Relentless Pursuit

Unseen Steps: Trusting God's Direction

Nathan Anaya Season 4 Episode 5

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In this episode of Relentless Pursuit, the host Nathan delves into a personal reflection inspired by God's guidance. He discusses the concept of a 'nation walk,' drawing parallels to Abraham's journey of stepping out in faith without knowing the destination. Nathan emphasizes the importance of acting on God's word without needing all the details and being distinct from the world by obeying God's commands. He outlines how the true essence of a nation lies in a community governed by the same divine authority, stressing the need for believers to set themselves apart for God. Additionally, Nathan touches on the biblical principles of tithing and giving, explaining that it extends beyond money to embody a devoted life for God. He concludes that for followers to become a great nation, they need to embody God's spirit, live sacrificially, and allow God's blessings to flow through them, impacting others and bringing heaven on earth.

Welcome to this week's episode of Relentless Pursuit. I'm excited. For this specific podcast, just because I really felt God speak to me on this one. And it's more of a personal podcast, just because, I feel that as I grow. The podcast grows and as I grow closer to God, the podcast would grow and edify God more. And I don't want this to be something that's done from my own strength or my own will. I want it to be something that can be used by God. I don't want this to be mine. I want it to be God's. And with that being said, I know God is going to do great things through RP and through relentless pursuit and that I'm overjoyed to say the least, I'm overjoyed for what God is going to do today. But I've, I don't want to say I've titled it, but over this topic of nation walk, what does that mean to me and what does that mean to you all? I want you to think about that. When I say a nation walk, you reference this, maybe like a walk down Washington DC, you maybe think about, walking from the east coast to the west coast. You might think something like that of that nature, but. God told this one man named Abraham. He said, go and pretty much that was it a land far off and that a land that I will show you. Okay. So that's, what's crazy and something that had to like really step out in faith with what is that thing where you are stepping out of faith with the lack of assurance that it's going to be there? Because God didn't say, I'm going to take you to this place and this is going to follow it. This is what's going to happen. This is the end goal. God just said, go. And so what happens in our walk with God is that when God says, go to us, we want the details. We want the, why we want the steps that God's going to take us through And that's the problem with a lot of us today and a lot of our issues that we're finding ourselves hitting walls when God is saying, I never wanted you to hit the wall, but the reason why you're hitting the wall is because you're expecting the wall to give you an answer. The reason why you wanted to go this way is not because I wanted you to go this way, but it's because you wanted yourself to go this way because you got distracted from my voice. You got distracted for the word I gave you and because you feel whether it's in your heart or whether it's in your mind that my word is not sufficient enough to take you through whatever you go. Come against you feel that maybe my word, it wasn't me that said it. And there is one story that I actually want to get into is when Moses was in the wilderness or I'm sorry, Jesus was in the wilderness and was tempted by Satan. He said, did God really say that tactic was used also in the garden? Did God really say that if you ate of this fruit, you would die? Or if you looked at this fruit, you would die. Did God, and so what the enemy, what tends to do is he tries to manipulate what God said in our mind, where we make it seem like that's what we said, and he tests the word of guard or the word of God. He tests the word of God in our heart. Because what is not rooted in our heart will not stand the turbulence of what the enemy is doing. But the word that is rooted in our heart will stand firm no matter what's coming against us. And so what's the word, Abraham? What's the word? Walk. Go. What's the word, Nathan? Go. What's the word, RP? Go. What's the word? And so that's where we're gonna expand on this. It's the Lord's One thing that the Lord said to me is he said, I'm gonna make you a great nation, but you have to come out of what's familiar and come out of what's comfortable. The Lord said he was going to make Abraham a great nation. The Lord said, Nathan, I'm going to make you a great nation. What does that mean? The Lord said, Relentless Pursuit, I'm going to make you a great nation. What does that mean? A nation just isn't just one man. A nation isn't just one man. We have to understand that. But a nation is a community of people that are governed by the same authority. To become a nation, we must multiply. The Lord I need to resay this whole thing. The Lord said, I'm going to make you a great nation, but you have to come out of what's familiar. Come out of what's comfortable. The Lord said, I'm going to make you a nation and a nation isn't just one man, a nation is a community of people that are governed by the same authority to become a nation. You must multiply. Wow. Wow. Think about this, Abraham, everywhere you walk everywhere, the soul of your foot touches shall be given unto you. Okay. So Abraham, the father of many nations. Okay. So we have these two instances. Father of many nations, Abraham, father of many nations, Abraham, father of many nations. Okay. So what is God speaking to us through this? Abraham obviously is a father of many nations, a father of Father Abraham, the father of our faith. The thing about a nation is you don't all have to be related or of the same DNA. But you have to be still governed by the same authority. I am not related to Joe Schmo on the side of the street. I'm not related to everybody that's in New York or in Washington. I am Although governed by the same authority that governs people in new york that governs people in washington Wow, so we are a nation we are a