Relentless Pursuit

Temptation in Transition

Nathan Anaya Season 4 Episode 12

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In this powerful season finale of Relentless Pursuit, the host takes a reflective journey through an extraordinary Season 4, filled with inspiring stories and transformative lessons. The episode dives deep into the theme of conquering fear and embracing one's God-given purpose, drawing rich insights from the story of Nehemiah. By examining Nehemiah's unwavering faith and determination despite immense challenges, the host underscores the critical importance of taking that initial step of faith. This act of courage, even when faced with adversities and attempts by the enemy to instill fear, is central to achieving one’s divine calling.

The discussion further explores the concept of being yoked to God—a profound commitment that involves not only aligning one's life with divine guidance but also understanding the responsibility it entails. This season finale emphasizes the need for spiritual growth and the importance of relying on God’s strength to overcome obstacles. It’s a call to action for all listeners to embrace their spiritual journey with renewed vigor, knowing that with God’s support, they can conquer any fear and fulfill their purpose.

Looking ahead, the next season promises exciting new developments. 

00:00 Welcome and Season Wrap-Up

00:13 Facing Fear and Embracing Faith

01:17 Lessons from Nehemiah

02:58 The Concept of Being Yoked with God

07:38 Transitioning from Flesh to Spirit

12:51 Personal Journey and Reflections

20:27 Future Plans for Relentless Pursuit

27:11 Closing Prayer and Final Thoughts


What's up, RP family. We are so excited for you to be here again. Thank you guys for an amazing season. I know I could not have done this without you. We are wrapping up season four with this episode. And for the most part, I believe that God pushes me in the last episode of the seasons to Give a little vision casting, but with that being said, I know that even when you speak faith that the enemy will come to rob you with fear. Meaning that anytime you try to conquer your Goliaths, anytime that you try to go up those mountains, anytime that you try to do something great for God, it will be met with the enemy trying to bring fear for example, today I got done with a meeting and of something that's coming in the future and all I wanted to do was run away, to give up, to stop, and it was in those moments where it's just man, if I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do this. If I'm going to conquer that battle, I need to take that first step. I need to take that first initial step. So it's the, it's what comes in the middle that, that really begins to be the temptation for you to run away from your purpose. And so I want you to go with me to the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah gets this letter from his family, I believe, and he, this is one thing that he says, no one, Or, I told no one what my God had put in my heart to do to Jerusalem. So here's the thing about Nehemiah. Nehemiah was set on this mission by God to rebuild this wall that was surrounding Jerusalem. And because he had this dream, this inspiration from God to do and the thing is that he was a slave or a cupbearer for the king of a different land. Meaning that he could not just get up and go. Meaning that God told him to do this. Okay, now what? And there is, that is the question for so many of our lives. Okay, Nate, God wants you to do this. Nate, go do this. Nate, this is the faith mission. Now God, I need you to give me the strength to complete it. God, I need you to activate within me What you seen and not what I feel and so there's this temptation to go back to reality Oh, there goes gravity. There's this temptation to just stay where you are. Stay complacent. There's a temptation to revert to what you know in your flesh. But what God is saying is, I'm calling you out of your flesh so that you can live and dwell in the Spirit. And because God knows Us more than we know us. He's saying that I planted something in your DNA that would not allow you To forego or quit this responsibility. In fact, there's this word that God gave me. He said I'm yoked Essentially is what the word was in the Bible Not that I'm the strong, muscular man, though my wife might say I am. But no, it's I'm yoked to him. Meaning that, and I want to expand on that because it's going to lead me into this next spot, is that the Bible says God wants to give you His yoke, which is light. Because there are so many times where we are yoking ourself, to something or someone that is not of God that makes us work even more because of the responsibility that it bears. So if somebody lacks, we then have to make up for their lack in order to overcompensate what they do not provide. What do What they do not bring or what that motion does not bring or fulfill what that feeling does not fulfill what that substance does not fulfill. We have to overcompensate based on our actions. For example, we have to take certain pills or certain drinks