Relentless Pursuit

The Power of Anointing

Nathan Anaya Season 4 Episode 4

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In the Season 4 premiere, We reflect on their personal journey and the spiritual significance of rest, emphasizing how it prepares them for a new season of insights. The episode delves deeply into the concept of anointing, distinguishing it from the Holy Spirit and underscoring its role in empowering believers. Drawing from biblical texts and stories, the speaker illustrates how the anointing sets individuals apart for God's purpose, encourages faith in action, and breaks the yokes of bondage. The key message is that the anointing not only enhances personal spirituality but also impacts the broader community, urging believers to allow the Holy Spirit to flow through them abundantly.
00:00 Season Four Kickoff
00:50 Understanding the Anointing
01:41 The Role of the Holy Spirit
02:47 Old Testament Anointing Practices
03:48 Living as a Royal Priesthood
04:25 Faith and Action
05:00 The Power of Anointing Oil
06:06 Jesus as the High Priest
07:10 The Importance of Spiritual Oil
08:29 Living in the Anointing
15:44 Obedience and Reliance on God
18:27 The Anointing in Action
19:35 The Presence of God
21:29 The Anointing for Others

Season four. Let's go. I'm so excited that we're finally back. It's been a, an extended time off this time. I felt like the Lord was just telling me, you need to rest because right after I got married, I jumped right back into The third season and then I was just trying to get my sea legs under me when it came to all that. And so it was just A time where I was able to reflect on what God has done in this past year for me. And so season four for me is something very special to my heart because not only did God yo, it's time, let's go, let's get the boots on the ground. But also there's a lot of things that I believe God is doing in relentless pursuit that I think just will blow my mind this season. And so with that being said, let's get into it, right? I want to talk about the anointing and how the anointing makes the difference. The anointing sets us apart. And I want to first read from Psalms 24, 24, three through six in the NLT version. It says who may climb the mountain of the Lord. Who may stand in his holy place, only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never lies. They will receive the Lord's blessing and have right relationship with God, their savior. Such people may seek you and worship in your presence. Oh God of Jacob interlude. The anointing makes the difference. See the thing about the anointing is the anointing. It almost is People almost exchange it with the Holy Spirit, but really it's not one in the same. The Holy Spirit is not the anointing. The Holy, the anointing is not the Holy Spirit. And we have to understand that as we continue to grow in our and develop in our maturity and in our wisdom and our knowledge of what the Bible is talking about, the Holy Spirit is God's spirit. It is God within us. It is God breathed. It is God as. And almost like in, in man, I want to say manifestation in our lives but it's just so much more. And so God, the Holy Spirit is not it. It's he Holy Spirit is God. Now the anointing I would say is the power that comes from it. So you have the Holy Spirit, which is the authority. It is the stamp. Now it's the anointing is the power that's behind it. So the anointing. And the Holy Spirit are like best friends going everywhere together. And so that's where we get almost like that interchange of people believe that the anointing and the Holy Spirit are interchangeable, but they're not because the anointing is the result of the Holy Spirit. And so now to set this in motion, I believe God paints this picture of the, in the Old Testament of the the priests and high priests and how there were 12 tribes of Israel and 12 sons of Jacob and all these 12 sons received a blessing and only, and the only 11 received a portion of land. And so we see that there's this set apart. But there's this one group where God is saying this. These ones are set apart for me. And so we have the Israelites who are, were set apart people for God. Then we have the Levites that were set apart, holy people for God. Then we have the high priest who was a set apart person for God. So we have the almost the networking of details that God works and flows through anointing. And so because of Levi what was set apart from the rest of the tribes the Bible says God called the Levites for himself. And today we live in a community of believers, but God is calling us higher and the ones that are willing to be separated are the vessels that are going to receive the outpouring. God has already called us to be a royal priesthood, but just because our position is that doesn't mean we act upon it. Just because we have a position of being saved, just because we have a position of being God's child doesn't mean we act upon that position. Because yes, we have the title of it, yes, we have the position of it, but doesn't mean we act upon it. See, faith