Relentless Pursuit
Our relentless pursuit after God as He pursues after us.
Relentless Pursuit
Unlocking Secrets: Fear of the Lord Explored
In this powerful episode of Relentless Pursuit, we dive deep into the profound concept of the fear of the Lord—a transformative force that goes beyond mere reverence and honor for God. What does it really mean to fear the Lord, and how can this fear purify our motives, deepen our intimacy with God, and empower us to overcome the fear of man?
We explore this life-changing principle through biblical examples such as King Saul and Mary Magdalene, two individuals who had vastly different responses to God's call. King Saul, driven by the fear of people, lost his anointing and destiny, while Mary Magdalene's encounter with Jesus radically transformed her life, revealing the power of godly fear that draws us closer to the heart of God.
In addition, we examine key biblical insights from books like Isaiah 33 and Psalms 19:9, as well as the Parable of the Ten Virgins, to illustrate how the fear of the Lord purifies our hearts, strengthens our obedience, and prepares us for the return of Christ. We discuss how this fear is not one of dread, but a deep, reverent awe that aligns our hearts with God’s will and activates our spiritual calling.
Key Takeaways:
Purification of Motives: Discover how the fear of the Lord helps cleanse our hearts and refine our desires.
Intimacy with God: Learn how this fear fosters a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Creator.
Overcoming the Fear of Man: Find the courage to walk in your calling without being swayed by the opinions or expectations of others.
Spiritual Transformation: See how a genuine encounter with God and a life of obedience can rapidly activate your purpose and spiritual gifts.
Preparation for Christ’s Return: Understand the urgency of spiritual readiness through the Parable of the Ten Virgins.
Whether you’re in a season of growth or seeking to deepen your relationship with God, this episode will inspire and challenge you to cultivate the fear of the Lord in your daily life.
What's up, RP family? Welcome back to another episode of Relentless Pursuit. I'm so excited that we've started this new season sprinting. I know God is doing great things through Relentless Pursuit, and I've had such a time. Where God has been speaking to me about these topics and more so like the Christian walk and the separation of Christianity and secularism. And there's that distinction that God has between the two. And then not only that, that there is certain favor that goes over certain individuals and it's not necessarily something That we want or long for it's just because of the closeness and intimacy that we have with God but one thing that I wanted to get into today is The fear of the lord and so I wanted to welcome you To this week's podcast if this is your first episode, I want to thank you so much for joining I want to thank you for joining this mission. Our mission is to pursue after God as He relentlessly pursues after us. And if you can at this time, could you share this podcast so you can help us expand. I believe this is the year where God is taking us from ordinary. From the natural to the supernatural to the extraordinary. And so I'm believing God is going to do great things. And to lead us off, I wanted to start from a quote. From the awe of God John Bevere states, As holy fear grows within us according to our increased comprehension of God's glory purifies our motives, freezes from fear of, I'm sorry, frees us from the fear of man, and produces true holiness. So I wanted to break this topic down of what is the fear of the Lord? So a lot of time we say reverence, right? A lot of time we say honor. But it's truly It's such a deep and really profound topic, because the fear of the Lord is more than just reverence towards God. It's more than just honoring God. It's obedience to God. It's the awe of who He is. It's not only human. Heating his words, but falling in love with his words, falling in love with him. And this representation can really be broken down from a husband and a wife. I recently just got married earlier this year, and I'm believing, I believe that there is a position, or I shouldn't say I believe, there is a position that my wife holds in my heart that no one else can replace. There is a position, as a matter of fact, there is even more there is a connection that me and my wife share that no one else can replace. There is there is, there's things that me and my wife will do that no one else on this world or ever will be able to say they did. There are things that me and my wife come in contact with or communicate or things that we do such as certification, such as communicating about our feelings, about the emotions that we go through, about the battles that we have. And there is just an intimate level between us. And that is the same way of us having that same reverence, awe, communication, intimacy with God. And so the fear of the Lord is more than just reverence. And so as you grow in the understanding of the secrets of heaven, last episode, if you haven't seen the last two episodes, first we talked about being a friend of God and how Abraham was a friend of God and how it impacted the will of God on the earth. And then we talked about the secrets of heaven and how the secrets of heaven have been veiled or almost Have been shown, but there are people that have blind eyes that do not see. And so the Lord, when you are a friend of God and know God, He'll begin to unveil or lift up the scales from your eyes so that you can see the truth. And that truth is Jesus. And then we talking about what we're talking about today, the fear of God. So we went from being a friend of God. So then being revealed the secrets and mysteries of heaven now We are talking about the fear of the Lord and the reason why that impacts the two is Because you can't be a friend without the fear not necessarily saying you want to run away from God Not saying you want don't want anything to do with God not saying that he's a