Relentless Pursuit

Miracles Through Faith

Nathan Anaya/ Benny Macharia Season 4 Episode 7

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In this episode of 'Relentless Pursuit', the host welcomes Pastor Benny. Pastor Benny shares his journey of faith, detailing his struggle as a pastor's kid, a bout of rebellion during his college years, and his subsequent transformation through faith. The conversation touches on the importance of surrender in experiencing God's miracles and the progression from personal faith to performing miracles. Pastor Benny discusses the generational shift in church leadership, his path to becoming a lead pastor, and the significance of young leaders picking up the mantle from their predecessors. The episode concludes with a call to the younger generation to have faith and embrace their role in continuing God's work.

Welcome to this week's episode of relentless pursuit. We're so excited for you to be joining us this week. I have a special guest for you and we are all the way on the other side of the world. Pretty much in China, I have pastor Benny here. What's up? What's up, sir? How you doing, man? I'm awesome. I have been blessed Trying to get you on the podcast for such a long time. And now that we finally got it to happen, man, I season four. Hey, God's will, man. God's will. Let me tell you, season four has a lineup. I actually have Pastor Morris coming on. Let's go, my brother. I love it. This season too, so that's awesome, man. How you doing, man? What's going on? What's new with you? Man, God's good. That's like such a basic I'm a good person, I'm a pastor, but God's good. But man, literally, no, I feel like God's good. My life's been alright. I think it's a learning season. So life's been really hectic. Just move in. Like I just moved recently just down the street. The ministry's moving and growing and evolving. So yeah. Yeah. So what would you say? Tell us about yourself. If you were just like an elevator trying to pitch yourself to the CEO saying, listen, I'm this man of God, I take down Goliath. I don't know if I say all that. How would I describe myself? Man. I think I love to be authentic, like transparent, genuine easy going. I don't like, I don't feel like people, I feel like, I wouldn't be myself. I don't like people that like, I feel like I'm a person that just likes to just bring my feelings. My all give my everything and so people can read me. I'm an open book. That's just how I feel, man. And I love God and I love God. I gotta say that. I'm a pastor. I love God and I love the Lord. You gotta say that. You gotta say I have to. Like he missed that. Yeah. When it comes to pastors and leaders, I feel like that has to go without saying, but for the ones that are the skeptics. It comes with the title I feel like. Yeah. You just have that already thrown in with you. Pastor, he loves God. He loves God. Or you could be like John and just. Just forget your name. Just the disciple who Jesus loves. Yeah, that's it, man. God loves me more than anybody else. Amen. Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. But obviously you're after me. Yeah, okay. We can make it later. But anyways, I wanted to get into talking about you with, about this whole topic of faith. Yeah, let's do it. Not only does faith really welcome you into the kingdom of god But faith is the foundation of every miracle that you will yeah in your walk with god Yes, sir. And so I my first question for you is how has faith influenced your journey in your Yeah walk with the lord man faith. Like faith has impacted my journey. Like I feel like I've had, I've needed faith to make every transition in my life. Every big step that I've ever done in my life in terms of ministry and personal has always come with a step of faith. And so like I think first I think would be good to describe faith a little bit maybe for those who are watching like I know Hebrews 11 says faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen or not seen, right? I like to always simplify it for our young people when I teach to our young people. I believe that faith is believing that God is who he says he is. And that he's doing what he says he's doing. In a very simple way. God is who he says he is. He's holy. He's mighty. He's everlasting. He's huge. He's mighty. He's great. He's faithful. But at the same time he's also doing what he says he's doing. I don't know if we and I believe he's doing what he says he's doing. So he's doing The work that he started in me, he will see it through to its completion. I am more than an overcomer because of Christ Jesus. I am seated in heavenly places. I believe that he's doing all these things. And in terms of faith, I believe in my faith story I'm a pastor's kid. And let me know if I'm talking too much. We're the worst, bro. Yeah, bro, we're the worst. We're the worst, bro. We're the worst. I married one, and I am one. Ha. Hey, double dose, right? And And I'm a pastor's kid, and so I grew up you get, become jaded at some point I don't know, maybe that's my experience, that was my experience. Oh, for sure, you do. Yeah, and so I became jaded to the whole Christian faith, and, cause I think you see it so intimately, you see it so closely, you have parents who walk in the faith, and they're leaders, they're pastors, they love Jesus. And then we see it and we're there's some, I don't know what it is sometimes with pastor's kids. There might be a disconnect there. That's a