nation Now I want us to go into this part RP, you're going to become a nation. How is it going to become a nation? Not only do we want to gain listeners, not only do we want to gain followers, but we want to gain influence. Meaning, I'm not saying influence for even relentless pursuit. I'm not saying influence for Nathan, but I want influence of God to consume you. And some of the things that that whether I speak them or you hear them or from some of our guests or whatever the case may be, whatever instance, as long as you are impacted and influenced by the same spirit that God has imparted into you and you take what you've learned. And take what you've gained and go out and allow that word to be rooted. And then you are multiplying, or you are by product of the multiplication through relentless pursuit. And so what does this mean? What does this mean, Nathan? What are you going to do After you multiply or because you why do you even want to multiply in the first place? Simple is we want heaven on earth. I mean that, that is one thing. We want an intimate relationship with God. And in order to do that, we need heaven on earth. Because God resists or can't mix with sin. And so in heaven, because there is perfection in heaven, God can be, dwell within heaven. God can dwell in heaven. And because of the blood of Jesus Christ, we have been cleansed. And What do we want? We want heaven on earth. And so this is what's crazy and so I'm gonna give you some scriptures And then we're gonna go in more into detail and expand on this thought Luke 17 21 it says nor will they say See here or see there for indeed the kingdom of God is within you Okay, now we jump into Malachi 3. 10. It says bring all the tithes into the storehouse. I know some of you are clenching right now because I mentioned tithe, but that's not what we're talking about. That there may be food in my house and try me now in this, says the Lord of Hosts. If I will not eat, open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. Okay. So a lot of people use this as the tie giving to church 10 percent of your income. Now don't get me wrong. I believe in the tithe. I believe Christians should tithe. I believe 10 percent should be given to the church. Now with that being said, these scriptures. So every commandment in the Bible is it undertone of those commandments give us the heart of God. These scriptures are giving us insight to God's heart. Because we see in Luke chapter 17 It's saying the kingdom isn't anywhere or the kingdom of heaven isn't anywhere else but within you Then we see bring your tithes into the storehouse and the windows of heaven will open up to you now Pour in and pour out blessing. Okay, so then we jump into so what is a tithe? This is where it's gonna get interesting because tithe isn't Tithe doesn't mean give your money. Tithe means 10%. Okay, so tithes are not just about 10 percent of your income. We can't limit tithe to just that. Tithe is what belongs to God. Tithe is the 10 percent that belongs to God. We see it throughout the Bible. We see it throughout the Bible that God always wants something of value for his kingdom. We, God always will separate something from the rest for him. We see that with the Levites who are separated from the others. 11 tribes because they are given to God, they are people given to God. And we see that with Abraham, you are separated from your family because what comes from you is given to me. We see that in so many different instances that the, that God will begin to separate things for him. Now, I'm not saying You don't have to give God your 10%. But what I am saying is that it is a commandment from God for you to give. It is a commandment from, of God for you to give. And people may say, Oh, that Nate, that's the Old Testament. Okay. I'm not even talking about money, but if you want to go there, we can talk about it. In the New Testament, God says, give everything. No, he doesn't. What do you mean by that? He says, lay down your life and died to self. Pick up your cross. And then he says, present your life as a living holy sacrifice, pleasing unto the Lord. He says with Ananias and Sapphira, who didn't give the full amount to, to the new Testament church that he, they died. So there's multiple instances where God wants everything, but he allows you to have the 90%. That is the graciousness and mercy of God. And so going back to the first part of it in Luke chapter 17. He said what does this have to do with heaven? You may be saying the thing is God wants to want you. And this is what's crazy. God wants to separate it. Not the attached, meaning God wants the 10 percent not the 90. What does that mean? God wants the Levites. God wants the Abraham. God wants the Davids. God wants the Pauls. God wants the Peters. God wants the separated ones. The ones that were distinct from the rest. Man. And what's crazy is that what happens is when we allow ourselves to be the separated ones, when we allow ourselves to be distinct from the rest, to be not of this world, but passing through this world, to be the ambassadors of Christ. When we allow ourselves to be the ones that are separated for God and the 10 percent that are being given to God to be the living sacrifice that is pleasing to Him. When we allow ourselves to do that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Pours out of us blessing. See, I'm going to open the windows of heaven. Where are heaven? Heaven is within you. And what will happen? Heaven will pour out. Blessing will pour out. Abundance will pour out. And I'm not even saying financial gain. But I'm saying supernatural favor. A nation. You want a nation? Amen. Present your life as a living holy sacrifice, pleasing unto the Lord that you will be the one that is separated and not content with the flock. You are called to be a shepherd. You are called to be a leader. You are called to be set apart for his glory. Because the Bible says upon this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail, meaning no weapon formed against me shall prosper because the windows of heaven have opened up over my life and in my life and through my life and what is in heaven is not death. What is in heaven? Is not destruction. What is in heaven? It's not compromise. But what is in heaven is life and life more abundantly. No, Abraham