or certain Products that will overcompensate for our depression, anxiety. There are these things that people try to medicate. What God says, I want to be your restoration. I want to be the one that, that you cling to in your time of need. I want to be your source of remedy. I want to be your source of peace. And God is, has been, giving me little bullet points of different topics and it's crazy because what does it mean to yolk yourself to God? It means that you then are a yolk to him, then bear a responsibility to be a carrier of his glory. Meaning that the yolk itself is not the light, but because you are yoking or you are yoked with Jesus. And have his yoke on, you are walking with him to plow the fields so the harvest could come. Does that make sense? And, people, I guess people still do it, like if you're Amish. But there's these oxen that would be yoked together, two oxen that would be yoked together. It's, I think the Bible talks about one being, And the other one being new, so the seasoned one could teach the new one, which is funny. Anyways, that just popped in my head. But my point of that is saying that you would yoke two oxen together, so they could plow the field, so that they could put the seed into the ground. And they would have this plow on their back, and as they walk forward, they would have to walk in a straight line. And so it would, like I said, plow the field. And from that, the harvest would come. But the thing is that you are not walking alone. You're walking yoked to Jesus. You are walking yolk to Jesus. Now, what is this yoke? This yoke is his glory. This. Ah, Lord Jesus. This yoke is his presence. This yoke is the burden that God wants you to bear. And so I want you to see this. See this because Moses on the mountain was yoked with God. And his glory and what ended up happening is that the children of Israel who were not yoked to God began to be fearful of Moses when they seen him. And so Moses then had to cover his face from them. But if you remember, God said to Moses, I cannot show you my face because you will die. And so now in that same instance, because Moses was yoked to God, He could not show the children of Israel his face because it would instill fear in them. Now we go from this part of the portion of scripture and, I want you to see this is because God has set His glory on your shoulders. He set His glory as a yoke to you. And the thing is we want His glory without adapting to his character, meaning that he is faithful and true. He is a holy God. He is a righteous God, and he's given us all the opportunities of taking up the mantle, but we lack the ability because our mindset is, has not been renewed. We have the new wine, but the old wineskin has not come. been yoked to the new one. We have the spirit within us, but because we have still have the old habits, we are not dying to ourself. And so we are in the middle of a transition from your Egypt. From your prison to your palace, from your grave to life. We are in the middle of a transition going from yoked to your flesh's desires, to being yoked with Jesus, and being yoked with Jesus, To now bearing the responsibility of plowing the field. And so we are in these transitions, not understanding that God is faithful to deliver you from A to B and B to C. But we go through these transitions understanding that there had been so many that failed before me. Why would I be different? And so then we become into, we become begin to fall in this identity issue. Not realizing that God put this call over your life. So when in one door. Shut and another door shuts and another no hits your face and another no and denial and Rejection comes and meets you understand that these are opportunities of Elevation that these are opportunities where you can say I know you said no, but my god said yes I know that was an opportunity that was shut to me my God has given me more opportunities. I know, and the thing about this is that God makes ways when there are no ways. And sometimes the way that you thought you could go is not the way that God intended you to be. Temptation of the transition is to be complacent in the physical, to be complacent in the flesh. There is a scripture that, that comes to mind and it talks about where is it at? Is it in Galatians? Galatians 3. 2 through 3 and then in verse 5 it says, Let me ask you this one question. Did you receive the Holy Spirit by obeying the law of Moses? No, of course not. You've received the Spirit because you believe the message you heard about Christ. Now, real quick, that is the portion of Scripture where now you are yoked. to Jesus. Now, what does it say? How foolish can you be after starting your new lives in the spirit? Why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort? I ask you again, does God give you the Holy Spirit and work miracles among you because you obey the law? Of course not. It's because you believe the message you heard about Christ. Now, what is that, what am I saying, Nate? What are you saying, Nate? That the transition from being yoked to Christ, to being made perfect in Him is, there's