whole other podcast. I feel like. They're wild pastor's kids. I can speak for my parents. And then this one over here. I'm just kidding, babe. I love you. Yeah. She's wait, see me off camera. She's see me off camera. When you get home, you're going to get me. For real. No, but I've had, I've needed faith. So I feel like my faith was tested. Really early on and then, I think like at some point like as a teenager in high school, graduated high school, and by the time I graduated high school, I was like, nah, I don't believe in God. And I think the Lord literally put me in a season where I had to hit rock bottom in order for me to like really trust in Him. Went to NAU, I had a scholarship and I wilded out for two years. I like to say I, I like to say I had a major in sin. I like to say Remember, we all did, right? For real. I need deliverance. I'm sure I did worse than you. Yeah, man, all of it. We're not going to go to jail, right? And I think that's what I literally, for two years, just got bad grades. I was in school probation academic probation. Yeah, man, it was crazy. And it was the worst thing. My parents were always trying to reach out Hey, is everything okay? And I'm like, yeah, everything's good. I'm not coming home. They always wanted me to come home to visit the church. I said no. And then, finally I think it was like the spring of 20s, no, fall of 2017 where like the Lord just I hit rock bottom, I was not coming back to next semester because I already knew I wasn't coming back because my grades were so terrible, I lost, I was losing my scholarship, and my parents did not know, and I was like, God, what am I going to do, all my friends, everything that I have up here, and it was really a moment where I had to okay God, if you're real, I need my life. My life is yours. I'ma change right now. Everything is yours. And so it was a moment where I had to have faith. and believe that God is who he says he is and that he's doing what he says. I had to have hope in him. And it was that moment. And then from that moment came back, my dad's pastor of the church. I was like, dad, I'm here. I'm not going back to it. I'm not going back to any of you. I'm here. I'm planted. At the time I made it seem like, yes, my choice, dad, I'm here. And then I later told him I couldn't go back because of academic probation. But then, then he found out later, within three months, but that was the journey of now where I'm at now that's where the start of, I had to faith. And that's what it was. That's wild. The funny thing is that I, so I went to college for basketball. Yeah. I had a scholarship and everything. I didn't have a scholarship for academics. I had a scholarship for basketball. I barely graduated high school, but yeah. Huh. I graduated. Huh. Praise God. I went to college, and for two years I was slacking off. I had, my second semester I had academic placement. Probation. Yeah. Third semester I had academic suspension. Yeah, that's what, yep. And then I was getting kicked out of the school. Yeah. On in the fourth semester. Yeah. So before I got kicked out, like the I left. Yeah. I was like, God, I don't wanna be here anymore. I don't like my coach. I was like, I'm, that's so crazy. Similar story. That's awesome. Yeah. I'm gonna try to play for this other college. So I left that college and went to this next college. And I was playing there my grades weren't there. I was playing, but I wasn't playing. Anyway, so I was playing for a semester, academic suspension again. Yeah. I was like, you know what? College ain't for me. After that is when I got saved. Yeah. That's when my radical transformation, when I tell you it was radical in the sense of I was in a corner of a church during a church service. It was altar call. I was in a corner And like my heart was so like calloused where I Was like overwhelmed. Wow, like an anxiety, but also a peace. Wow. Yeah It's just like a yeah like a crazy experience because I felt like I was gonna throw up at the same time I felt like so happy. Yeah, I was bawling my eyes out, but I felt like I was like alleviated. Yeah. That's so beautiful. Yeah. That's funny that you said that I was in the same boat. I told my parents, I was like, I wanted to leave because the coach, but later on, obviously I had to tell them. Yeah, bro. That's so cool. I love that. Anyways. But yeah, that was my little foundation. Yeah. Yeah. And yeah, man, that's awesome to hear that. Our stories are very similar in that sense and the upbringing when you come and find your, Really you find God in through your dad's ministry. Yeah, it's like a different beast because I mean What i'm reminded of is when jesus went to nazareth and he said that they were like Aren't you joseph's son? Yeah. Yeah. Aren't you like so and so yeah, we know you your dad. Yeah Your family your sisters are here with us. Yeah and then the bible says there was not much that jesus marveled at And he barely performed any miracles. Yeah, it was crazy. And that's what's crazy is that sometimes where we find in ourself the most familiar places is where God wants to excel us the most. Oh, talk about that. So good. Yeah. Yeah. Think about me and my wife. We went on this journey with our young adult minister with her young adult ministry. I'm going to call her the leader. She's the leader of the young adult ministry Uhhuh. And as we started, I would remember yeah, hey, I used to do bad things on this corner. Hey, I used to do things I