Relentless Pursuit

Seeds of Purpose: Embracing God's Vision

Nathan Anaya Season 4 Episode 8

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In this episode of Relentless Pursuit, We dive into the profound theme of spiritual disqualification, a common struggle many face when feeling unworthy of divine purpose. The message centers around the transformative idea that God views individuals not merely as seeds—tiny and undeveloped—but as trees with immense potential and purpose. This perspective shifts the focus from current struggles to the future growth and possibilities that God envisions for each person.

Drawing on biblical references, the speaker highlights Jesus' interactions with His disciples, showcasing how He often saw beyond their immediate shortcomings to their future potential. For instance, Jesus saw Simon Peter not just as a fisherman, but as a foundational figure in the early Church. This illustrates a key point: God’s vision for us often surpasses our self-perception and immediate reality.

The episode also explores several parables about seeds and trees found in the Bible. These parables illustrate the principle that growth and transformation are integral to spiritual development. Just as seeds must undergo a period of struggle and growth before they become mature trees, individuals must navigate through their own struggles and battles to realize their full potential in God's plan.

We encourage viewers to seek their true identity in God, recognizing that despite their current state or past mistakes, they are imbued with divine purpose. Emphasis is placed on the importance of understanding one’s divine calling and the role of persistent prayer in overcoming the obstacles that may arise on the journey.

The episode concludes with a heartfelt reminder of God’s unwavering love and the crucial role of cultivating a personal relationship with Him. This relationship is portrayed as the cornerstone for finding one’s true identity and fulfilling one’s spiritual destiny.

In summary, this episode of Relentless Pursuit provides a powerful message of hope and encouragement, urging listeners to view themselves through God’s eyes, embrace their potential, and rely on divine guidance and love as they pursue their spiritual journey.

