Relentless Pursuit

Unlocking the Power of Prayer - A Conversation with Pastor Morris

Nathan Anaya / Pastor Morris Mureithi Season 4 Episode 10

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In this episode of Relentless Pursuit, we are honored to be joined by the insightful Pastor Morris, who brings a wealth of knowledge on the transformative power and practice of prayer. Pastor Morris shares his personal journey and deep reflections on why prayer is a fundamental element of a vibrant spiritual life. His unique perspective underscores prayer’s crucial role in connecting us with the divine and navigating our everyday experiences.

Pastor Morris explores the importance of imagination and meditation in prayer, revealing how these practices can enhance our spiritual engagement and deepen our relationship with God. He also discusses the intricate connection between the mind and the spiritual realm, providing valuable insights into how this relationship influences our spiritual practices.

For those seeking to maintain a consistent and impactful prayer life, Pastor Morris offers practical tips and strategies to integrate prayer into daily routines, despite life’s challenges. He emphasizes the benefits of corporate fellowship, illustrating how praying with others can strengthen and support individual spiritual journeys.

The conversation also delves into the concept of sacrifice in prayer, highlighting how this dimension can lead to significant spiritual growth and breakthroughs. Pastor Morris addresses the difficult topic of unanswered prayers, offering guidance on how to stay faithful and hopeful during times of spiritual uncertainty.

Additionally, Pastor Morris discusses the role of fasting in prayer, shedding light on its spiritual significance and how it can enhance one’s prayer life. He provides clarity on the nuances between spiritual and natural influences, helping listeners understand their impact on prayer and spiritual growth.

This episode is packed with valuable insights and practical advice aimed at enriching your spiritual walk and deepening your prayer life. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your daily prayer routine or seeking answers to complex spiritual questions, this conversation with Pastor Morris is sure to inspire and equip you.

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00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome
00:39 The Challenges of Managing Social Media
01:40 The Importance of Prayer
02:51 Understanding the Role of Imagination in Prayer
03:44 The Mind as the Gateway to the Spiritual Realm
05:37 Addressing Mental Health and Medication
07:43 Deepening Your Relationship with God Through Prayer
10:11 Consistency and Sacrifice in Prayer
13:32 Cultural Differences in Approaching Prayer
15:36 The Power of Praying in the Spirit
16:43 The Importance of Yielding in Church
17:12 Praying in the Spirit: A Beginner's Guide
17:49 The Spirit of Prayer and Its Rejection
19:13 Responding to God's Call Through Prayer
20:24 Building a Consistent Prayer Life
23:22 The Role of Corporate Fellowship in Prayer
25:01 Understanding Unanswered Prayers
28:41 The Grace of Fasting and Humility
31:39 Final Thoughts and Social Media Plugs

What's up, RP family? We are back with another episode of Relentless Pursuit. I'm so excited because I have a very special guest, and I know you guys are in for a treat. I have Pastor Morris with us today. How you doing, Pastor? I'm good, brother. Thank you. Thank you for having me here. Of course. I've been wanting to get together with you for the longest time. I know you are like the smartest guy I know. And this is a great opportunity. The opportunity for me to learn sure. And I want to really appreciate you for, the work you've been doing, been following and, all the time, the dedication, even the editing. Man, you've just been all in. Yeah. And I'm like my own editor. And I'm my own social media. It's a lot. I never realized how much it was. Do you do your own? I do everything you do. Yeah, it's when I see, creativity and all that excellence. I know the price you have paid. Yeah. So good job, man. It's a lot. And based on, you're posting what, once a day? Twice. Now I'm advancing to twice a day. Man. Yeah. I was actually looking, I was debating whether I should hire a social media manager. Yeah. Because it might be worth the investment, but at the same time, it's just I could do it. Yeah, it's just the discipline of doing it. Yeah. I think for the I also had the same, debate and what you want to understand is the whole idea behind social media, everything. So I wouldn't advise anyone who is starting or, who is in the middle stage to hire. a manager or a marketer. I think it goes a long way to just edit and do everything so that just in case they disappoint you. Yeah. You have some skill in place. Yeah. Yeah. Amen. Okay. But let's get back to the topic. I'm sorry. That was