haunted house And you don't go near it because you're afraid But more so because the fear that you have for him is something that you share with your intimate loved ones. It's something that you honor, you respect, you reverence, and also want to be intimate with. And when I say the fear, the Bible says, don't be afraid 365 times. So you would think that our God doesn't want us to be afraid of him. Instead, he wants us to have to know, or wants an intimate relationship with us. Okay. So now that we've got that covered, I want you to understand the fear of the Lord purifies our motives. So I want it to be looked at like this. The fear of the Lord is fire, right? So we went, yes. The fear of the Lord is like a husband and wife, but also it's like a fire. What does that fire do? The fire refines the fire purifies. And so the fear of the Lord purifies our motives and what comes out of the fear of the Lord is that I'm sorry, what comes out of the fire and let's say we put our love in the fire and it's refined by God because God is love and he is the truth. So meaning are. hindered understanding of love is then purified in the fire where then God can make perfect love come out of it. Which brings us to the position where we fear Him. Not in the sense, and I want to keep reiterating this, not in the sense where we are afraid of God. But because we reverence him so much because we want to, we long for him so much. We desire a relationship with him that we are able to love him to not just our fullest capabilities, but the capabilities that the Holy Spirit has given to us. And so now we look at the fire and okay, let's examine this fire. So if our love goes in, the fear of God comes out, there's this fire that's in between. What is that fire? That fire is the voice of God. The voice of God will test your fear of the Lord, the level of your fear of the Lord against the fear of men. What does that mean? Look at Saul in the Bible. Saul he was a king. He was Israel's first king and he was supposed to kill, I believe, the Amalekites. I could be so wrong. But what ended up happening is that he spared Agag, King Agag, who the prophet Samuel was like, you already got to kill everybody. He spared the king and he spared the best counter. And when the Prophet Samuel went up and was like, Yo, what the heck did you do, bro? This is not what we directed. This is not what the Lord said. This is not what the voice of God said. And what had happened is that Saul was like, I repent. I'm sorry. But can you tell the congregation? Can you tell the people? Can you tell the army that I am forgiven? So there is the facade that he was playing was a spiritual, intimate with God type of king. But, because his fear of man was greater than his fear of the Lord, he wanted the people to think he was higher and closer to God than he actually was. And that's a fear of man outweighing the fear of the Lord. Now what is the fear, what does the fear of man look like today, in today's realm? Let's say for example, the fear of men, the Bible calls us to be bold in our faith. The people, and I'm not saying this is a primary issue for our salvation. This is more so of a secondary issue. You can get into heaven without having the fear of the Lord. But the thing is, and the goal for relentless pursuit is not to just get into heaven and live in the slums. We want to get into the throne room of God, be intimate with Him, and have a deeper understanding of who He is. This is relentless pursuit. So we have to relentlessly pursue after Him. No matter the hindrance, no matter the wall, no matter the giant, no matter the storm. We pursue Him through all things. Amen? And There are, and today, I'm back to the fear of man. The fear of man will come out as anxiety. The fear of man will come out of insecurity. The fear of man will be exposed through these facets or expressions. And, what we don't understand is that our fear of man will outweigh sometimes what the word of God says. So God says, be bold, be courageous. And we're afraid we're scared. We don't want we're too timid. We have this cloak of I'm just an introvert. That's not me. I can't evangelize because I'm introvert. I'm scared. And there's these, and I'm not trying to say that you're less than or you're sinning, or you're going against God. But what I am trying to say is that God, you have to allow God to purify your motive, purify your heart, purify your characteristics so that you can embrace the characteristics that God has said you are. You are bold. You are a lion. You are you do have a lion that lives inside of you. You are a temple of the Holy Spirit. You are cultivated for a relationship with him. So the voice of God confronts the fear of man, but obedience overcomes the fear of man. When you are obedient to what God is saying, when you are obedient to his word, you are overcoming the fear of men. In Acts chapter 5 verse 29, it says, But Peter and the apostles answered, We must obey God rather than men. The fear of the Lord must be birthed through an encounter with God. And there's a lot of times where we fabricate the fear of man, or fear of the Lord. And it looks like religion. It looks like a Pharisee. When we Fabricate the fear of the Lord. It looks like religion. It looks like a Pharisee. And The Bible talks about how there's a lady in the Bible that crap, what was her name? Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene, how she had seven demons in her. And when God, when Jesus brought freedom to her She was the one that would chase after him. There was a time where Jesus went to go see Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, and Mary ran out to go meet Jesus on the road. And then there was a time where he was sitting in front of a Pharisee where she began to cry on his feet and wipe her tears away with her hair. And she's the one that poured an alabaster jar on his feet. And so there's so many instances where Mary was then so focused on Jesus. All she wanted to do was be with him. She had such a hunger that it over It removed the fear of man. She was in front of a religious man, and she did this. She was in front of her sister and her brother, and she did this. She was could have been looked at as the least of the least. She was doubted by the own disciples. And still, her love for God, her pursuit for God, her fear of the Lord. came before anything that man could have done. And so the fear of the Lord must be birthed with an encounter. There was an encounter with Mary when he casted out the seven demons. And what happened from that encounter, that it grew, that the longing for God grew. And when you are in the presence of God, He begins to create a longing for Him. you for example, we can take a closer look at the sun and how the sun has, I don't, I couldn't even tell you how many degrees the sun is crazy hot. And the closer you get to the sun in the hotter, Everything becomes, the closer you get to the sun, the hotter everything becomes. The area of the sun is hot. And once you get to a certain point, it begins to consume you. Where you are no longer what you were as you get to the sun. Because it's consumed, you are consumed by it. For example, if I was to fly in a spaceship and get close enough to the sun, Not even where I'm touching it, I wouldn't be here anymore. I'd be so consumed. And that's the same way with God. Is when we have an encounter with God, we are getting close to the sun. And in the proximity of the sun, begins to heat up. It begins the fire. The voice of God will speak to you. The voice will speak to you. And the voice will speak to you. And as you get closer and closer, He will then begin to consume you. Every desire that you have will be of Him. Every thought that you have will be of Him. Every time that you go to church, it won't be a, I have to go to church, I want to go to church, because my God will meet me there. Anytime that I get into the prayer closet, or into the secret room, or into the secret place, I know I'm so excited because There is an encounter with God there. This is not a transactional relationship. What this is an intimate relationship. This is the bride coming for the bridegroom. This is the bridegroom coming for the bride. This is a father reaching out to the children. This is an intimate level of relationship. When we have the fear of the Lord, it is removing any impurities of our love to Him. In the same way I'm sorry, we decrease as He begins to increase in us. When God is looking to accomplish His will, He will look for a friend that is willing to unveil the secrets of heaven that then will convey the message according to the Word, based on the level of the fear of the Lord. The Lord will not entrust you with His secrets if you don't have a friend. The fear of the Lord. Let me explain it like this and this is a little bit from John Revere's book because I've been reading it a lot lately, is that there was two men. There was Lot and then there was Abraham. Abraham was called a friend of God. He was unveiled the secrets. The Bible says that he feared the Lord. And Abraham, or God, went to Abraham and was like, I'm going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. But the thing is that Lot was also called righteous, so he was a follower of God. That means he, he, let's take it in today's terms, he was part of the congregation. He might have even been a pastor. He might have been a preacher. He might have been somebody that was filled with faith, but because he was not his level of the fear of the Lord was not there or he didn't have the right capacity for the fear of the Lord. The mysteries of heaven were not revealed to him. And so that he didn't even know that he was unaware that God was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. But because there was an intercessor that had the fear of the Lord, meaning there was someone that was willing to stand in the gap because the will of God flowed through him, that he interceded on Lot's behalf where he was able to achieve it. And so we have to understand is that the level of our level of the fear of the Lord constantly grow. It will constantly grow through obedience. It will constantly grow through reverence. It will constantly grow through devotion. And the, in Psalms 25 and 14 in the NKJV version of King James the secret of the Lord is with those who fear him and he will show them his covenant. In the NLT version, it says the Lord is a friend to those who fear him. He teaches them his covenant. In Isaiah 33, 6, it says, And there shall be stability in your time. an abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The reverent fear and worship of the Lord is your treasure. and his. So right there, I want you to see this is that the fear of the Lord is not only your treasure, but it's his treasure. Why is it his treasure? Because you will begin to have wisdom. You will begin to happen. Let me rephrase that. You will have the abundance of wisdom, the abundance of knowledge, the abundance of salvation, which is amazing. And then not only that, you will have. Meaning that no matter what's coming against you, no matter the pressures that are around you, no matter the giants that are in your path, you will be stable because your foundation is Him, and that you have instilled in you the fear of the Lord. Any wisdom, I'm sorry, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Any wisdom gained outside of the fear of God is not a mystery. That was revealed by God and in order to gain to have an intimate and intimacy with God, we must become friends with God and develop our relationship with God and be consumed by the fear of the Lord. If we are revealed something by our by the natural, then it has not been revealed by God. That means it's outside of the fear of the Lord. Man I'm moving fast, but I have a lot to get to in this. I'm just, I have so much. Anyways, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, right? And then the fear of the Lord is your treasure. We talked about it, how in Isaiah chapter 33, how we need the fear of the Lord because it is the beginning of the wisdom that we get, the abundant wisdom that we