Relentless Pursuit
Our relentless pursuit after God as He pursues after us.
Relentless Pursuit
Spiritual Beginnings: Birthing Purpose
In this powerful new episode of the Relentless Pursuit Podcast, we take you on a profound journey into the concept of spiritual genesis—the idea that everything we experience in the natural world first originates in the spirit. Drawing from key biblical figures like Abraham, Moses, and Daniel, we delve into how the promises and purposes of God are often birthed in the spirit before they are manifested in the physical realm.
Through these inspiring biblical examples, you'll gain insight into how God forms His plan for our lives in the unseen realm, and how that plan influences our everyday realities. We emphasize the significance of contending for our spiritual promises—the dreams, callings, and destinies God has placed in our hearts—and the importance of aligning our purpose with His will.
In this episode, you will learn how to steward your spiritual inheritance, contend in prayer and faith for the promises God has given you, and step into a life of transformation and consecration. Personal growth and alignment with God's spirit are key to seeing your spiritual dreams come to fruition.
We teach that the process of spiritual genesis requires a commitment to transformation and consecration—a deep inner change that aligns our will with God’s. It’s a call to embrace the inner work that God is doing in you, to trust that His Spirit is preparing and shaping you for greater things ahead.
Tune in to hear practical insights on how to walk out your calling and begin to see the manifestation of God’s promises in your life. Whether you’re in a season of waiting or actively pursuing your purpose, this episode is packed with wisdom and encouragement to help you steward your spiritual journey and reflect the power and presence of God in the natural world.
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RP family. I'm Nathan. And this is Relentless Pursuit where we pursue after God as he relentlessly pursues after us. And we've had such an impactful few episodes and season really. And I believe God is doing something great in RP. I'm believing for great things in the coming weeks. And just have that faith with me, join with me in the faith that we can believe for greater. Anyways, let's get into this. I want to talk from the place of how everything begins first in the spirit. And the foundation of everything starts in the spirit. The spiritual beginnings. the spiritual genesis. And so whatever happens in the natural first has been started in the spirit or starts in the spirit. And so we see this in the book of Genesis where it says God, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth was formless and void and the spirit hovered over the darkness. The hovered over the deep and we see that. And then we, so we see are introduced. The Bible calls that spirit, Ruach in Hebrew, which means wind, breath, and spirit of God. And Ruach originated in the creation. It the spirit of God was obviously with God. But we see or have seen this in creation and when God spoke life into existence, we see the Ruach going first and said when, so when God spoke light let there be light, it was, he was using and utilizing the power of the spirit. And so we have God's spirit, which is Ruach. And then fast forward to the word that became flesh. Jesus, when he became baptized, or when he got baptized, the Bible says the spirit fell on him like a dove. And we see that the Ruach of God, the Ruach, rested on Jesus, empowering Him to create. But it's in a different sense. Because God created life and the beginning of everything. You Jesus's operation was not just to create life, but eternity, an eternal life. He wanted to create the new creation. And so it's a different experience on both fronts. So first we have the beginning, the literal beginning of creation. And then on this one, we have the new creation of us being reborn by the spirit. And the beginning of new creation is the spirit. Spirit bringing life. The promises of God are first prepared in the spirit, before manifesting in the natural. We see these biblical examples of the spiritual beginnings when God told Abraham about the promised land. He said, go and wherever your foot steps is going to be land I give to you. He said, look up to the stars, that will be the amount of children that you have, essentially. I'm paraphrasing here. And so we see that Abraham did not have the amount of food. Kids that there are stars. But we do see is that he had one. And so what was prepared in the spirit was beginning to manifest in the natural. And so fast forward, the Hebrew people had to war for physically for what was already given and promised to them spiritually. And so we see, fast forward to Moses in his life, he lead, led the people out of Egypt into the This, this line of Canaan on the outside of land in Canaan, but the, in order to enter in, they needed to war. They needed to contend. They needed to attack. And we see how they had an origin of their promise. And another example is Daniel fasted and prayed for 21 days before receiving an answer because the Prince of Persia, which was blocking the angel from delivering this answer. And so we see that Daniel was praying and fasting in the physical, but in order to achieve what already happened in the spiritual, he needed to contend. He needed to war against a war against the spiritual. As we continue to dive, we see this even expanded a little bit more in the New Testament. The woman with the issue of blood, she had the faith for the spiritual to happen in her life. But, in order for that faith to then begin to create the healing, She needed to be touched in the physical. And so the healing manifested. And so this is our role in contention. We have this example where God promised Abraham and Moses had to contend for the people. Or the