a transition there. I understand salvation was a yes in your heart, but now it's, comes to consecration. Now it comes to elevation. Now it comes to maturity and refining and development of your spirit, man, because we've done it so often in this religiosity, in this religious way that we've miss represented gone to so many because we are not wearing the yoke of glory. We are not wearing the burden and responsibility of his power. Presence but instead we are trying to work it out in our flesh What god is saying is that i'm trying to get you from your flesh to the spirit and being made perfect in him But in order for me to do that, you have to deny yourself. There's a scripture in luke it says Man, where does it say it? Oh. If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life, for my sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world? The Bible is very clear that there is a transition in your life, not only from the salvation, but that exceeds that, or that goes beyond that. Because, yes, you came after him, but now are you going to continue to follow him? Yes, you've met him and had an encounter with him, but are you going to continue to have encounters? Are you going to continue your prayer life? Are you going to continue to develop as a Christian? Are you going to continue to follow him? Are you going to continue in your discipleship? And so we're in a transition and constantly in a transition of where are you going to go? Are you going to go to your flesh or are you going to come unto Him? Are you going to go to the things of the physical or are you going to come unto Him? The thing is that many people just don't know. In church are lost and are blinded because they are being guided by a shepherd who lives in his flesh There are being guided by a shepherd whose vision has been blinded to him Or them. And they're being guided Guiding people that don't have aren't connected to his spirit. And we go into this temptation this temptation of transition. Because there's a transition in every moment of our life. There is and there's something I want to say is that sometimes, Activity does not mean movement. Just because you are active does not mean you are moving forward. Just be, and I want to give this example is because the Lord when I was on my restoration path and God was working in my life he sent me to Houston, and there was a lot of things that Houston did for me, and it was so amazing, and I loved every moment of it, in fact, there was a moment where I wanted to move there but, obviously, God had called me back home and to resolve some things but my point is that Houston was amazing to me, but there was a moment in my timeline, in my walk with God, where I was in Houston, and I had to understand that I could not just live Houston lifestyle, but there was a moment where I got back to Arizona and I tried to be Houston There was a transition for me and I tried to be like my Houston self when I came back I tried to do my Houston things. I tried to live my Houston way I tried to be like my Houston self and the thing is that's not how life is you can't carry Or you can't do what one season needed you to do in your next season You I know you lived on a couch in Houston, but you can't live on a couch forever. I just say that because it was a funny moment. That couch was thrown away, by the way. But when I came back, I thought I was healed. I thought I was restored, but I was met with the facts of reality that I didn't allow to heal in me. That I was restored in my spirit. But I was met with the wounds of the past and I wasn't prepared Because in faith I was healed But there was a lot of things that I didn't Identify in my life. There was a lot of things that I didn't expose in my life But because I was so active I didn't allow the maturing of my walk with God to heal certain areas because I covered it up. I remember there was a few days when I was over there where I was like, I was just thinking about home. And I was like, I'm not home. I'm here. So I pushed to the back of my mind, home. Not understanding that home was going to be here at one point and I was going to have to face what I left Jonah you have to face what you left The thing about Houston for me is it did so many things for my life. It brought so many people into my life, and it gave me a family, it gave me understanding how to be a parent, it gave me so much that I could never repay. But the thing about Houston for me the one negative is that I never addressed what I needed to address because I wanted to be fine. When you're met with the wounds of the past, your temptation is to think you're fine, to believe you're fine without truly identifying the source of your grief, the source of your pain, the source of what's going on. You just want to put makeup over or put a facade over it. You want to put a mask on it. And God is saying, Nathan. I'm calling you back home because I need you to remove that mask in front of me. Come here, Adam. Adam, who told you were naked? Why are you being clothed now? Nate, you need to be open to me. And that's where God checked me