shouldn't have done on this corner. Yeah. I, and we would go down the street. Yeah. And the funny thing is right where we would have meet for service down the street Yeah. Is where I did some of the worst things. Who, and I'm from the West Valley. Why would I have bad memories over here on the East Valley? Yeah. And the places that became so familiar or even corrupted Became the place where we can excel in our faith excel and even show god's mercy in grace And with that being said, how would you in your words, now that you have your story of faith founded Now what's the next step? How do you get from faith for salvation to faith for miracles? Man that's huge. That's huge. When I think about that One of the things I always like to think about first is what, a miracle, how do we define a miracle? You know what I mean? And for me when I look through scripture, when we look at what like scripture we read in the New Testament, and we see it in the Old Testament, I think, I always see, the way I can simply define it is just a move of God. Like a very simple move of God. Like anytime God moves, It's supernatural. You know what I mean? He's holy, he's mighty, he's above. His level of existence is outside of our, he lives outside of space and time, which is beautiful. And like, when I describe, when we describe a miracle, we're really just talking about when God moves, to do something. And So I think when I look at every, like in the, in the gospels, when we see Jesus encounter any person that needed a miracle, we always see even with the person that that was paralyzed and they bring it, bring him in through the roof. Yeah. The Bible says that Jesus looked at the faith of his friends and it was like, they looked at the faith of his friends around him and was moved and was like, you know what, like I'm going to forgive your sin and then also I'm going to heal you because of the faith of your friends. That's such a beautiful thing. And so I think this is what I'll say. Make it simple. Yeah. God requires surrender. Yeah. In a very in a very simple way. I like to say it like this. And it might sound controversial, but I really believe this 100 percent in my heart. Is that God will not do anything unless we surrender to Him. You know what I mean? Absolutely. So God will, He's not going to force Himself on you. He's not going to force anything, like the Bible says in Revelations 3? Or, Revelations 12? I think it's Revelations 3. He says at the door of our hearts and he knocks, you know what I mean? So it's not, he's not kicking the door down. He's not and so when we talk about this idea of a miracle, the really the idea here is our surrender. Yeah. Are we open to what God wants to do? Anything we don't fully release to God, we can't expect the full benefit of God unless we fully surrender to God. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? And so I feel like there's a generation of people that feel like I don't know if I want to surrender certain things. I'll surrender this to God, but not this. And it's let, imagine if you surrender that part to God. Surrender that secret sin. Surrender this financial problem. Surrender this. God will move. And that's just very simple. It's a miracle. And it's not, to be overt. It doesn't have to be like, raising someone from the dead. It could be as simple as something that where you felt like this was dead and now it's alive. Yeah. I don't know. Sorry. That was a lot. No. The main part, is basically we have to surrender. In, in all that, what you said about surrendering is 100 percent true. I don't believe I any instances, especially in the New Testament where God necessarily did something for somebody without using a man. Yeah. Or using, someone to do it. For example when people, when was it Paul or Peter, I think it was Peter when he was walking down the street and people needed miracles, it was his shadow that had to heal him. God didn't just come down, open the heavens and say, you're healed in Jesus name. You know what I'm saying? It was that surrender of Peter that where he had the obedience to walk in faith, it. People would healed behind him. It was the people like the man with without did go down from the roof. The man that was at the pool of Bethesda, the woman with the issue of blood, they had to meet a man, which at that time was Jesus. But then in later on, it was Peter was Paul. It was these men of God that were, or even men of women and women of God that had the faith to believe that God would use them in their submission. That's good. And yeah, man, I like With that, I just feel like God is doing so much, not only in people around us, but also in a personal level. Yeah, He is. And for you, as you're taking this step in your journey, I really want to get into that now. So your next step for you as you are becoming a lead pastor, you went from youth who are, max, you're getting 18, probably 20, maybe some 22 year olds that are sneaking in. Going into 50, 60, when you yourself are probably half their age, how do you feel like you're going to conquer that battle? Man for this is a season where, okay, I feel like I have to give context of my story first so that people can understand, and even it makes sense for my answer. Yeah. But even when I came back to like when I came back to serve under my dad In his church oasis of life church at the time. I just was learning I saw I remember sitting under my dad and he was like, I'm gonna put you under young