get, but also we need the fear of the Lord because it is our treasure. It is something that we hold dear to us. It is something that we hold near to our heart. It is the fear of the Lord that creates the kingly dimension in your life. Am so baffled, let me use that word, baffled by that. This means we remove ourself from a realm of the natural and we place ourself into the realm of the supernatural. We remove ourself from the realm of the reign of the God of this world. We place ourselves into the realm of His sovereignty, allowing the authority of God to reign over us. That is so crazy, because we are placing our economy, let's say it like this, our economy is not a natural economy, is not governed by the United States economy, it is governed by God. Heaven's economy. Our prosperity is not governed by the U. S. government. Our prosperity is governed by heaven's government. Our breakthrough, everything, our breakthrough isn't governed by the U. S. government. Our breakthroughs are governed by heavenly government. Miracles. Science. The fear of the Lord empowers us and encourages us to work out our faith with the fear and trembling. Psalms 19. 9, it says, The reverent fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The ordinances of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. Can I just say this is that the Bible says be holy as I am holy Jesus said be holy as I am holy What does that mean? Holiness is means wholeness. It is mean we are put together complete But the only way we can be complete is with the Holy Spirit. The only way the Holy Spirit activates in us is through the holy fear of God. We are hindered, or hindering, the Holy Spirit from moving in our life based on the level of holiness that we carry. Not by actions. It's initially started by faith. It's initially started by faith. And then your faith works through your actions. Your faith, or your actions, are fruit of your faith. And here's the crazy part, is that the fear of God, you can love God, And still sin because I know many Christians today complaining is a lack of the fear of the Lord. I know many Christians that have to compromise, compromise in their life, and that's the lack of the fear of the Lord. I know many Christians that compare themselves to others because their focus is on a platform, a pulpit, or microphone. And that is a lack of the fear of the Lord. And, in Exodus 33, 11 and 13, it says, The Lord spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend. Moses returned to the camp, but his minister Joshua of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the temporary parish tent. Now, therefore, I pray for you. If I have found favor in your sight, show me now your way, that I may know you Amen. Progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with you, perceiving and recognizing and understanding more strongly and clearly, and that I may find favor in your sight. And Lord, do consider that this nation is your people. Which is crazy because in this prayer that he gave to God, in this dialogue that he was having with God, he was not only praying for himself. He then. And then move to the job or role of an intercessor and bridging the gap for God and the people. Because the people were afraid of God. But Moses had the fear of the Lord. Fear of God. Which, the difference is, And that is the people didn't want to get close to him. They just wanted his handouts. The people didn't want the intimacy with him. They want the man from heaven. They wanted the fire by day. I'm sorry, fire by night and the cloud by day. They didn't want the intimate relationship with him. They said Moses, that's all you. You got this. But instead we want the hand. Moses wanted to face. I spoke to you face to face, as a man speaks to a friend. And this last point is, in the Bible there's a parable of the Terran virgins, symbolizing the preparedness for Christ's return. Five were wise, bringing extra oil for all their lambs, and while the other five were foolish and failed to prepare adequately, When the bridegroom representing Jesus arrived unexpectedly at midnight, the foolish virgins were unprepared and had to go buy oil. And while they were gone, the bridegroom arrived and wise virgins entered. The wedding banquet with him, while the door was shut to the foolish ones. This is the fear of the Lord. Preparedness for Jesus return. The fear of the Lord is preparation in your spirit for God's return. He's calling a church to rise up and rise out from the fold. He's calling his sheep back to the shepherd. And in order to get to the next level in your walk with God, you will have to instill the fear of the Lord in you. Meaning that you want His face more than His hand. You want Him more than His blessings. Amen. Thank you for joining this week's episode of Relentless Pursuit. I'm so thankful for everybody who joined this week. I know it was a little intense, but I believe that God is going to do great things through this episode. And I truly believe that there is an impact that you have. Over this generation, over these people, over this country, over this world. And I truly believe that you can activate your calling rapidly by instilling the fear in the Lord of your life. Use the blueprint of the Bible to navigate through your life. And allow God to show you the mysteries of heaven. I want to thank you guys so much I know there's so much more we could go into and dive into but I know the Lord has I shouldn't even say that I know the Lord. I know their time is limited and I don't want to be too long. But Yeah, anyways, so follow share and subscribe to all our social media platforms. We started posting devotionals on tik tok We've Started posting a little bit of quotes on Instagram and then bible verses and we're on YouTube shorts and stuff like that. But also posting the podcast as well to Spotify, apple Podcast YouTube and a few other platforms. But yeah, if you guys can go share this with your friends, your family spread the gospel. You are my E Family, praise God. I love you all. I thank you all. God bless you.