icebreaker. Yeah. So we're talking about prayer today and this is a necessity in the kingdom of God. If you're not praying, you have no power. And that's usually what people equate it to. Is that it's like the reception. The phone call between you and God, right? And first what is it? What is it to pray? What is prayer to you? Prayer is basically communication with God. Prayer is is the best word to describe it is a platform where intimacy is enhanced. So I think when we talk about prayer, it has a lot of things because when you read in the book of Ephesians chapter three verses 20, the Bible says that, and God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we ask. think or imagine according to the power that works in us. So prayer, it goes beyond even, talking. Prayer is also involves our meditation. It also involves our imagination. It always, it also involves our thinking. So we cannot just be tied on saying, prayer is just talking to God. It goes beyond just, based on your first answer, I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm so excited for whatever else you have to say. Yeah, imagination. I want to focus on this part. Imagination has to tie into prayer. So there's a lot of creative people out there, right? What would you, what would the role in their creativity growing? Also have the, to the almost like a parallel to their prayer life growing. How does that play into the factors? I think there is a, there has to be an understanding that we are in, in, we are in a kingdom. This is a kingdom and it's a kingdom of excellence. That's number one. And then we are in the natural and there is also a parallel kind of, in comparison with the spiritual. So the spiritual is parallel to the natural. So that goes without saying that there is how we influence things in the spiritual atmosphere. And there's how we influence things in the natural atmosphere. What many people don't know is that in the realm of your spirit, what speaks is your mind. Okay. Wait, say that one more time. In the realm of the spirit, what speaks is your mind. Your mind is the gateway in the realm of the spirit. Oh, man. So when God wants to deal with you, He comes through your mind. When the enemy wants to make you go away, get out of the wheel of God, he comes through your mind. Son. The mind is the gateway in the realm of the spirit. Okay, so that's why it's the renewing of your mind. Exactly. The helmet of salvation. Exactly. And certain things let us have the mind of Christ. Yeah. Think of these things that are virtuous. All those things. The mind is a big deal when it comes to prayer. And but in the natural the atmosphere in the natural, it doesn't hear you over mind. That's why we have to pray with our mouth. Somebody asked me Pastor, I pray silently. I just, pray silently. I don't like praying loud and opening my mouth. And is there power in that? I told them, there is power in it, but it is limited. Because principalities and all the familiar spirits around us, they hear the voice of your mouth. That's why the Bible says when God was creating, He said, let there be. There was. There was. God spoke. Why would you pray silently? So when it comes to people who use their mind for creativity, it goes a long way, man. We have to train our mind to, because it is in creativity that we see God's excellence. I God, Lee, I'm just gonna start. As a matter of fact, you might as well take the whole thing over. Goodness gracious. No, man. Okay. That's a good question. There is just so much to unpack with that. It's a fun of time. Yeah. Okay. So So, realm of the spirit, the doorway to the realm of the spirit is our mind. And that's why a lot of people battle in the mind, whether it's depression, whether it's anxiety, there's a lot of these mental issues that go. And so what would you say, and this is like off topic a little bit, but what would you say for the people that are taking medication to suppress these like depression in certain areas like that? What would you say to that? I think it's different from the Western culture. Okay. Let me just give you a, I have both experienced living in Africa and here in in, in, in the Western culture. And I have seen a totally different kind of approach to these things. When I was growing up, we had no medications for anxiety. We had no medications for depression. We had no medications for all these feelings people are struggling with. When I came here, I saw there's actually a medication called hydroxyzine, which helps you with anxiety. I was like, that is very interesting, because people are trying to approach spiritual things in a natural way. Wow. That is the problem. The way you have been wired, the way God designed us, is that our life is very spiritual. And as we are walking in the center of our spirituality, it affects even our physical body. And people who struggle with depression, all these things, it is, I'm not saying taking medication