and he brought me home and he checked me. I'm not Houston Nate, I'm Nate, a child of God. I can't identify with something that I believe I am. I have to identify with what I actually am. And what I actually am is a child of the Most High God. That is healed, restored. And that believes in a God of miracles. That He is a Restorer. Praise God. And so I'm gonna, I'm gonna come to a close here with this scripture. This is one thing that as you are moving into your next, as you are going into your next season, I want you to believe this with all your heart. And this is one thing that God showed to me yesterday as I was reading Luke chapter 10. It said the harvest is truly great, but the laborers are few. Fast forward to verse three. It says, go your way. Behold, I send you Out as lambs among wolves. Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandal, and greet no one along the road. But whatever house you enter, first say, Peace to this house, and if the son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it. If not, it will return to you, and remain in the same house, eating and drinking such things as they give. For the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not go far from house to house. Or do not go from house to house. Whatever city you enter, they receive you, eat such things as are set before you, and heal the sick there. And say to them, The kingdom of God has come near you. But whatever city you enter and do not receive, and they do not receive you, go out into the streets and say this is the very dust of your city. Will cling to us and just wait the very dust of your city, which clings to us. We wipe off against you and so What does this mean? What does this mean? Jesus was just sending out 72 people to go perform miracles Now he said I'm sending you out as lambs into wolves. There is a temptation there You To be afraid. The wolves can be the fear and the stress of life. Meaning, why did God, why did Jesus say don't bring knapsack, don't bring extra pair of clothes, don't bring money whatever provision you receive is because I ordained it to be. How many times in our life we try to overcompensate of what we don't believe fully God will do. But he wants to make us he wants to make us aware that he is Jehovah Jireh, the Lord God, our provider. And, what God said is that you will have peace among the wolves. Among the fears of life, you will have peace. When that debtor comes knocking at your door. When that person comes, that you hurt or hurt you. When that When, The things of your past come back up again. Those are the wolves of life. But what does it say? You will have peace among the wolves. And the reason why I want to talk about that is because there's temptations. There, I'm sorry, there's transitions that are coming up for relentless pursuit and something that I'm very, some things that I'm very excited for, some things that I'm a little nervous for, and some things that I'm afraid, but I'm relying on God. First being that I want relentless pursuit to be. a tree. Meaning that relentless pursuit is the trunk and what comes from relentless pursuit is the branches. And not trying to get super spiritual or biblical or whatever but it's just funny that's how it went. There is so much that I want to do but like I said activity does not mean movement. And I wrote a faith board, a vision board The beginning of the year and God has done some things that I believe that we're on it. God has done a lot more than some. He's done a lot of those things. And some that aren't fully done or aren't fully coming to pass. But I'm believing God for more. But, as of right now, some of the things that, that we will be doing within the next couple of months. Or next month, I should say. Is that Relentless Pursuit will start a sub Playlist on YouTube called the deep me What that's gonna be is we're going to dive into the deep parts of the Bible the mysteries of the Bible Where I'm gonna do a deep dive of a research on a certain topic whether it's a name of God whether it's a specific place Whether it is just a simple word I'm going to do a deep dive of it and then once a month I'm going to I'm going to bring it before you guys and I'm going to put it on there and it will just be like a bible study and it'll be something really cool to experience just because I know God has so many mysteries that I don't know yet and I pray that through that it'll bring you a revelation or even a curiosity to go find stuff that you haven't experienced yourself or seen yourself. And then second. I believe God has been telling me for a while to get more involved in social media. And so I tried this season as much as I possibly could. I was posting three times a week and on Instagram roughly around two times a week on TikTok, and trying to do once a week on YouTube Shorts. Now with that being said, I don't believe I'm utilizing Social media as much as I could But with that being said I believe With throughout this next season. I'm going to try to post two Devotionals on tiktok a week and it's just going to be little devotionals little encouragement