the big. Things is self control, right? That's a fruit of the spirit. That's something that For us to look like a reflection of christ for us to be like christ We have to have self control and with discipline comes self control. Are there temptations? Yes, absolutely but none of those temptations were worth having jesus and having the peace of jesus and having the absence of Anxiety and fear and worry and emptiness and feeling so alone and having jesus fill all of those voids There was nothing comparable to it. So yes, it takes discipline. Yes, our Christian walk takes discipline, but it's so well worth it. Our sacrifices are so well worth it. But the reward of Jesus and his presence is way greater than anything we could ever give up. Yeah, and a little bit more off of that. I look at the chaos that life could bring. And it's almost you get hit from different angles without a response. You, it's like being asked a question that you don't know the answer to. And sometimes in life, even if we're not like in the world, in the same, in the sense of we're going to clubs every weekend we're getting. Poop faced and or even the sense of where we're being disloyal or whatever the case may be, maybe we are. Living a quote unquote good life, and we have good identity, or integrity, or we have good characteristics, we have quality but we don't have the depth of God that he promises, and so there is, in that way, we're living in chaos. Yeah. Even if we have a good life, we have good morals, we have good characteristics. We're still living in chaos. Why? Because the only thing that can bring life is Jesus. And with that being said I'm reminded of a story in the Bible, Nehemiah. When the children of Israel were scattered all over and God was saying like, I need to bring my people back. And he gave this word to Nehemiah and planted it in his heart. And he said, you need to rebuild my walls. And Nehemiah was rebuilding the walls to set a parameter building up these borders for the Israelites so they didn't cross or the enemy didn't cross in. Now, that's a form or type and shadow of us being disciplined. Us building a routine where we Wake up in the morning. We start our day by first praying we start our day by first reading the word or we go You know building that the disciplines of going to the gym building up our physical body Then going and building our spiritual body throughout the day It's these disciplines that are being built up like the wall that was being built up with Nehemiah That really protects us from the temptation that comes from the world. When you go from chaos and into order, we need to build up parameters. Borders so we don't cross back into chaos and I think that's the big thing. And so what are some practical ways or practical things that you do specifically that you are building up these walls so you don't cross from peace into chaos from this ease of God's presence into the craziness of the world. Yeah, so like how you were mentioning building up walls in Proverbs 25, 28, it says a man without self control is like a city broken into and left without walls. Oh, ra ba shundi. Without that self control, without the discipline that God calls us to have, we are like a broken city, a city without walls. And anything can enter in, anything can tempt us. We are like Thrown to and fro with the world with the wind with the things of this life can easily Get us off kilter and get us off of our walk with god So that's why so I mean I went from one extreme to the other and maybe not in man's eyes I didn't because I was living A quote unquote good life as you would say I had a degree. I had a very successful career. I was Had all my responsibilities taken care of that man calls us to have, but inside in my spirit, I was a city with no walls that anything can enter into. And so one of the big things to help me increase my discipline and I believe God as we mature with our walk with Christ, he is always increasing our discipline, always increasing our strength in him and never stops. Even after I was able to give up drinking, able to give up going out, listening to secular music, all of those things. Now, God wants to go deeper and cleanse deeper things in me. So I need more discipline. And as my disciplines began to increase, God was calling me to fast a lot of fasting, a lot of prayer, a lot of fasting, and not just Fasting from social media, not just fasting from chicken, biblical fast, literally just living off of the living word, just living off of his presence and drinking water. Of course, it wouldn't, God would push me more and more. I'd hear the voice of God, go on a one day water fast or 24 hours. Our water fast two day water fast three day water fast and it just kept increasing in my life and you know that too because we began to fast together a lot and Through that god was really able to build up our walls. He was able to fortify us. He was able to protect us He was able to cleanse things that were deeply rooted inside of both you and I so that we could become one I know this is not a relationship podcast But or this episode. No, it's always a relationship with you, baby girl. Yeah. Stop. People are getting second hand embarrassment right now. Oh, baby, I get second hand embarrassment every time