is wrong. There is a part, it is also an expression of God's mercy to us for people who have gone through different traumas and all those things. We go to psychiatrists, go to therapists, go to counselors and all those things. They are good. But make sure that you have a solid prayer life before you. Make sure you're saying, I've prayed and I've done all this and it is not working and now I see this as God's expression of mercy to me. But it should not be something you replace. That is the problem. Many people are replacing medication with prayer. Yeah, that, that is, God, yeah, you're right. But I think it goes to the people that want to see physical done, like the physical changed and don't believe or don't rely necessarily on the spiritual things to influence them. That's true. And with that, I know there's a lot of roles in prayer and so back to prayer topic. Not bad because we can't be talking about but prayer. So it increases your relationship with God. But how does prayer deepen that relationship? Okay. That's good. That's good. The first thing is to understand that God created man for intimacy. God had created everything and nothing giving pleasure. than fellowship with man. That's why we read Genesis 3, the Bible says, in the cool of the day, God comes and meets with Adam. He asks Adam, where are you? Because he had been doing that, coming and meeting up with Adam. But in the book of Hebrews, we come to see that now man can approach God because the Bible says, whoever comes must believe that God exists and He's a rewarder of those that seek Him diligently. Number one, God is always looking for an opportunity to reward His children. Amen. That, that's the first thing about prayer. There are many people who say, I'm not praying so I can be blessed. I'm just praying, they, but God is looking for opportunities to reward His children. Yeah. And the platform for that opportunity to be expressed is prayer. Amen. That's why he says those that he rewards, those that seek him diligently. But number two, which is my favorite, is transformation. Our God is a holy God. He's a perfect God. In fact, there are many people that justify no one is perfect. God allows some mistakes. That, that, that has been but just because we are not perfect does not mean we remain imperfect. In fact, God says, be perfect as your father is perfect. And so the platform for that transformation. Yeah and in that I, I want to emphasize this part because you're saying that this is how I say it. We get stuck at the cross, but don't understand there's a resurrection. That's true. And so we get stuck at our salvation, understanding that, yeah, we said yes to the Lord, but that just because we said yes to the Lord does not mean that. Mean, he wants us to stay there. Yep. Yep. He wants us to continue to grow and that means consecration. You're right. And I think the thing is that a lot of people understand like greasy grace, that this is what the western culture, I guess Yeah. Would say it's greasy grace that we sin, we ask for forgiveness. We're good to go bid it again. But un understanding what you just said, that prayer grows that, that holiness in us. Is that we have a title. of the righteousness of God, but we need to fill the position of the righteousness of God. And that goes with our faith plus actions, so that we can have life in that. And in order to do that, we have to maintain this consistency in prayer. And that would lead me to my next question, is that how do you continue to grow in that consistency of prayer? Good question. So I'll give you three things that I learned. First, number one, understand God. Prayer. For people who are complete beginners, you want to start to learn how to pray. And the first thing is do a lot of study about prayer because we do what we understand. You cannot, you, everything we do is because we understand it. Everything you don't understand, you avoid. I had to write that down. We do what we understand. Yeah. So I, my prayer life changed when I saturated myself with sermons about prayer, reading books by Ian Bounds about prayer. CCC Cs Lewis. About prayer. You want to fill your heart with the dynamics of prayer because when, and that's why you see Jesus. The only thing that he taught the disciples was how to pray. Why? Because he knew that when they know how to pray, he will not have to tell them pray. Poof! The first way to be consistent in prayer. Every day make sure you watch a 15 to 20 minutes video that teaches about prayer. Wow! Okay, let's say for example, someone comes to you and says, I just don't have time to pray. What would you say to them that? Because I mean we people Yeah, people are very busy. Yeah, I don't want to I don't want to you know, discount the fact that people are busy But at the same time, what would you say to those people that yes, you're busy. Like how would you say? Yes, you're busy, but God's more important than whatever