was not set apart from God. But, I'm sorry. Abraham was set apart from God and became the father of many nations. Abraham became the father of faith. Abraham became the example of separation and distinction for the life that comes through Jesus. He became an example because he said, go and he acted out of it. He acted out of the word that was planted in and rooted in his heart. Jesus, take the will. Amen. John seven, 37 through 38. It says on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out saying, if anyone thirsts, thirst. Let him come to me and drink he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow Rivers of living water the Bible. This is what's cool. I like this part The Bible says out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water But if you read the previous statement, it says if anyone first Let him come to me I'm sorry if anyone thirst let him come to me and drink and he who believes in me as the scripture has said The scripture is saying that you can drink from the well of living water But that does not mean that you are done after drinking, but instead you are to be a well planted by God for others to come to drink and for others who thirst and for others who are parsed and who are desperate Rivers flowing out of you aren't meant for you. Let's go back to the, let's just read this. Let's read this in parts. The kingdom of heaven of God is within you. Okay you giving bring all the tithes into the storehouse. And I will open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such a blessing. Okay. Okay. So we're continuing to go. And then he who believes in me, as the scripture said, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water. Nate, why do you saying all these in parts? The reason being is because there is heaven within you because of the one who died on the cross and the blood washed away your sins and made you clean and made you righteous. Now we just have to act in faith and take that step that we have heaven within us. Okay. And so because we are separated from God and been given to him, now he can pour out what is in us, which is heaven on to others, which is blessing. Meaning that when people are coming after us. Us or coming after him, you will be placed you will be placed in their life strategically because what you have is where they need to go. And so what you are giving to them, what you are bringing, what you are pouring out isn't of your cup, but it's the overflow that you receive from God. And so to become a nation, you need a source of life. And the source of life is Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. That was good. When you are preparing, and this is one thing. I get hungry at times. And when I say at times, all the times. Because I, big belly. Anyways the Bible says, I'm sorry, not the Bible says. When you're preparing spaghetti, for instance and this is how God gave it to me. When you're preparing spaghetti, and you you have the noodles, you have the sauce, you have the little meat chunks, you have the hot water, the boiling water, but you don't have the seasoning of it. You have spaghetti. You have what smells like spaghetti. You have you have the sight of spaghetti, but you don't have the taste of spaghetti. You don't have the distinction of spaghetti, which is the taste. So you can look like spaghetti. You can smell like spaghetti, but you don't have the taste of spaghetti because you are missing something. So let's now let's make this into the church. So you have the look of a Christian. You have the actions of a Christian, but you're missing something. You're missing something. You're missing the distinction. You're missing what sets you apart. You're missing the wells of living water pouring out of you. You're missing. There's distinction in with God's spirit. There's distinction when you are truly following God, when you are pursuing him relentlessly. You can tell, huh, you can tell a Christian, meaning a Christ like follower by the potency of the presence of God that is with them. I really like that. The crazy part is if you can have all the ingredients, you can have all the actions, you can have all the looks, all the shirts and The clothes you can have everything put together, but if you lack the presence of God over your life, there's going to be something missing. And what's crazy is that the overflow that was intended for other people, and how you were called to be a nation, and the overflow that was intended for you to multiply, Their yolks are still burdens over their life because you lacked the anointing to break them. That's the difference. You lacked the anointing to break the yolks over the people that you were ministering to and the people that you had opportunities to, to speak into the life, to build them up, to lift them up and to lift them higher because, but I thank God. I thank God for the anointing that breaks the yoke, that sets the captives free, that presents this year as the year of jubilee. Meaning you can tell by the taste. You can tell if a nation's gonna come from the walk of a man based on the taste. Based not literal taste, obviously don't go up to people and start licking them but you could tell the potency of a man or woman I'm saying man as human in general By the potency of God's presence over their life Because when there isn't when there's a filter over the presence of God It looks like compromise. It looks like What you allow it, it looks like integration with the world but the potency of God's presence is Flowing based on what you put over your life thank you for joining this week's episode of Relentless Pursuit. I'm so excited for you to join. I'm so excited that you are here listening. Don't forget to follow, share, subscribe to all our social media platforms. YouTube right, whoop, this side. YouTube right here Apple Podcasts, Spotify. Instagram, Tik Tok, and even threads like Praise God. But yeah, make sure you go and follow, subscribe share, all of the above. Praise God that you were here. And I'm thankful for your support and your continued support. I hope you guys receive something today. If not, then you can, no, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm so thankful that you are on. I'll see you guys next week.

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