I say something, so it's okay. I think that's first hand coming from you. No, it's from you. It's from you, love. Okay. Because you judge me. I don't judge you. I love you. Unconditionally. Oh, I might have to have a kiss in the middle of the podcast. Anyways, what you're saying. My disciplines in my life, God did reward them physically on this earth, but also there were great rewards spiritually too. And It was like a wildfire that was taking place because as God was cleansing me, purifying me, giving me just ones and self control, everyone attached to my life began to catch that fire. And everyone's conviction was growing. All of our convictions began to lift each other up. It became okay, I'm not drinking at all. Like not just one drink of glass of wine at dinner or for our special occasions. It was no, none at all. Like I'm not, Compromising none of that. I'm not having sex until I get married and So the people I was around at that time was like that is insane. Like how are you live with no alcohol? How are you gonna wait that long to not have sex like not just a little bit or every? Bit is wild Really? What people were questioning like people looked at me like I was crazy Making these decisions in my life because I had to make it known You Yeah to my friends and the people I was around like look, I love you I will always be here for you and to support you, but I knew soon our paths would be going way different directions. Yeah, and If we are no longer as close as we are today in a year, like i'm sorry. God just calling me Yeah on a different road deeper. They say the what do they say? The higher of the hill that you go up the lonelier it is I mean at the end of the day, We're trying to get to Jesus we look up to the hill because our help comes from above, you know the closest closer we get to jesus he Begins to prune the things that aren't of him off of our life and that's one of the things that people that who are crossing from the world into the spiritual I shouldn't even say that they're crossing from the secular to god's environment atmosphere They have the hardest time letting go of what was And in that, they need to be surrounded with the, an environment that cultivates their relationship with God. Meaning that you need people around you to help you. Help build you up help disciple you help and pour into you Not only that now you have the people But you also need to build up this the personal disciplines where you pray on your own you don't just you don't just view god as Every sunday type of god that you worship on a sunday or every wednesday or Whatever whenever the church doors are open you serve him then No, it's a daily relationship that's being built up and I know so many people say this But it's true that if you like for me and you I live with you on a daily basis if I didn't talk to you every single day let alone Once every other day let alone every Sunday imagine how our relationship would be I'm sure one you would probably leave me after the first week because you would be like what is wrong with you I know you talk all the time. There's no reason you shouldn't be talking right now, but I would not give up like that. I know I was just kidding, baby. But But my point is that our relationship would be hindered there would be a even You know more so there would be probably emotional damage from that Yeah, now how gracious is our god that he's willing to wait on us to grow our relationship with him You And that, that's one thing is that we have to grow our relationship on a daily basis. And so we have to build up the small disciplines of praying, reading our word, fasting, being in a community of believers that are willing to say, yes, Lord, here I am. You can send me. It's the small things that get you onto the into God's presence. And one little thing before, before I ask this next question is that there are things that I call the one degree. It's not a big thing, but it's a one degree off of the plan of God. So you have angles, right? And the one degree off of what God wants you is still disobedience is still off of God's path. And that thing is that one degree will shift you ever so slightly where you are on a completely different trajectory than you would have been on God's path. And that eventually, if you continue on that one degree path, You'll be 30 degrees, you'll be 80 degrees, you'll be 100 degrees, you'll be 100 percent backslidden if you go long enough. Now we have to constantly renew our mind and be on God's path, be on what God wants. And with that, there is a scripture that says, I did not give you a spirit of fear, but of love. Power and a sound mind now you were talking about the building up, the What was the word? What was the term you said? the build up the walls no, you were just saying it you were just talking about the proverbs Oh a man without self control. So so self control and a sound mind are I don't want to say equal You But they're parallel and so as people and as Christians we have to understand that we have to have a sound mind We have to have self control because the lust of the flesh will always call our name Jesus never sinned, but he was tempted now What does the Bible say that the temptation only comes from our evil desires? Because he was flesh