plus actions. Is it equals righteousness? So faith without action is dead. And so we have to understand that is when the anointing overcomes us and overtakes us, we have the ability to act upon the Holy Spirit, what who rests on us and in us, we have the ability to flow with God and flow in the anointing flow in the Holy Spirit. And so we have to realize in our own life where we are mishandling or almost rejecting what the anointing is trying to do. And so now the Levites would be anointed by God, drenched and soaking with oil. And sometimes we have this interpretation of what anointing means. When we get the oil, we put it on our hand and we do a little sign of the cross on our forehead. But back in the day, what the anointing, when you would anoint a king or a priest or whatever, the anointing would be lathered on them. It would flow on them. And you would get quarts of oil just dripping over them. And once they're anointed, they're soaked in the anointing oil. And so we have to look at that today where we need to be lathered, soaked in oil because we have been set apart. And so we can't limit what the oil is trying to the oil over our life. And when we are being set apart in God and set apart by God, his provision, his presence, and his permission are with us in the anointing. And so now he was reason we are responsible or I'm sorry, the high priest who was anointed is was responsible for sacrificing on behalf of Israel. And we as people have to understand who the high priest is today, how the high priest who is Jesus, he was sanctified. He was oiled. If we read in the Bible, when Mary She poured the jar of oil, the alabaster jar, over him and Judas got mad and was like, you could sell that and give it to the poor, whatever. That was her anointing him with oil. That was her pouring out the anointing over his life. Essentially, cleansing him, purifying him, empowering him. So that in order to get to the presence of God and the Holy of Holies, what someone would have to do is they would have to sacrifice upon the altar, and then they would have to go and wash themselves, cleanse themselves, then put the oil on, and then next step would be to Lighting the candles, which are in the Holy of Holies. So that's signifying that the presence of God is there. What they would use in order for the fire to be lit is that they would have to pour oil. And so in order for our lives to be lit for God, in order for our fire to fan and continue to burn, we have to allow the oil to overflow in our lives. People always complain about burning out. People always almost feel like they hit a wall, feel like they, they fall short or come short to whatever God has for them. It's because they haven't allowed the oil to fully flow through their life. And the anointing makes the difference, not only in the world, because we have been anointed by Christ, but the anointing makes the difference in church, in the church world, in the spiritual realm. We have been differentiate, differentiated by Christ. So let's look at this. When the seven sons of Sceva came to try to cast out a demon, he said, Paul I know, Jesus I know. But who are you? Why? They had an idea of who God is. They had an idea of who Jesus was. They believed in it so much so that they wanted to go cast out demons. But what made the difference was that not only did they believe in it, Paul and Jesus, but they lived it. So they had the position, they had the title, and then they acted upon it. They operated in it. And that's where we almost fall short today is because we have the title of Christianity, but we still live like the world. We have the title of saved and sanctified and Holy Ghost filled, but we live as if we were who we were before we got saved. We don't understand is that the old me has passed away. And what is the new me? And the funny thing is that back in the Old Testament, their dead would be anointed with oil. They would lather the oil over their dead. Now, I don't know why, not too sure about why they would do such a thing. But in Christ, our old self has passed away. It was lathered with oil. Why? Because we had to walk through into the new life, sanctified. Hallelujah. Now We, As the priests, the royal priesthood that God has called us to be, have been anointed, have been sanctified had that oil poured over us because we have the Holy Spirit within us. And the anointing of God breaks the yoke of bondage. So now, not only do we have the anointing flowing through us, what happens when I said the anointing would be poured over your life? Thanks for listening. There would be so one time I talked about the anointing and the preaching and I had one of my friends come up and I had him put on the like a little poncho type of thing where it's like you go to the sea world and Shamu would splash the water, but the poncho would cover and I put him and I grabbed a jar of oil and I just poured and it's almost like that's what God is doing. It's like he's pouring and he doesn't want to stop there is a story in the Bible where it talks about I believe Elijah and the