busyness you're consumed with. Yeah, I think it is Personally they all would approach it. Yeah, I'll tell them their life is under attack Oh, okay. Because the moment you are too busy to pray, it is one of the signs that your life is under attack. Remember, the Bible says, And the devil comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. He will not come to steal if there is no valuables in the room. And so Jesus said, my house shall be called the house of prayer. So if you're not praying, you have made your house available to be stolen. And so the evidence that your life is under spiritual attack is you being too busy to pray. And the fact that you're being attacked spiritually is evidence that there is something that can come out of your spiritual life. that can affect a generation, a people, a family, a destiny in one way or another. Amen. Amen. So all those who say they're too busy, understand that it's an attack. Yeah. And it's not just, it's not just, Oh, you're too busy with life. You signed up for too many things. You've got half a job that works 12, 12 hours. It's there's an attack over your life because there is purpose. There's plans. There's promises that you can achieve that God has put in your life and put for you to have. Now with that being said, Pastor! Goodness! I love this! I'm going to have to re watch this episode like 15 times just to We are lightened by the grace of God. We are lightened. Like I said in the beginning, there is just a wealth of knowledge that you have over this topic. And giving a different perspective, coming from Africa originally, and then making your way over here, what are the biggest differences that you see? Honestly, I will say the civilization is a good and a bad thing at the same time. And people really don't understand sacrifice in the Western culture. Yeah. I'll give you a good example. In my church, we never had carpets on the ground. Amen. It was, it is maybe tiles or maybe some, just some hard Sand or something. And we used to lie down flat. We need used. We used to kneel down talking about hours. Who spent vigil nights in a place that has no windows. And so we understood sacrifice, because when it comes to prayer, the one way to be effective in prayer is adding sacrifice to your prayer. Many people are just looking for convenience. You In prayer. That's why they never make progress in spiritual life. Yeah. The whole idea behind making progress in life is adding sacrifice to your prayer. I'm talking about praying long hours. I'm talking about adding fastings. I'm talking about choosing to pray a certain time consistently. Wow. Because that is that, that is the difference between the Western culture and the African culture. The difference is. Sacrifice. Yeah. And I want to add some or not add, but I want to ask you something on this. So you know how, like the most Muslim religion, they have certain times where they pray. What are you think? Cause I know a lot of people like the disciplines of it, the order of it and not trying to get off topic here but if you were to say to someone like, I pray at six o'clock every day I'm in their Muslim. I pray at 5 12 and whatever. And so how is your relationship to who they call Allah better than mine? If I'm praying more? Yes. When we talk about that, it is a, it's a very big debate. Maybe I shouldn't have got that. It's a very big debate. But prayer that is powerful, everybody's praying, Buddhist, Muslims, Christians, everybody's praying. The prayer that is effective is a, the prayer of, in the spirit, praying in the spirit. It is not about how long you pray. It is not about how many times you pray in a day. It's about praying in the spirit. So for the people who, and maybe even me that don't understand what praying in the spirit is, what, so what is that to you? The way God speaks to us is through impressions. There is somehow you feel a burden in your heart. I need to pray. Okay. You have had moments like that. When you wake up in the morning, you don't feel like praying. There is a kind of prayer that comes. as an impression. God presses in your heart, I wanted to pray at this certain time. If you yield, you, your spirit gives more authority to your flesh. Okay. The more you yield, the more you train your spirit to pray. So that that, that is the first way we pray in the spirit. We pray in the spirit when we yield. And this yielding, you know where it starts? It starts in church. When the pastor says, lift up your hands and pray. What do many people do? They just sit down and they look at the pastor. Meanwhile, the pastor is being used by God to help you to yield because if you can yield to a natural man, it becomes easy to yield to the spirit. So many people are struggling with pride, even in church, when we tell them, lift up your hands and worship. They just look at you like this. Wow. They don't want to yield. Yeah, so praying in the spirit is all about yielding It's not just about a religious kind of Activity that we set, systems. Got you However, if you are a beginner you should create systems that bind your soul to the altar Yeah, so for anyone who is completely beginner, it is okay to say, what? I will do this every day for 30 minutes from 6 to 6. 