because he came and dwelled on it. He had the temptation But he never fell into temptation because why he had a sound mind and he had self control now God calls us to be in to conform into his image and I know i'm talking a lot and i'm gonna get back to you right now, baby, but we're You're giving me a lot of thought right now and god calls us to conform to his image I looked up the word conform in the dictionary and it means to form to shape into an example where it's shaped into this image and the thing is that we have to bear this image and the thing is that darkness cannot attach itself to light And because christ is light God's word will be the chisel that removes the darkness over our life And that's the disciplines that will build will be built up. I look at it as a cookie cutter You push the cookie cutter into the cookie dough You And it forms a shape but there's excess cookie that is on the outset outside of that cookie cutter well that excess Is going to be the things of this world the secularism the sin the things absent of god's presence Yeah, and so we are conforming to this image and there are parameters there are borders Of where we are conforming to and so to go to you now love I wanted to know You What are some of the things that you implement? Like how often do you feel that the necessary, the net, the need to breathe, be in your word or even bring people into like a Bible study or bring, being people, bring people into a prayer session or how often do you feel like that is the, that is a net need. I couldn't say that word necessary. So everything you are mentioning is our disciplines. Why do we pray? Why do we fast? Why do we get in the word? We do all of these things to We do all of these things to be in the presence of God. Why do we have discipline? So that anything that hinders us from being in his presence, that anything that pulls us away from God and his presence, we want to take off of our life. So this is telling us that our number one goal, our number one Is jesus is to be in his presence And the only way to be made like jesus is to be made more like christ is to be in his presence This is why we pray. This is why we fast. This is why we read our word. This is why we go to church We do all of these things Just to be closer to jesus So depending on how great our desire to be closer to him is how great our desire is going to be to pray To go to bible studies to read your word to want to share it with other people The more desire in you the more that desire increases in You will see the fruits of it in your life. The more that you seek god the more Reminds me of that song. The more I seek you, the more I find you. The more I find you. And Jesus, yes, he is more than enough, but the more you find him, the more you discover him, the more that you are in his presence, you want more. You desire more and he begins to take you to next level. So he begins to take you deeper. He begins to mature you more. And as you mature more, you realize that you don't need less of God in this next level. In this next season, you need more of him. So you have to press more. You have to dig more. And we will go through ebbs and flows of being able to have Bible studies with different people. Four times a week and then you find yourself in a different season where maybe you're having Bible studies with people once a week Yeah, but our goal is always to make that time in our daily lives to Yeah, spend with God not that we work a small increment of our schedule God in there, but that he is in our daily life. So we are always walking with Jesus that we are always talking with him, that in everything we do, it's I just picture Jesus next to my side all day long, that if I'm looking at my phone, he's looking at what I'm looking at. If I'm watching TV, he's watching what I'm watching. If I'm having a conversation with you in private, my husband that no one else can hear, Jesus can hear. And so our lives just become consumed by the presence of God. I'm not saying that we're perfect. I'm not saying that we don't make mistakes. You're perfect love. Yeah. Thanks. I'm perfect for you. Amen. I know there's times where maybe we get too distracted and go down the rabbit hole on funny TikToks and we miss our prayer time or it decreases the amount of time we can pray. But like you said, God is a merciful God and he's a graceful God and all he desires above all else is to have relationship with us. Yeah. Yeah. And I know you were talking about. I think you had brought up like anxiety. Yeah, sure. No, but it's okay. That made me think about I'll take credit. No. So when you're saying to have a sound mind, okay. Okay. Because when you have a sound mind, you have the absence of anxiety. Does anxiety tempt you? Yes, it does. But you have a sound mind so you can fight off that anxiety. So there was, it reminds me of a time in my life where I was experiencing a lot of anxiety to the point where I felt like I was going to pass out. I couldn't make it through a days of work without just feeling super lightheaded. Something was wrong with me. I was going to the doctors. I went to the ER. I had like blood work done on me and the doctors were just telling me like, you Like, you're perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with