people I was like, I just got saved like last month He's not you God's using you I believe in you and I like how do you see that in me so I remember I just started like small with the young people that I had and a lot of them were older than me and a lot of them were saved longer than I was and they're like, you're leading us and it's yeah, yes, let's do it, and so like it just start hey, let's just open the Bible. We just look and I felt like that was I was in a season very early on when I was leading. Just like to rely on God 100 percent so the season was just like I'm opening the Bible All right, we're gonna talk about David. All right. I read about David this week We're gonna talk about David or I read about Elijah. So we're gonna talk about Elijah, it started like that. And then as the ministry evolved and then we started the youth ministry Eden, youth, and young adults. I started to now for the Lord kind of started to challenge me in my personal relationship to lean on him and to grow now in my faith. And so I had to grow in like my love for people grow in my understanding of like people, dynamics, leadership. And I think that's one thing I'll say that every season God is preparing you for next. Yeah. So I remember there were seasons where I'd be frustrated. And like leading young people like, man, this is so frustrating, you know how young people are, you're like, didn't we just talk about you vaping? And then they go and vape again. It's ah, man, or something like that, Oh, I get it. And so it's we just talked about this. And then your mom was calling me, and so it'd be frustrating or I feel like I'm not being honored or, those simple things And like, all of it was a story. All of it God was, like, and I think God is He will never open you up to something you're not ready for and that He has not prepared you for. And I remember I just, my dad kept me with young people, and then I moved to young adults. And then from young adults, then there would be a couple Sundays where I would teach on, in front of the whole church. And I'd be like, Oh, I've never done this before. And then I started getting, after I got officially ordained, I came to a moment where I reached a moment of frustration. Let me get before I get there. I got to a moment where I was getting frustrated because I like I'm growing, but I don't know what's next in my life. And I felt like I was leading young people. I don't want to say I mastered it because that's, I don't think you ever master it, but I felt like I was getting to a point where I was getting complacent and comfortable. And I remember telling my dad, I was like, I don't know what's next. I'm feeling frustrated. I'm just a youth leader at the time. But I was like, I think it's time we ordain you as a pastor. And I was like, Oh, wow. What? I was like, what? Okay, that's not what I said. Don't misinterpret what this combo was. And he's no, I really feel like that's the next step. Yeah. And so I think I want you to go to Bible school. You're going to go to Bible school for about a year and a half. You're going to do this. And I was like, okay. And in my heart, I felt peace about it. Yeah. Cause I felt oh, get this. This is the next step, and I remember like going to Bible school and, in that season where the Lord was just trying to test me. And I think this is the He was putting me through like testing and growing me and stretching me. And the Holy Spirit was speaking to me about different seasons in my life, different people. I think that's the one thing as we grow, God will like prune different people from our lives. And He'll bring new people into our lives and season. But then finally I got ordained. Long story short, I got ordained about a year and a half, two years after that conversation. And then my dad moved to Seattle. He moved to Seattle about a year ago. And I felt like that was a confirmation for the Lord to like, Oh, I'm leading the next generation. I'm leading this church. Sorry to make that long story. But then, so in this season, what I feel like I've been learning and what I feel like I'm learning in my faith journey is like really relying on God. And trusting that who he's called me to be like I am called by God. I am chosen by God I am more than an overcomer. I am the head and not the tail. I'm above and not beneath I you know, like I think that's just really trust, I think that's one thing that I'm, like, I'm really going through in this season, trusting that God has called me and placed me in this season, for this reason. I think that's always the thing that everyone struggles with, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, absolutely. I think that's my, my, the thing, and where faith comes in is okay, God will make provision, as I'm, we're becoming a church, now we're in this process of Eden becoming a church, where it was a youth ministry, youth and young adult ministry, and now it's evolving to become a church. Now the whole church will be rebranded, and by the time this releases, probably everyone will be knowing by now, but It's a beautiful thing where now I have faith that God is providing. He's providing finances, He's providing people, He's sending destiny helpers I'm believing in all of that because He's called me. And that's really what faith is, yeah, absolutely. And, just to Piggyback off of what you're saying. You're the Joshua to your dad's Moses, you know he started the plowing of the field But now you're picking up