30. Do this every day. Why? Because the more you do it mechanically, eventually, the spirit behind prayer will be attracted to you. Because prayer is a spirit. Ooh. So praying is a spirit? Yeah, praying is a spirit. Okay. We're gonna have to go into that now. Good. Praying is a spirit. Let, can you I guess you can rebuke it, you can rebuke it. You can reject it. You can reject it. So that's it. Yeah. Rebuking, rejecting. Yeah. Yeah. So rejecting, you can reject it. And the more you reject it, the more it will take time for you to accept it. Does that make sense? Yeah. So for instance, if the spirit of prayer comes upon me and I feel to pray right now, if I say, no, I'm not praying. And then tomorrow, same time, the spirit of prayer comes, I reject that, that spirit to pray, right? Eventually, when I want to pray, because you must understand that God is a king, it will take me so much concentration and effort to show God that I am really willing to pray. It's that, that parable where he says, go send a, the King's go send a message to all the kingdom and see who would, who'd come during the ball or something. I'm paraphrasing. And then nobody said they had time. Everybody was too busy. And he went to the highways and the byways and the people that weren't. Yeah. Worthy of even stepping foot in the kingdom. And that's where a lot of us are and have to understand. Even take that posture. Yeah. Of that, yeah, we're not worthy, but we're still being called by the King. And that shouldn't hinder us from accepting that invitation to. And what people don't realize is that when you're praying, it is because God is seeking you. We say that I'm praying, I was, we pray it is a response because there was an invitation. That's the first thing. So it should humble us so much, my brother, that God is seeking you. It's not you even seeking him. Yeah. He's seeking you. So when you are responding in prayers, you're saying, Lord, you sought for me, I'm here. That's what prayer is all about, answering, responding to an invitation. So God's calling you every single day. Yes. It's a, it's an answering of the phone. And okay just the way you respond makes me I have like questions here, but now I just okay. So God is calling you every single day, but let's say, for example you don't connect to the call. You're building up let's put it up. You're building a dam and each day you are building the dam higher and higher where no longer the water will flow. Just to make it in a practical sense to paint this picture. Okay. Okay. Now. In order to break that dam down, how would you first get into the place of, alright, one piece of the dam at a time? My advice would be, use the gift we have of one another. There is nothing that assists someone who is starting their prayer life journey than corporate fellowship. There is so much grace available when you join prayer meetings. When you join like how we have Relentless Night, those are good platforms to build your prayer life. If you are consistent with that, now continue adding another block. The other block is start small. The reason why many people are not praying nowadays is because they are aiming so, they are aiming for long hours. They say, today I must pray for an hour. And, if you have never done that before, your flesh always resists pain. Yeah. It's the same way with walking out. Yeah. You start with 20, 20 minutes a day. You start with, and then you keep on adding hours. So it is the same way. Many, it is better for you to do, this is a formula I used and it really worked for me. After every three hours, pray for 15 minutes. If you do that for a whole day, you have prayed for an hour, 15 minutes. So after every three hours, pray for 15 minutes. Every three hours, pray for 15 minutes. During the busyness of your day. Just get somewhere and just pray. If you do that, your spirit now learns to yield. Now your prayer becomes something you enjoy. I like that. I like that. So you've done this obviously. Oh yeah. Do you still do it? How is your prayer life now? Yeah. Yeah, so Okay, so there is It's very interesting. You're like you have 24 hours in a day. You pray 22 So give God 10 percent of your day. Okay, so that is a good formula So we have 24 hours a day 10 percent is 2 hours 40 minutes Yeah, 2 hours 40 minutes so one hour I give it for corporate fellowship So I go I minister every day You Okay. So I give that one hour for corporate fellowship, meeting with one another, meeting with my best friends. And then the one hour forty minutes, I dedicate it for my personal time. So I sometimes pray at night, sometimes I pray in the morning, depending on how my schedule goes along. But I must pray a certain time. And also divide that time also to read the word. Okay. I'm not going to get an hour for an average believer, at least an hour, you will make a lot of progress a day because that's what Jesus said. Can't you pray even for at least an hour? Yeah. So an hour is a good average time. Amen. Okay. Amen. I really liked that 10 percent thing. Oh yeah. It's a time. I'm definitely have to go. Put that into practice, because that, we have a tendency to pray people view prayer as, alright, lock yourself in a room and stay in there for however long, many hours you can do. But prayer, as you said, it's corporate fellowship. And so coming to church is a form of prayer. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And so how would you if you were telling somebody this, how would you explain that more? That these other areas, like reading the Bible is prayer. Yeah. That, that corporate fellowship is prayer. How would you explain that to somebody that's just getting into prayer? I thought prayer was when you respond, prayer is responding to God's invitation. And there are many ways God calls us. Yeah. When you read the Bible, wisdom is calling on you. Oh. So you are answering to the call of wisdom. Yeah. When you the Bible says, let us not forsake the gathering of one another. Let us come so that we can be perfected in the saints. Do you know, there is, the scripture that says in Psalms 133, Verses three, that how good and pleasing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. For there I shall command a blessing. That the moment we come together in unity. as believers, as brethren, there is a kind of blessing that we can only receive in corporate fellowship. There are many people that are going through church hurt. They are isolating themselves because they got hurt in the church. They were expecting support from the church and the church did not support them. So they want to seek God in isolation. That is the worst and the most dangerous thing you can ever do. Because there is only a kind of blessing in corporate fellowships. You just got me down a whole other topic on that one. I know, we need to talk about the church. I know, man. Ah, geez. Okay, but I'm not going to go into that. I'm not going to go into that. But prayer yeah. Okay, so now for people who, who have unanswered prayers, and people who have been almost hurt by, by God's what feels like God's absence. Yeah. How would you talk to them and say that God's still there, and sometimes His unanswered isn't answered? And how would you convey that to somebody who's been hurt so many times through prayer? Number one, the reason why we don't receive answers to prayer is praying amiss. When we talk about praying a miss, we must all understand that God does not talk much. God is not like a principal, like a head, like a school teacher who talks all the time. No. God is a king. And one of the things about him, he answers questions. He does not talk much. So when we are praying, it is good to ask God questions. God, a lot of questions. Lord, why am I doing this? Lord, how is it that I can do this? Oh, Lord, where do you want me to be? When we learn to ask God questions, not from complain, but questions that are backed up with scripture. Lord, you say that I will be a lender and not a borrower. Why is this spirit of debt following me? Hi. I received that. I'm, I can use that now. The, and now God will now highlight to you areas that are hidden because God does not just want you to change this. God does not just want to change situations in your life. God wants you to be the change so that you don't keep on crying over bread. You will be able to. Like how they say, teach you how to fish instead of giving you the fish. That is how God works with us. Whoo! I'm about to cry over this conversation because it's When you see God is being silent, it is because He's changing something in you. Amen. That is the first thing. That's number one. Number two, we must understand that when God speaks, His voice has weight. Okay. Because He's called the King of Glory. So everything He does has weight. What is glory? Glory is the weightiness of God. The weight, anything that makes God good. If God releases His glory upon you, and your heart is divided, you know what happens? You become fractured. For instance, if you have something that has no enough foundation, if the foundation is fractured, If you add weight on that object, what will happen? It will crash even more. The same way with people. There are some people who have so many cares of this world. They have, cares of this world. Their hearts are divided. And that's why God is not speaking to them. Because if God speaks to them, with how their heart is divided, they will crash. For instance, somebody asked me past, I've been trying to fast. It's becoming a difficult thing. And I told them, The issue is not that you