you. And we always, we don't want to hear that it's the way that we're living, that it's the things we're letting into our life that are causing us to be in this state. Because then we have to be aware, we have to open our eyes and take responsibility to the way we're living. And I remember my dad told me, yeah, this is spiritual. You have to stop living the way that you're living. In order for you to stop feeling this way and I didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to accept it I thought it was something that the doctors could fix I thought it was something that was wrong with me internally and it was it was spiritual It was in my spirit that cavity is spiritual You don't need a root canal. You don't need that 3, 000 payment. It's spiritual I think you can fast it away. Jesus, I need a miracle. I have amazing parents who raised me so well, but they gave me terrible teeth. Sorry, come back. There's many times, and I don't want to speak too much on anxiety because I'm not a doctor. I'm not a professional, but I do think that, Anxiety that many of us feel that like our hearts racing we're sweating We're seeing dots like we want these weak arms are what heavy vomit on a sweater already mom's spaghetti Yeah, because especially when you're very sensitive to the spiritual realm Into the presence of god you can then Be very sensitive to the darkness in this world, too. Yeah. And to the attacks of the enemy. If we don't have the proper tools, if we don't have self control, if we don't have a sound mind, it's going to overcome us. Yeah. It is going to make us fall. It is going to make us crumble. So that's why it's so important that we pray, that we fast, that we read our word, that we are going to church. And we're not just doing this on a Sunday. There's no way that you could survive living. You're calling and what God has for you just by going to church on a Sunday Yeah, and I think with that I think we forfeit some of our Blessings because of the lack of discipline that we do have in our life. Yeah I mean we have a relationship with God But at the same time we forfeit some of the blessings because we don't have parameters and that we continue to cross we live, in a Churchly world, but we Continue to cross these lines that the Bible has defined for us and we compromise and tolerate what God said was wrong. And so I think that is also so significant to implement disciplines on your own personal life is because yes, you had this bodily external, Pressure, from what spiritually was happening, but how many people don't have that alarm system that's going off? You had that, that, oh, I feel like I'm going to faint type of experience, but how many people are being lulled to sleep to don't even understand it? Don't even know that they've become comfortable. They've become complacent. They became lazy. Because of the lack of discipline that they've had and even in some people have even have had a routine, but not discipline have had bone structure, but not discipline. See, discipline says I'm doing going through the motions, but you're disciplined enough to address the fact of where you are. To make sure you go deeper into God. See I could be praying and I could be saying words But words aren't being planted in my heart. I could be speaking whatever comes to my mind That doesn't mean i'm connecting to God's spirit and in a relationship with him and discipline would say I don't i'm doing vain repetition right now I'm doing i'm just saying words so I can check off a box discipline says I Instead of doing that, I'm going to go deeper. And I'll pray 15 minutes, 20 minutes in the spirit. And just straight, in tongues. And that's, I feel like that is a testament to discipline. Because if you're praying in the spirit for 15 minutes, I guarantee you by minute five, you're like, am I even saying anything to God? Does God even hear me? And if you continue to go by minute 15, you'll be feeling like you're talking directly to God, bawling your eyes out just because that's discipline. You're disciplined enough to stay consistent in your prayer life, in your praying with tongues, in your prayer. You're consistent and disciplined enough to say no to the things that your body wants that your flesh wants without the alarm, so to speak, like yours, because not everybody has that experience. I definitely didn't. I didn't know when I was getting a little to sleep. I didn't know when I was inching my way away from God. And that's a testament to. One how close of a relationship with god you have more than me But also like you I have a different gift and a different calling in that way. You're more prophetic than I am. But That's how much more I feel like. We have to be disciplined I mean discipline is such A lost key in the kingdom of god because people are so loosey goosey greasy grace You Greasy grace and we feel that there's liberty in his presence. So that means there's liberty in my life No, that's not equal. There's liberty in his presence so that there's parameters. There's discipline. There's correction, there's conviction there's You know, holiness in his in your life and I think that's where so many people have lost the distinction between God Godly meaning a form of godliness. Let's go that