people, the Hebrew people had to contend for the promise. And then Daniel had to contend for the promise. for the answer and then the woman had to contend by pushing through the crowd. And so the role of contention is because of what is prepared in the spirit often requires that contention in order to manifest in the natural. Our promises require spiritual and physical contention. Meaning, we can't just handle this in the physical, we have to become spiritual. We have to get in line with the spirit of God. And so conception, conception is our spiritual purpose is. Is often faces the attacks of the enemy. And so just as and let's see this way, just as Herod tried to kill Jesus before he was born or when he was born the enemy tries to kill what God is birthing through us. And so our answer, our purpose that was then organized and formed in the spiritual is being birthed through us to become. Manifested in the natural the enemy will seek to kill it just as Moses, or I'm sorry, Pharaoh sought to kill Moses and when he was born. So this spiritual conception is a step of the process of birthing. So in order to conceive in the spirit what does conceive mean? To understand conception, we need to understand what conceive means in the Greek. And it's Salam Balo. Meaning to seize or take prisoner And so I was talking to one of my friends the other day and he says I don't know what I have for this next Season, but this is what I'm thinking that's gonna go on and I was like, in order for what your next season is Going to birth. I was telling him I was like you need to Be in this season Conceiving the next season, meaning that you need to be prisoner to your purpose. You need to take, to be seized by your purpose. And like a mother, when she gives birth to a child, you, your whole life changes. Meaning you are not allowed to drink when you are, when you're pregnant with a baby, you are not allowed to eat certain foods when you're pregnant with the baby. Even some people, their body physically can't handle certain things that they eat. And so we see that the conception of something, Automatically changes what is going to be birth. I know that you're not supposed to drink caffeine or limit yourself to caffeine. Some people like me are caffeine addicts, but here nor there but my point is that what you're getting ready to birth, what is conceived in you that is going to be brought forth in the natural you need to be prisoner to. You need to shift, you need to change, you need to be transformed by what you are conceiving. So what God gives us in the spirit must seize us completely. Philippians 3. 12, not that I have already obtained it. This goal of being Christ like or having been made perfect, but I actively press on so that I may take hold of the perfection for which Christ Jesus took hold of me and made me his own. Now, we read that, and what does that mean? We must press forward to take hold of what Christ had taken hold of in us. And so meaning consumption, Begins in the secret place conception begins in privacy when you're intimate with the Lord. It's we are the bride of Christ. God, I'm going down a real interesting path here. It's in Psalms 39 15. This is my frame was not hidden from you when I was being formed in secret and and skillfully formed as if embroidered with many colors in the depths of the earth. And so we are being formed in the secret place. We are being formed and made whole by God. We are pressing forward in order for the promises of God to be achieved in our life. We are pressing forward to see what is happening in the spirit being manifested. And if God has spoken a word over you saying, for example, over my life, God spoke a word to me that I was going to be a pastor. So I'm clinging to that word, but I'm not just going to wait to all of a sudden become a pastor to do pastoral things. I am going to consecrate myself. I'm going to dedicate myself to the Lord. I'm going to be in time with prayer and learning the word. And so I have to prepare for what is coming in order for me to prepare for what is coming. I have to have an understanding of what God is doing in my life right now, meaning that if God is preparing me and taking and removing certain things that are in my life that can't go with me to my next season, I have to allow the refinement process to begin and take place in my life, but there is a resistance that comes when you are operating in your flesh or working through your flesh or allowing your flesh's desires to be strengthened. It often begins to contend with your spirit or God's spirit, but when we are submitted to the spirit, I'm jumping ahead, but when we are submitted to the spirit, we allow the spirit. Spirit to minimize and push down the desires of the flesh. What is happening in the spirit or what is happening in the secret place is often the place of conception is often the place where the promises are being spoken over your life, where the words are being sown into your heart, where the seeds are being planted. And so then it is our responsibility to steward those seeds or steward those words. And so pressing through. For birth is before giving life to purpose, the enemy will try to destroy it. In the building season, discouragement is a common tool of the enemy. But in the birthing season, destruction is the tool for the enemy. What you birth must be dedicated. What you build must be stewarded. And so here are the challenges of birthing. Obviously I am not a mother, but here are the challenges of birthing in the spiritual. Sometimes to give birth to purpose, God removes friends, influences, and voices that hinder his plan for your life. And so as you're entering into the next season of what was being conceived in the previous, the things that enter with you into the next one are not to meant to hurt you. And we did a devotional of this a few days ago what is with you in the next season doesn't mean