widow when he says go into a room close the door behind you and And he says, pour all a jar, pour of your little glass jar of oil onto all the vessels that you can find from your neighbors. He said, go borrow the vessels, pour, pour until it stops. And the Bible says when they, she had no more vessels, the oil stopped flowing. And that's our fear today. Is that the oil is going to stop flowing when there are people that don't want to receive, because the Bible says that we as the vessels, as the pots from the potter that had been formed, the Bible also calls us vessels with the treasure inside. We have to understand that we need to bring people into the fold so the oil can stop, continue to flow. So the oil can continue to operate and move. The anointing is not for God. The anointing is for us. The Holy Spirit is for us. Not that we're some almighty deity, no, but because God loves us so much, he's willing to imprint himself in us and move and flow through us. And that's what's crazy is that it breaks the anointing, breaks this mindset of secularism and it breaks the culture of religiosity. And it breaks the corrupted ideology of this world. And now we have the responsibility to allow the anointing to pour into our cup and overflow into the vessels around us. Wow. Wow. And so how do we allow ourself to be anointed and I want to quickly go to the scripture in Exodus because I just love how oops Exodus I Can't find it and it's the second book in the Bible Exodus 27 You shall command the Israelites to provide you with a clear oil of beaten olives for the light to make a lamp burn continually. Okay, here we go. Oh, and every night, I forgot that part. So you shall command the Israelites, the people of God, to provide you with clear oil of beaten olives and burn the lamp continually. I'm reminded of a story with the prophet of Joseph. And Joseph, he had been sent to prison falsely because of this Potiphar's wife or whatever. He was sent to prison anyways. Two prisoners came up to him and was like, what does my dreams mean? One was a, used to be a cupbearer for the king. The other was A baker and they came and this is what might they explain this dreams and Joseph was like you're a cup bear That one mean your dream means that you're gonna be restored to your position and the baker said your dream means you're gonna die What crazy, differences in the dreams, but the thing is that we see In these dreams, the cupbearer, which is wine, which is what pressed wine is pressed grapes and then fermented and stuff like that. But it's pressed and we see the baker and I'm going to keep pulling this back, which, which then led me to the garden of Gethsemane, which means the Gethsemane means the oil press. So we have the oil press, Jesus, who's crying in the garden saying, let this cup pass from me. But nevertheless, let your will, Lord, be done and not mine. And then we see in Isaiah where it says, my body was beaten for your iniquities, bruised for your transgressions. We see in the garden being pressed is to be sacrificed and in of our sins and he may wash us clean and pure. What do when Joseph was talking and talking. We told the prisoners that one was going to die, one was going to be restored, we look at the jobs, and one, which was the cupbearer, with the pressing of the oil, the one that had the pressure, the one that was anointed, the one that had the flow, was being restored, the one that was the bread, which is dead. A representation of Jesus's body was going to be killed. Why? Because Jesus was saying that not only will I restore my spirit in you, hallelujah, but my body which would be killed will be a sacrifice for what's to come. Because what's coming is his spirit, his anointing, that is going to flow through you like never before. And the reason why this has the similarity It's because it's Holy Spirit and the anointing flowing through us and being established, reestablished in our authority since the beginning. Jesus is saying, I'm going to reestablish you to what you, where you were broken and you were a prisoner to sin. You were a prisoner to bondage. You were a prisoner to your decisions, but now I'm reestablishing you as a cupbearer because I'm going to allow the new wine to flow through you. Hallelujah. And then as your body, it shall be killed because you are now a new creation in Christ Jesus. Praise the Lord. Man. And so now we gotta go a little bit deeper in this. And so obedience allows the anointing to flow. Reliance. determines the level of our anointing. Meaning we have, we can follow God's will, follow God's ways, follow God's word and be obedient to it. But then there's a different level of obedience, which is reliance on God. Understanding that our life is not our own. Our life is given to God as a living sacrifice. So it's not my body, my choice. It's his body, his choice, whatever he wants. Yes, Lord, your servant is listening. It's not my decisions. It's not, I was born this way. No, you were born to be given to God and dedicated to him. And that's the part where it's the anointing that