And it'll be something different. It's not going to be long and lengthy. It's just going to be a short and sweet bullet point to the point. God's going to give you mercies and grace and hallelujah. So yeah, devotional on TikTok. And now the third thing, this is what I'm excited for too is because one thing that I really believe in is prayer. I remember growing up and my pastor would always say You have power from prayer. You get power from prayer. My pastor would always hammer in the idea of prayer. But then when I went to Bible college, I would always be insecure of how I prayed. And I would hear these people who are praying, and they're praying like they're writing a novel. I'm like, what in the world? They're like I pray in the name of Jesus, that the blood of Jesus would cover all the multitude of sin. And that, that the sword of the spirit would slay the serpent of the land. I'm like, okay praise God. And, but so I would be really insecure about how I prayed because I didn't, I wasn't a full developed Christian. In fact, by that time, I was probably what, two, three years saved. And I just didn't know. I don't, I didn't know a lot of biblical stories, a lot of prayer points. I just didn't know. And I was very underdeveloped when it came to my prayer life, even though I prayed a lot at that time. It just seemed like I wasn't doing enough. But with that being said, with this next season coming out, I'm going to post certain prayer videos on YouTube. And you can play them throughout your day. Pray them, whether it's praying for healing, praying for breakthrough, praying, whatever it is. It's going to be these prayers that I post. Again, one, two, maybe three, maybe ten, maybe an hour. I don't know how long they'll be but. I believe God is going to enter into a different atmosphere through these videos and whether you're playing them in the background of what you're doing, I believe God has power in prayer. And then lastly, one thing that I've been waiting for. end of the year I've dreamt about it. I thought about it. I've prayed about it. I've done so many things for it. Getting ready for it. We are getting ready to launch our merch line, clothing line, apparel line, and we, I'm so excited. That was the meeting I met with today, the person I met with today. the manufacturer who's going to be potentially making the shirts. And I'm so excited. I'm so excited. This is one thing that I've waited for so long. Not that I would make a company, but that I would make a Clothing that would display your purpose. I believe it's not even me. It's God for sure but I believe God is has so much in store through this clothing line and what he's going to do and i'm Able to partner with someone that's very close to me in this and so yeah, that's coming then the next couple of A couple of weeks, you'll begin to see a soft launch of where we're going to be asking for pre orders. And so I'm excited. I'm excited, guys. We have so much in store. RP's is very near and dear to my heart, and I know God has some great things for Relentless Pursuit. And I'm not going to say the name of the clothing line, And I'm not even gonna there's just so much that you'll know when it comes out, you'll know when it pops up, and it's gonna be, it's gonna be something special, and I'm excited, but yeah guys that is all that we have coming up in the near future, but I'm believing God's gonna do so much more, and this episode was amazing, thank you guys so much for tuning in if you If you need prayer for anything, reach out to the podcast. We'll make sure to pray for you and then get in contact with you because we're going to believe God for big things. Not only for Relentless Pursuit, not only for my life, but for your life because God is a God of miracles. And if you could just bow your head with me at this time, we're going to pray out from this season and we're going to pray that God has So much more for you. So Father, we thank you God. We thank you for this time where we were able to spend with you. We were, thank you, we thank you for the wisdom that you poured out God. Lord, I pray that you would open our hearts, Father, that we would not only receive you more, but we could pour out more. More we pray that through this God through this episode and through our life Lord that you would stir up A faith in us Lord to take that step out of our comfort zone and into the next into the purpose So Lord, we're believing, Father, for miracles. And we're believing what your word says. We're believing that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We're believing that you are not a man that you should lie. We are believing that you have plans to prosper us and not to harm us. We are believing your word, God. And so we trust in you, we believe in you, we look to you in Jesus mighty name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you guys so much for tuning in this week. Make sure you like, follow, share and subscribe to all our social media platforms and get ready because more is to come. See you guys soon.

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