way. So how would you distinct the form of godliness or religious pharisees verse Godly God filled life based on some of the disciplines or what is the fruit that some people would have in the godly life? Verse A, a pharisee, a religious life. A godly life is going to have the presence of God. It's going to have his anointing. Being just religious and the Pharisees, Is a lack of the presence of God Jesus came to break that yeah, jesus came so that his presence can be with us everywhere we go jesus came so then after him that he sent the holy spirit that we could be filled with a godly life is showing that the holy spirit has room to dwell in us and is Overpowering us more than our flesh is so through religion you're going Everyone can have a form of religion In their life and it doesn't have to involve god you do religious acts as far as waking up in the morning brushing your teeth Eating breakfast going to work going to the gym coming home making dinner go to sleep That's a form of practicing religious acts in your life, even if people don't realize it or not, but there's no God in that. But if you, when you are in the presence of God and you're doing things for God, I'm not just doing these things out of my routine. And yes, sometimes we do default on our routine. And that's why we have that there. When there's days where we feel weak, when there's days we feel tired and weary, we default to our routine. That way we don't go crazy off the rails. Yeah. And it's almost there for a safety net, but that's not what we live off of. Yeah. If you're just living off of your routine, you're surviving. You're just surviving. If your routine is there, but you're doing what you're doing out of your desire for God, out of your want for Jesus because you want more of his presence, because you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then you're thriving, then your fruits are there, your fruits are thriving, your fruits are falling or running over into other people's life. If you could tell that this person is on fire for Jesus, and that is when you're on fire for Jesus, you are living. I don't know if I want to say that because I've seen people on fire for Jesus But not living a godly life and that's just holding them back. But most the time that's a lack of discipline, by the way Yeah, that's a lack of discipline. Yeah. Anyways, I'm sorry So yeah I've seen people on fire for Jesus not living in godly life and it's heartbreaking because you look at them or not even in a judgy way, but just like Man, if you just lived a godly life, like the things that you could do because you have such a fire, and that's a lack of maturity. That's an immature person in Christ. But when you're living a godly life, it's not to be. Holier than thou it's not to be better than the person next to you It's truly because you want to be close to jesus because you want to be a reflection of him And yes, I know i'm an example to the people around me. Yes I know i'm in ministry that there's people watching me, but I don't do what I do because of those people I do what I do because I love jesus. I do what I do because I want God to be proud of me Yeah, because I want to be closer to him because I want to be more like him every single day. Yeah, I mean I guess a better phrase of my question should have been legalism versus discipline and You hit on the head one has the presence Legalism has a set of laws Discipline has god's presence in the middle of it legalism you have to do it or there's repercussions Yeah Where discipline it's more so you because you love them. Yeah, you do it because you love them Yeah, and I think that progression from I have to pray to I want to pray to I need to pray to I pray As we talked about yesterday in our leadership night, I think This is like a simpler way to put it legalism is the You Being afraid of God, the fear afraid of him. Yeah. Discipline is being afraid or not afraid, but having the fear, the awe of God. Yeah. So it's the awe of God or the fear of God versus the fear of God. Wait, hold on. How did I say, how'd you say it? So I said that legalism is being the fear afraid of God. Discipline. Godliness is having the fear, the awe, the reverence of God. So it's the fear of God verse fear of God. There we go. That's better. Okay. Anyways, but yeah, amen. Amen. And so I would like to, let's close there. What an amazing podcast. Thank you, my love, the love of my life for an amazing conversation today. I just, I'm always in awe of your knowledge of the word, but also the love you have for God. And so thank you for coming on Relentless Pursuit. We love you, but more so me, I can't wait to make a lot of babies with you. So thank you for joining this week's. Oh, wow. Thank you. There has to be an error to relentless pursuit. Come on, somebody. We gotta be fruitful and multiply praise God. Any who. Thank you for joining this week's episode of Relentless Pursuit. We would love if you could like, share, follow, and subscribe to all our social media platforms and don't be afraid to reach out. We would love to be in contact with you, pray for you, love on you and anything, or we can do, we would love to help you. So thank you and see you guys next week.

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