separates the anointing breaks the yoke of bondage breaks. The mindset of our past breaks us away from the secular world thinking, because God has set us apart for him. The Bible says that Paul was a slave to the gospel, meaning that his life's decisions were not his own. That's so crazy to me to think that God had such a calling over his life, an anointing that raised up in him that he would say, I'm a slave to the gospel. How many people are willing to say that today? That are willing to say, I would give my life for the gospel, which is truth, the gospel, which is life, the gospel, which is the good news. That's the type of anointing we have to have. And we mistake so many times the anointing for a gift. Yes I'm gifted and I'm not saying myself, but I'm saying I'm gifted to speak. Okay. But are you anointed to speak? I'm tired of pulpits lacking the anointing and only operating in the gift. I'm tired of microphones only operating in a gift and lacking the anointing. I'm tired of musicians playing with a gift, but not operating in the anointing. I'm tired of showing up to church and allowing gifts to be utilized, but not the anointing to flow. And we're so reliant on our gift that we don't allow the anointing to flow through us. That's in Malachi 3, 18, it says, Then you will again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not. In Psalms 92 10, it says, but my horn, my emblem of strength and power, you have exalted like that of a wild ox. I am anointed with fresh oil for your service. It is the anointing that allows us to come before God and say, God, here I am. God, here I am. Send me. There's a portion of scripture where God had put it on his disciples shoulders to go do miracles, signs and wonders in each in these cities. He sent them out two by two and to do miracles. Why? Because the anointing had to flow through them. God gave them authority. By saying go. And the anointing flowed. Flowed through city, flowed through the towns, flowed through people. We need to get back to the place of where our anointing was dropped and left behind us. When David was anointed as King of Israel, it didn't happen right away. He was anointed. But the anointing, it doesn't take you into your calling, your anointing takes you into his presence. Your calling will come as long as you're in the presence of God. Your purpose will come as long as you're in the presence of God. Your mission will come as long as you're in the presence of God. Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere. That's where we need to be. There was another scripture that I'm thinking of right now. It's let me see. Psalms 27, four. It says the one or let me go three, the almighty or army surrounds me. My heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident. The one thing I ask of the Lord, the thing I seek the most is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Delighting in the Lord's perfections and made meditating in his temple. That's the part where we operate in our anointing. The Bible says that Jesus is divine and we are the branches. And that we are to bear fruit. But the one that branch that does not bear fruit, he prunes. Okay. So let's go back a little bit because I'm reminded of a time when Jesus was walking out of Bethany. And he went to this fig tree and it didn't, and he seen that it was green, he seen that it was green despite it not being in season, but he cursed the tree that it did not have bear fruit, but it wasn't in season, God why would you curse something that's not in season? It's not physically made to be bearing fruit right now. Um, was because the form of godliness, the form that the face value of your religiosity the surface level of Christianity, it's it bears no significance unless you're in the presence. You can always tell when someone's in the presence because that's when the fruit of God's life is resembled in you. And the anointing that breaks the yoke now is not just for you, but the anointing that breaks for the yoke is for your family, for your friends and extended. See, when we realized that the anointing is not for you solely, but it's for everyone around you, because what does it say? My cup runneth over. Yes, God's pouring for you, but he's also running over. Why? Why? Because there needs to be people around you. The need to receive that anointing that you had that broke your yoke that broke your sin that broke you out of jail Bondage of your in captive of your addictions of your depressions of your anxieties of your worry Life comes with a lot of circumstances, but God sets us apart By the anointing makes the difference We're going to have life struggles, but the anointing makes the difference that we don't have to be succumb to the struggles of life. And we don't have to submit to the struggles of life, but we can submit to God and allow the anointing to uplift us in the midst of our valley and have the peace that overflows. And that's anointing breaks the yoke. The anointing makes the difference. So thank you.

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