what the mantle that was left off Elijah and Elisha. Yeah, so there's just so many Instances in the Bible. I'm sure that the Israelites or the Hebrew people at the time were like, but Moses said this, but now Joshua, I'm saying this. And I understand what Moses said, but now I'm not like flex your authority, but now I'm leading you. And so you have to come under submission. And so like that in itself is a miracle. Yeah. No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go ahead. There's a verse I was, as you were saying, I think Deuteronomy, the last chapter of Deuteronomy ends. And it says it says Moses died and there was never a prophet like Moses in Israel. Say it like that again. And then the next chapter, I think it's Joshua chapter 1. Joshua 1. Yeah, and then I think later on, Joshua 1 or Joshua 3, where it says Joshua, and it said the people revered Joshua, just as they revered Moses. And I think I'm only imagining, like, how Joshua in that season, he had to have faith. God really called me to this thing. I'm going to trust that God is doing a work. And I can only imagine how he might have felt I'm not Moses. And then just trusting in the Lord and being in his presence. And then believing God will make a way for me and make provision for me in this. I don't have to prove myself. I don't need to do anything. God will make Will allow people to see that I'm called you mean yeah, that's what I'm at like I mean they seen Moses come down from a mountain. Yeah shining with the glory of the Lord Yeah, speaking to God directly or the people. Yeah, and now they're witnessing this kid who's coming up. Yeah Oh, who are you it's gonna be you but they didn't see you when you were outside the tent. Yeah all hours of the day, being in the presence of God, they didn't see you following Moses everywhere you went. They didn't see you when you were fighting the battles that needed to be fought when Moses was too old and he was just on the mountain. But I'm saying like for this next season, For you. I don't know, I can't speak from personal experience, but for this next season, Joshua was the one that led the army into battle against the, at the time it was the people who were occupying the land of Canaan. Yeah. At the time, like it was Jericho and walls had to come down. Yeah. Yeah. Habits have to come down. Ooh, come on. Mindsets have you're coming against some things that people have been. So accustomed to for years. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Mindsets, right? Yeah. And it's like that idea that the giants that the previous generation has faced, like my dad, he's a general in the faith. I really honor him. And he faced giants. As he was leading ministry, and maybe that's what I think. And this is like a side note, but I think it's super important to study the generations before us, like the revivals, the move of gods, the move of God that has happened in every generation. Because there's always something to learn there. There's always something to like, Oh, there's always some wisdom to take there. And so even when I look at my dad and kind of seeing the wisdom, like they're, Like the giants that maybe he was unable to take, God is setting that up for me to take on, and so even I'm ready for that. I'm ready to take on. And Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I lost my train of thought. I lost my train of thought. Sorry, you were saying. But no, the giants that your previous generation Man, scripture just popped in my head. Yeah, go ahead. And so Genesis chapter 6, it talks about the nymphalum, which they had, they were the sons of God. They just came down and Hey, we want to chill down there. Did the deed with the daughters of man anyways. And so they had this whole really lineage of giants. And if you really do like your due diligence, so through the flood which is Genesis 11 or 10, 11 is tower of Babel, I think. Okay. So then I would probably be 10. Yeah, so Genesis no after I think it's after I think it's after okay. Yeah whatever. Yeah, cuz 12 is Abraham going it's before then so it's either 10 or 11. I just don't remember. I don't live it gonna be bad Okay, but anyways the point where you guys is y'all So the point is that yeah came after to get rid of them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah agree next generation goes by that's after Noah. That's you know, then we have three generations Fast forward to Isaac, Jacob, who's Israel. Then we have the 12 sons. Yeah. Fast forward. Again, we have David. Yeah. Yeah. Fast forward. Way forward. Yeah. So he's fighting a giant that comes from Genesis chapter six. The flood didn't necessarily take care of him. The generation previously didn't take care of him. But David now has to face the thing that's coming. That's almost, conquer. Let's talk about that for a second. The men of God, the people of God. Yeah. I think that's, there's something there to pick at, right? There's any issue, problem that we see that like it's, it is, it roots to a deeper issue. And I think like this, any giant that you refuse to face. You know what I mean? There will be those after you that have to face it. So if I fail to handle something in my family, or my generation, or a generation fails to face something, the generation after us will have to face it. It goes back to that idea of faith, right? The children of Israel, God declared hey, I'm giving you this land of milk and honey. Moses sends twelve spies sends the spies, and then out of ten, all of them say basically, except two, all of them saying, Nah, we can't take it. The Giants are there. That's crazy. We look like grasshoppers. We look like grasshoppers. Whereas Joshua and Caleb have the faith to believe, nah, God's given us this land, we can take it. So that in itself the faith to believe, That God has given you what he's declared what he's given you, absolutely. And then believe, and then when you act on that faith, it becomes a miracle. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? And that's, what's crazy to me is just there's so many instances where generational faith builds off of each other. Come on, that's so good. Like your dad was a man of faith, a general faith. Yeah. Now you can build off of his faith, what he started. Now you can build even greater. Yeah. Yeah. And that's what's crazy. Cause yeah, the giants are in front of you. And I said it like this when it came to my family and generational curses, because lust for me was a generational curse. So that was our giant for my son. What I need to do is I need to separate and distance myself and build up walls from me to lust so that he doesn't have to fight the same giants that I'm fighting now. That's my faith that I'm going to not only distance myself, but I'm going to sever any tie that I have to lust. So my son doesn't have to battle it. That's a miracle. And I think things like that, that we don't see. Have some of the biggest impacts on our life that are really Qualified as miracles. Yeah. Come on. Because for you. I don't know. Your full story. But at the same time, hints of miracles. Yeah. Yeah. You got saved what? Maybe five years later? Yeah. Like I got saved 2017. That's what year are we? Seven, December will be seven years. So seven years later now, but about to be a pastor to a whole church. Yeah. Planted. We're getting ready to raise it up. And and that's miracle. Literally. That's divine. Acceleration literally like that's crazy. It, someone says crazy. Someone say it's crazy. I just call it a move of God. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And sometimes those crazy instances from other people. That's a Tuesday for me. Yeah, for real. For real. I'm trying to get on their level, man. Yeah, I know. I know. Yeah, for real. I need a, the Katherine Kuhlman. For real. The Benny Hinn. Yeah those moves. Yeah, I need those moves. Santo Dios. For you don't know that's holy God. Oh my God. I love it. No, I had an idea. I was like, I've heard that before. Yeah. C, C. Yeah. Hey, listen. Is amen in Spanish? Is that the same? It's literally amen. It's just yeah, it's instead of a, it's That's so dope! Yeah. It's fairly similar. Spanish and English don't have that much you can get the hang of it with some words as you speak in Spanish. I love that. But that's how I get by because I don't really speak Spanish fluently. Oh, really? And so I get by picking some words that I know and that you can drop them in. So people think, they're like, Oh yeah, he, one of us. Yeah. Yeah. That's my miracle right there. You think I speak Spanish, but goodness. But do you have any closing thoughts, man? As, as we wrap this up? Oh man. Man what can I add on this? I really want to I really want to make a call to this generation. And even those who are listening, I feel like our generation is in a very interesting, and you can feel it, right? You can feel like the way the world is it's, there's a passing of a baton that's happening in this season where it seems like generals are going on to glory or they're retiring. You know what I mean? And then there's this space for a new generation to step up. Yeah. And I think when we're talking about this idea of faith and miracles. I think the biggest thing is have faith. In the Lord, but then also trust that God can use you in the same way that he's used previous generations. Wow. You know what I mean? And so that's really the biggest thing, because I feel like yes, there's Elijah, but there's also Elisha, yeah. Yes, there's man, yes, there's Abraham, but there's also Isaac. Yes, there's Isaac, but there's also Jacob, yeah. Yes, There's people before us who've done great things, but then also it's our time. Yes, there's Moses, but there's also Joshua. And so God is generational. He wants to move. He wants to do something fresh in the earth. He wants to do something fresh in in, in the world. And I think it's about us, like young people just saying yes to God's will, saying yes to God's moved. Yes. Saying yes to his spirit and saying, yo, whatever you want to do, Lord, I'm here. That's the biggest move of faith that we could ever do. Just saying yes. Yeah. Amen. And that's just a. Little period on the end of what you're saying. Stop riding on the coattails of the previous generation. Come on. Yes, sir. Start picking up the mantle. It's personal. Yeah, absolutely But personal and subtle. Yeah, praise God, but we're gonna come to a close here I want to thank everybody for joining this week's episode of relentless pursuit Don't forget to follow share and subscribe to all our social media platforms. Be sure to reach out we want to communicate with you. We want to talk to you We want to see how the episode was and what you got from it So Don't be scared to reach out to us, DM us, comment, whatever the case may be, but we want to see what God is doing in your life. So see you guys next week.

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