What's up RP family. Welcome to this week's episode of relentless pursuit. We are here today in a different setting. I've been trying to throw in some different areas now that we explore a little bit more. But I'm thankful for everyone that's tuning in this week. I have a word that God gave me and it's fairly new. But I think this topic is something that a lot of people struggle with. And especially if you have a past, especially if, you went through things and been through things and almost feel like God Overlooked you or you feel like God's not there or you feel like you disqualified yourself from God and I really believe that God, wants to shift that narrative in your own perspective Because what God is trying to do through you will not only just impact you but it will impact generations And a lot of us have been as the Hebrews were coming out of Egypt, they were viewing themselves as grasshoppers in the, in their own eyes in comparison to the enemy. And many of us discount our calling because of what we've been through and of what we've done. But I want you to know that God sees you as a seed. But he doesn't see you as the seed. He sees you as the tree. And so seeds in God's eyes. I don't want to talk about the subject. And so what I mean by this is that God doesn't see you as the seed. God sees you as the tree that everybody has their purpose. Everybody has their calling. Everybody has this potential. He But God doesn't see you as where you are. He sees you as where you can be. When he went to the disciples, he said, I want to make you fishers of men. There was a goal in it because he knew that on the other side of potential was their purpose. And there was a lot of times where the other side is so hard to cross or so hard to get over because you are bound by what is see, there was a man. On in the Bible where Jesus was, they were crossing the sea of Galilee, I want to believe. And then there was a man who was demon possessed in the tombs. And he would, was naked and he would break off of these chains constantly as the people would try to tie him up or chain him down. And. He met Jesus on the other side and Jesus casted out the spirit from him. My, my main thing is that if there was no other side for you, if there was no other across the sea, across what it seems to be impossible, because what they came through was storms. What they came through was miracles. What they came through was transformation because their faith was tested to get to the other side. And so sometimes that faith that has to be tested is the faith of who are we? The faith of, are you? Are you really a child of God? Are you really set apart? Are you really the righteousness and holiness of God? Are you really a city set on a hill? Are you really a royal priesthood? Are you really someone who has purpose? Someone who has a calling? And I think that's the message today where not enough people, not enough people are getting that, being told of this. Being told that the message of the gospel is not saying that there's some man that's in the sky that is ruling everything that happens and that's where it bursts these narratives of god is evil or god doesn't care or there is no god and it bursts these because it's it diminishes the intimacy that god wants to have with them. But really, the real message of the gospel is that there was a loving God who sent his son to die for you. Because not only does he see the best in you, but he wants to bring you to the best. He doesn't want you to have lack. We talked about this in the last podcast when it was just my, myself. He doesn't want you to have lack. That's why he's the shepherd. He's the shepherd that leads you to the abundance of life. The gospel is to bring the broken and make them whole. The gospel is to bring the dead and bring them back to life. The gospel is to restore what was broken, what was bruised, what was wounded. And so that you could be made healed and made whole and be healed. So you could have a true realization of your truth. Of your identity and not only in the perspective of God's eyes, but he needs you to see that you have a purpose and you have a calling because God has perspectives over what you could be. God knows what you could be. God knows what if you fulfill your potential, if you cross over into the other side that there is not only blessing, not only abundance, but there is purpose for you. But he knows that there also is a choice in front of you. You can cross over to the other side of potential and reach your purpose or you can and or you could just stay complacent in where you are. And I want to talk about this is that if God makes you a promise, he's already given you the seat. He's already given you the seat. The seed that I'm talking about today is you. I want you to know this because, um, I want you to see this. Abraham, who was the father of our faith was the seed for Jesus to be the sacrifice. Abraham was a seed for Jesus to be the sacrifice. Noah was a seed to bring for Jesus to bring, for him to hang on a tree. David was a seed for Jesus to be the king. We have to understand that the people in the Old Testament were seeds to bring Jesus down to earth. And now why wouldn't we be a seed for Jesus to come again? The Bible says Jesus is going to come again. There is a second coming, but the thing about the second coming that a lot of people focus on of what's going to happen. What's going to happen outside around us that the devil is going to be tied up for a thousand years and that he's going to be released to reign. There's going to be three and a half years of blessing. There's our prosperity and three and a half years of basically hell on earth. They focus on the two Witnesses that come back who are these two witnesses the main message of revelation is to get us to understand that Jesus is coming again and we are seeds for the generations that are coming so that they can believe in this man named Jesus and so that they Could have eternal life and not be beat set into these sent into this eternal fire and Now I don't want to get too real and heaven is real, but I don't want to get into that because I want you to understand that your purpose means something, that you mean something, your identity means something. And one thing, one of my prayers to God is that God let me not be known for my anointing, let me not be known for my gift, let me not be known for my talent, let me be known for you. Meaning, I don't want to be known for what I can do. I want to be known because of him. See, man looks on the exterior, but God looks at the heart. I don't want to be known by man, I want to be known by God. And that's where we get into this place of seed. We have