cannot fast. The issue is that you're struggling with pride. Because, Humility is what attracts grace. Yeah. If you fast for three days and you go telling your whole village, you know I fasted the other day, there are pastors who when they are giving their personal testimonies, there is a day I fasted for 14 days with no eating, no water, I got these visions, I got these encounters. There are people that is why they cannot even continue fasting. Because if God gives them a little grace of fasting, the whole village will know. how they fasted, how they were deep in prayer, how they did all those things. And so God will keep that grace away from them because if he gives them, it will lead to their destruction. Okay. Real quick. I want to highlight this. This is the last question. You're saying there's a grace to fast. There is a grace. Okay. So how would you be more receptive to this grace? Humility. Humility. And concentration. So there are three things. There is concentration, that is you set yourself apart. Got you. Number two, there is humility. There is nothing that attracts grace. The grace of fasting, like humility. What does that mean? It means you don't talk about you being humble. Yeah. Just start. Just be humble. Do the things that call, humility calls for. Yeah. Not telling people what you have achieved. Not praying to God, which is the highest level of displaying humility. Every time you humble yourself and pray, it reveals your humble. And as you do that, God will continue to give you the grace to even fast. Fasting will begin as a mechanical way. You say, I'm not eating today, but in the second day, God will see your desire. He will see your motive. The reason why many people are not having the graceful fast is because they are fasting for material possessions. They're fasting so that they can have financial breakthrough, fasting so that they can be able to afford that house, fasting they have translated spiritual activities for material possessions. But fasting is for our alignment with the heart of God. It's not to acquire. Man go on. I don't want to stop you now. So that's why many people are not able to fast. How many people only fast because they're about to get married? Shoot. I'm sure everyone Exactly. But they don't want to fast for their nation. They don't want to fast because there is an election. And God is seeing all those selfish ambitions. You don't need to fast for finances. It's a principle. Give, you receive. Does that make sense? Yes! I'm getting my mind blown! There are many people that they are taking spiritual activities and they are translating them for acquiring. There's a scripture that the Lord has been putting into my heart. Seek ye first the kingdom of God. and all these things shall be added to you. Many, for many years we have taught and we have been taught that scripture means seek to know God's will for your life, seek his kingdom, serve him, all those things. And all these things you need shall be added to you, right? Things like cars, finances, all those things. But that's not what that scripture means. Do you know that actually means more responsibility? And all these things. will be added to you. It's talking about the context is responsibility. Wow. There's so many things we can talk about. I, yeah, this can't be the last time I talk to you. We will talk more about that. Yeah, you gotta come up back on the podcast. Shoot, at this point, I might have you on every single one. But anytime, my brother. Yeah man, that's awesome. And what's your YouTube channel? And yeah my YouTube channel is Pastor Morris Murethy. It's M U R E I T H I. TikTok, Jesus Manoficio. Instagram, Jesus Manoficio. Oh, just in the nick of time? Yeah, somebody called. TikTok, Jesus Man Official. Instagram, Jesus Man Official. Nice. YouTube, Pastor Morris. Awesome. That's all his social media platforms. Make sure you go check him out. And if you want to hear more of what he has to say, like I said, wealth of knowledge right here. Just go check him out. Give him a subscription. Give him a follow. Give him some likes. Let's make sure we expand the kingdom and what God can do through him and get this message out. But now just make sure you like and share Relentless Pursuit, guys. I know I know we have more for you and I know God's going to do great things and so make sure you like follow share and subscribe to all our social media platforms and share this message I know God wants to impact a lot of people in prayer and this message I know it has already impacted me I took notes and I was as I was asking him questions because man I'm gonna have to re watch it about 15 times but make sure you guys watch it about 20 times because we gotta just pick apart every nugget that was in this podcast. But anyways, see you guys next week. Catch you guys soon. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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