that the people you lost or the things that you lost or the things that were removed by God out of your life for the previous season are hurting you. But or bad for you, but they can't go where you're going. It's almost like a freeway. They're going to a different destination. There are different exits on the path, but that's still the freeway nonetheless. And like a tree being produces fruit according to its nature. What we birth reflects who we are. Meaning if God, let's go with this way, if I'm planting an apple tree, I would be foolish to expect an orange to come from that apple, from the apple seed. And just like what God is doing in you, if you try to counterfeit somebody else's purpose, or if you try to act like else's ministry, But it's not your purpose that God give to you you will fail. Because God is wanting to birth in you what you reflect. The most important process of this is you finding your secret place with Him. Because when you find your secret place and that desire begins to grow, that hunger for Him begins to grow, you will begin to reflect Him. And then His purposes for your life will then be the thing that you bear. That's why in John 15 it says Ye are the branches and God is the vine. We are attached to the vine. And we will bear fruit. It's because what we reflect or what we give birth to doesn't come from us, but it becomes from the spirit. It comes from God's spirit It is being birthed through us because we are reflecting him and so our purpose is not for us let's say that even more Let's expand on that Our purpose is more so for the people walking by for the people coming close for the people that are coming To find food that are coming to get fed The reason God is birthing purpose isn't so the tree can eat it's for the people to eat And so the new purposes require new wineskins the refreshing of the spirit requires a new season of your life that the new purposes require new wineskins. We cannot place new things in old structures. We've a lot of things that have hindered the church is tradition. Tradition. Often hinders the church from growing because you have done something for so long that you are not willing or too stubborn to grow in certain areas. Consecration and transformation. And so that leads us to this next this next section of personal consecration. Of personal consecration, we must confront and remove what has been established by the flesh. Consecrate what consecration does is it purges the wounds, the ties, the mindsets that have been built by the flesh, the strongholds that have been accepted by the flesh and even have been built even more or greater. But the thing is that what happens is God's spirit It replaces the fear and dissolves the human nature. It minimizes the human nature's strength over us, and by pouring his spirit into the places that have become void because he's removed the the strongholds, the wounds, the ties, the trauma, because he's removed those certain things from our life. Then we have emptiness in us. So where he pours his spirit in. And so he replaces those things that have left holes in our life and he becomes or he makes us whole in him and he transforms us with his power. And so it's an internal exchange. It's an internal to an external change meaning this is a lot of things or this is baptism It's an outward declaration of an inward transformation And so transformation begins from within and so let's go back to the woman with the issue of blood When she touched the hem of Jesus's garment, and she was like yo, oh snap. I'm healed at first Was starting internally because she was still carrying the bandage. She was still wearing the clothes that had blood. She probably looked the same as when she did. When she was bleeding, she had the blood still on her wounds, the blood still on her clothes. And so what the issue is that the internal healing would not show. And the reason why it was an issue is because the internal issue what wouldn't show or convey to people, but Jesus saw through what man could see and he saw internally. And so the woman needed to change her clothes in order to establish that she has been made whole the, let's say it this way. In order for Nate to declare he's a Christian, he needed to, or to, he needed to change how he acted. He needed to allow the Holy Spirit transformation to move in him. And I'm saying myself in the third person. But he, I need to allow the Holy Spirit to move move in me that I will no longer do what I did before I accepted Jesus into my life. And so Jesus's sacrifice required submission to God's will. And so it started first in the Spirit. And we see this in the scripture that says that he was slain, the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world. He was slain before the fall even happened. And so it started in the spirit, but then it came forth in the physical. In Matthew 26, 39, it says, and after going a little further, he fell on it. He fell face down and prayed, saying, my father, if it is possible that is consistent with your will, let this cup pass for me. Yet not as I will, but you will. Jesus had to submit to God's will. Jesus. Had to submit to what God wanted. And so who the sun sets free. Is free indeed freedom to Christ requires submission. And so we lead from, we go from consecration that leads to transformation, which then requires us to live in the spirit. And so this is about abiding in the spirit. When the spirit comes upon us, we receive power. So we see in Acts, I believe it's chapter two, verse eight, two, verse eight, we'll say that we will receive power. From on high and so living in the spirit unlocks a limitless potential Minimizing the spirit in our lives though diminishes the power we can operate in because we are allowing our flesh to reign and allowing our flesh to Come out of the submission of God and man in the flesh is subject to the natural Meaning, we are subject to the laws of