to be the seed sown so that we can grow closer to God. There's a portion in John chapter 15 it talks about this garden. I believe it's John chapter 15. I Actually, I don't think it is because that's talking about the vine. Anyways, my point is that in the Bible that there's this talks about this garden and that there is this tree, a mustard tree and how the birds come and rest on this tree and it covers and it brings shade over the garden. Actually, I want to bring this up. I want to get into the scripture because I really believe that So my wife is learning how to cook, which it's great food, but it's funny cause I see her looking up stuff. Anyways the kingdom of heaven is like a garden, something like that. Okay, so let's see. That is. I want you guys to see this is because what I believe God is going to do in this next generation or even current generation, okay, here it that I believe he wants to bring out the purpose of your life by establishing His perspective in you. And so the parable is then Jesus asked, what is the kingdom of heaven? God, what is the kingdom of God? What shall I compare it to? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree and the birds perched in its branches. And now I want to dive into this a little bit more because in, and this is where I got Matthew or I'm sorry, John 15 from we can it, it makes this a little brings it out a little bit more. It says, I am the true vine and my father is the gardener. And so God, who is the gardener, Now, let's keep going with this. Plants the seed that is a mustard seed. Now, the Bible says even a mustard seed of faith can move a mountain, right? We see the mustard seed that is being planted in the garden. And what happens with this garden? It then births a branch. I'm sorry, then bursts a tree, right? So we have to understand is when we are established in the family of God, we are then the seed that is being planted in the garden, meaning that there is a process for us to become from the seed to the tree. It says the tree is the branches. The tree is the shade over the garden and the birds perch into the tree, meaning they come to get rest. And so I want you to see this is that because God has planted us in his garden, he is then making us and giving us the ability to be the people that bring rest to others. And in fact, he is allowing us to help govern. Have authority over the surrounding areas. What do I mean by that? Because the tree brings shade to the ground because people can find rest in what you bring because your seed. Because you have been planted and what does the seed do? It dies. Essentially. That's why it says percent your body is a living sacrifice, pleasing unto the Lord. And that we have to die on a daily basis is because we are dying so that he can live and then become this tree there. It says, I am the vine and you are the branches. Why? Because when people see us, we are supposed to reflect who we're attached to. So the branches, the birds that are coming to rest on the branches, it's not because they're coming to rest on us. It's because they're coming to rest on what we are attached to. If we are not attached to the source, which is divine, which is the tree trunk, then we are dead. Meaning that no bird is going to come find find rest on us. Meaning that when we walk in our purpose that God has set us for, we are then established in God's garden, that we are then attached to the tree, which is Jesus. And then people, birds, people that are outside of the kingdom can come in and rest on us because we carry the authority, not of our own, but of God. And that's what happens when we walk in our purpose. That's why we are called the seed. That's why we are people that are willing to say yes to God and walk in the abundance of his, not our ability, but his spirit. And so I want to get into the things that can become seeds in our life to create in us the ability to be. The seed for others. So I want you to understand this in order for you to fully. Walk in your purpose. You have to understand that battling is a seat battling is a seat. And meaning that when you want expansion, when you want more territory, when we want expansion of influence, you are going to have to battle. That everything that we come across needs to be met with the battle between what is of God and what is of the world. When God wants to expand, we are expanding the territory that is touching the world. So when we are this tree, we're growing to be this tree that has the ability to spread out its branches so birds can rest in us. that we are expanding, but we're going to meet confrontation. We're going to meet confrontation. Confrontation breeds change. When we battle against things that, that, Let's even say when we battle of things in prayer, we are battling things of insecurities, of things that are wrong in ourself, things that are wrong around us. We're battling with things of we're not good enough. And when we battle in prayer, we remove anything that is not of God. And so we have to battle. We have to battle for your purpose. We have to battle and battle is fought in prayer battle. The battlefield is in your mind. But when you win these battle, it's because it's through prayer. It's through prayer. You have to pray in order to succeed. You have to pray in order to win. You have to pray in order to be attached to the vine. You have to pray. You will lose this battle of your identity. When you aren't praying. I've done, I've dealt with this idea of maybe it's not God's will for me to be doing this podcast. And the reason why I say I battled with that identity, because if he's called me to do it, then he's called me to sustain it. He's called me to grow it. You know what I'm saying? And so that's my seed. But. The reason why I've battled with it is because I'm putting things in front of him in a way. Obviously nothing that externally looks wrong, but God doesn't battle with the external. He battles with the internal of you. Because what's internal fights. What's X, what's what's God. And so there are times where work can be something that battles against God. There are times where your family can be something that battles against God, meaning that your love for your family or you, how you want your family to be better. And let me say this, is that not just because there are good things, There are things that you should want does not mean they should be prioritized over God. Like I want to be financially stable. That shouldn't be prioritized over God. I want my family to be blessed, but that shouldn't be prioritized over God. I want to grow in influence, but that shouldn't be prioritized over God. I want to be the best pastor I can be, but that shouldn't be prioritized over God. I want to for RP to grow and constantly reach different countries and do that. Reach different states and reach different people, but that can't be prioritized over God. And it's these internal conflicts that define and refine who you are just because they're not bad does not mean they're not a battle. And so confronting the idea of your priorities would lead you to the change that is necessary for you to establish your identity in him. And there's one thing that I want to say. We cannot discount ourselves because we are the seed that needs to be sown. We can't discount our calling because of what it was. We can't discount our purpose because of what we believe. We can't discount our anointing because of our gift. Does that make sense? And let me explain this a little bit more. God wants to move in a very specific way in this next season of my life, but there are times where I rely more on the gift than his spirit. And I'm not saying that to try to throw myself down and, People can persecute me, but I'm trying to say this because maybe somebody is in the same season where you feel like you've been relying on the previous water or living water that has filled up the well, but you need a renewed overflow. You need a renewed wine because the old wine is breaking the wine. What is it called? Oh my goodness. The old wineskin. Thank you. Nobody told me that, but the Lord did. Praise God. The old wine is breaking the old wineskin. And so you need new wine to fill a new wineskin. You have been relying, and I know I've been relying on what my previous blessing to get me to my new season without understanding and kind of just being complacent and complacent. And it, because it's lacked confrontation, it's lacked the battle. And I'm throwing myself out there because I want to be vulnerable because maybe somebody else is dealing with this. Maybe you feel like you've been relying too much on God's mercy without walking in God's grace. You've been relying on, and let me explain that part because mercy washes away sin, grace empowers you over sin. Confrontation is the seed for change. Anything that isn't confronted will continue. Complacency needs to be confronted. Comfortability needs to be confronted. Thought processes need to be confronted. Opportunities need to be confronted. Why am I saying that? Because if opportunities aren't confronted, man will open a door for you that is not of God and you'll walk through it. It needs to be confronted. It needs to be battled, it needs to be dealt with. And when I say dealt with, it needs to be inter there needs to be time in prayer time, interceding time going out in, in, in just dwelling in the presence of the Lord where he then gives you the wisdom and revelation that you need what there to walk through it or to deny it. And so we are the seed for purpose. We are the seed to our purpose and we are seeds in God's eyes, but We Almost discount we Manipulate and let me let me let me go this we manipulate who we are Because who we think we are Like there's no way God can choose me. There's no way God would be with me. There's no way I can do this You And so that's our idea of ourselves. So we'll manipulate our true identity to fit the perspective of who we believe we are, but we really have to understand that God sees you, God sees your true self, your whole self, your healed self, your restored self, and he just wants to give you life. He wants to give you hope. He wants to give you faith. He wants to give you blessing. He wants to give you prosperity. He wants to give you protection. And sometimes that protection has to be over ourself. But the thing is that he wants you to rest in the branches of what he placed in your life. But because we don't see ourselves as seeds, but we see ourselves as nothing, or we see ourselves as this messed up broken vessel that, that doesn't carry any value. The, we then devalue who God is, but God is so much more than what we see ourselves as. Because he is a loving father that is willing to take the broken pieces of a vessel and put treasure inside. He is a father that is willing to deal with our impatience, to deal with our imperfection. He's willing to deal with our sin and put us back on the potter's wheel to form us in according to what he has called us to. Every vessel has different capacity. Every seed has a different result. There's mustard seeds. There's sunflower seeds. There's rose seeds, I think. I don't know how that There's pumpkin seeds. There's orange seeds. Every seed has a different purpose. But if an orange seed Alright, let's go apple seed. If an apple seed Lies to itself saying that I'm an A cherry seed? That does not mean it will bring cherries. It will still bring the apples. But when we stop fighting our own identity and allow God's spirit to flow through us truly and heal every wound in our heart and heal every, all the brokenness that we've allowed and heal all the sin and the scars of sin, We will then become that apple seed. An apple tree that God is intended. And stop holding the process up. But with this last thought, I just want you guys to pray. Free. Not not right now at this moment, but once this episode ends, I want you guys to pray that God would show you your true identity. And I understand that God wants to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ever think or imagine. So we think we have a limit, but God wants to exceed. We imagined. That this is what we're going to do, but God wants to exceed that. Now, I want you with that in mind, pray for your identity, that God would not only show you who you're going to become, but give you the level of expectation that is necessary for you to exceed it. But thank you guys so much for joining this week's episode of Relentless Pursuit. I know God's gonna do great things through your life, and I know He has a purpose for you. And if you've never given your life to the Lord, know that you have a purpose. If you've never heard that message, heard that gospel before, know that you have a purpose, and God has a purpose for you. And that you are being called into a family. Called to be established in him and that you are called to be loved by him God loves you God wants the relationship with you and God wants to know who you believe you are and so that he could align it to his will But I thank you guys for joining this week episode. Don't forget to share, follow, subscribe to all our social media platforms and reach out to us. We want to reach back out to you. We want to hear your feedback, hear your questions hear what this message has done for you. And so see you guys next week.

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