gravity. We are subject to the law of man. We are subject to the law of sin. But, man that dwells in the spirit is subject to the supernatural. Meaning that a carnal life, A cardinal life is not under the authority of God's will. But when we allow the spirit to move in us and allow the spirit to reside in us and abide in us, we then become under God's authority. And so a lot of times, a lot of times people say if God is so good, then why did this bad thing happen? Because man's will reigns in the world. And so man's will. Cardinal living is subject to the law of nature, the law of man, the law of sin. But when you are submitting yourself to God, you are subject to His authority, which then gives room for God to operate throughout your life. And so let's get back on topic. And so we have this revelation through the spirit. And so God often. And as we begin to start to realize that in order to conceive and in order to birth, we need to go through the consecration process. Which leads us to the transformation and abiding in the spirit. But then we have this revelation through the spirit that God often reveals part of his plan by his spirit to prompt us to seek for a deeper revelation in him. And so like a military step strategy, this is how God gave it to me. Is that just like generals give orders to the soldiers, to the privates, to, to the I was about to say cadets. I'm watching. country fire or something like that. As the generals give order to the soldiers to go do part of the process, to go do part of the plan, God shows us one step at a time building towards his greater purpose. And so we, we see that. And the reason why I was so focused on the general to the soldiers is because this, In order to birth what God is trying to birth, we are required to go and contend for it. It is required, our responsibility even, to war in the spirit, the battle for the purpose. And to achieve freedom, Jesus became a prisoner to God's will. A process that's the first started in the spirit, right? And so contention is a part of the birthing spiritual promises and purposes. It is responsibility in the nature of who God is creating in us. Meaning that just speak Just as we are a temple of the Holy Spirit, it is now our responsibility as the Levites did to tend to the temple to work in the temple, to work. For the temple and so the levites would make sure to clean the area would keep it clean to steward properly the responsibilities of the temple and so just as They did in the Old Testament. God is calling us to do in the New Testament We are to steward the purposes and plans that God has for us and so high and so as a Responsibility is to dedicate what God is birthing through us to God You To God. And so stewardship is essential for what God entrusts us with. In 1 Samuel 1, 1 Samuel 1. It says I believe it's 1, 11 and it says, She vowed, saying, O Lord of hosts, if you will indeed look on the affliction of your handmaid and earnestly remember and not forget your handmaid, but will give me a son, I will give to the Lord all his life. I will give him to the Lord all his life. No razor shall touch his head. And so she, Hannah, dedicated Samuel to the Lord before he was even born. Yeah. We must dedicate to the Lord his purposes and plans so we can edify God and worship to God. And so we are not owners of our purpose. We are stewards of our purpose. We are responsible for our purpose. We are to nurture and birth and care for our purpose and plan, because it's not for ourself, because what was born in the spirit is just transferring through us is it is God using us as a vessel to pour out his spirit into other people. It is for God to use us so that we can convey the message and be, and receive the power and be the witnesses in all Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. It is so God can move through us so we can make disciples of every nation. It is so God can move through us so that we can seek and save the lost. It is not for us. What starts in the spiritual must be contended in for the physical and so we can birth something endless. And so we can win people for the kingdom of God. And so in conclusion of this this episode, I want you to see that there is a need for perseverance. We must press forward through the trials and tribulations. We must press forward through what is trying to, Block us or hinder us or come in the way of what God's purpose is. We must actively press forward to take hold of what Christ has conceived in us. And I want to jump back to Philippians 3. 12. It says that, not that I have already obtained it. I haven't got it yet, God. I haven't got it yet, but this is the goal. of being Christ like. The goal is being like you, Jesus. The goal is being willing to lay down my life for the people that I love, which is my neighbor my goal is to be like you, Jesus, and to reflect. And so we must actively press forward to take hold of what Christ has conceived in us. It says, Or have already been made perfect, but I actively press on so that I may take hold of that perfection for which Christ Jesus took hold of me and made me his own. Spiritual warfare involves pressing through the challenges to manifest God's promises. to see God's promises. Conception is hidden in the process where purpose is developed before being revealed. And so I want to thank you guys for joining this week's episode. Last week was amazing. I thought it just, It blew my mind what God is doing I'm so grateful to everybody that watches Relentless pursuit and I know God is doing great things And I know that you're learning something and he's teaching me but thank you all I am so grateful Thank you for everything that you're doing Don't forget to follow share and subscribe to all our social media platforms. We just hop on X and we're posting some stuff on there, last week. And so if you give us a follow on there but other than that, I'll see you guys next week.