Relentless Pursuit
Our relentless pursuit after God as He pursues after us.
Relentless Pursuit
Revival Unveiled: Pursuing God
In this impactful episode of Relentless Pursuit, we dive into the profound concept of revival—what it truly means, why it's so significant, and how it brings about the manifest power of God. Discover the essential components for revival, such as humility, repentance, and an intimate, personal relationship with God.
Through the lens of powerful Bible passages like Acts 3:19, John 11, and Ezekiel 37, we explore how God's Spirit can bring restoration, renewal, and a fresh awakening in our hearts and in the world around us. These scriptures show us that revival begins with a heart that is humble, a life that seeks genuine repentance, and a soul that is deeply connected with God through prayer and worship.
In today’s world, the need for revival is urgent. This episode challenges us to examine our own lives, encouraging us to embrace the humility and prayer required to invite God's transformative power. It's a call to not only seek personal renewal but to also be part of the greater movement of God's revival across the globe.
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What's up, RP family? Welcome back to this week's episode of Relentless Pursuit. This is our final episode and is about pursuing after God as He pursues after us. And I am Nathan and I'm ready and excited to get into this week's episode. We're going to be talking about something that's been really close to my heart lately. And it's just been super pressing. And it's been just how God is revealing it to me. And it's just, it's shifted perspective. I can honestly say it's shifted my perspective and I'm talking about revival. And so this is what I would define revival as revival has been so common, like the word itself has been so commonly used in today's church that we have lost the impact and power that that revival carries and the impact and power of what it means to have a revival. And so revival is where God openly manifests the role and reign of his son by outpouring of his spirit. It releases an anointing. And I've always defined anointing as the activation of the power of the Holy Spirit. And when God is revealed, when God is revealed, the glory of God is revealed through the Holy Spirit, that is what revival is. Revival closes the gap between heaven and earth in creating a place of inhabitation, creating a place of God's dwelling, creating a place for the God's Holy Spirit to freely move. And so we have this spiritual foundation when it comes to stories in the Bible or we see revivals that happen on in society today. One Portion of revival that I want to look at in the Bible is Acts chapter three, verse 19. It says, repent therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out so that the time of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. And now to give you some background over this story and over this time Acts chapter three comes after Acts chapter two, obviously, right? But Acts chapter two was the infilling of the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit fell so strongly on the upper room, and that Paul, or Peter, had to rise up and preach this message, and what he said was repent. And from that preaching, 3, 000 were given their life to the Lord. And so that Repentance had to go forth. And whenever you see revival, there will first be the humility and repentance. Repentance is a word that we don't like to use in today's culture, in today's church society. Because we hear it and we're like, Oh, you're being judgmental. Oh you're condemning. Oh, you don't have the love of God. And we villainize or or and victimize ourselves. And we, this word is being such like a black sheep of Church that we don't look at it as a something that needs to be studied or something that needs to be done because we have feared that word or feared that action. And it Repentance is a word which is a key element into hearing the voice of God, though. Repentance clears us out, clears the stage where Jesus can then be placed in the center. And so it's allowing God to flow through you freely without the impurities, without the unrighteousness, without the unholiness that contaminates your body, contaminates your spirit. And which made Me expand this term of repentance because we have to think in this time where 3000 came gave their life to the lord. That's revival, right? And then but first started with repentance it says that Because of the repentance of their sins that many converted and their sins were blotted out that so there would be a time of Refreshing and so that made me expand that a little bit and in times of refreshing in the Greek. It means Kairos and Napses Could be mispronouncing it, but Kairos is a divine moment where it's carved out by God it carved out of chronological time So these are the moments where God will essentially push pause on the movie He'll push pause on life and carve that moment out to dispense his Holy Spirit into that Atmosphere into the and reveal the glory of God and anopsis means refreshing The root meaning of the word though is recovery of breath or to revive and so these words together is saying that God is Carving out this moment in time so that he can bring revival into this Space into this atmosphere into the people and so in John 11 41 In John 11, the story of Lazarus, it talks about Jesus calling out to Lazarus, and there was a Kairos moment in there, a Kairos moment where he carved out time, and he bringing Lazarus back to life. And so this is an example of the time of refreshing, because he carved out time to go to Lazarus, and he spoke a word that brings. That brought back the breath of life into Lazarus. And it was a time of where he was refreshed and able to walk out. In Ezekiel 37, it talks about the valley of dry bones. And how God's spirit asks or God asks Ezekiel, oh my goodness, God asks Ezekiel, Son of man, can these dry bones live again? And he says, only you know, Lord, only you know. And Then God's spirit brought brings these dry bones back to life. He says prophesied to the wind son of man and Brings these dry bones back to life forming in them into a great army and see this is what Revival doesn't just leave you in the tomb. Revival brings you out of the tomb, but then there's a responsibility because you are a recipient of revival, then you have now an obligation to be a part of the army. And so revival's impact revival brings God's increase in our decrease, meaning that we are making a way and preparing the way in our lives so that revival could take place. We are preparing the way and making. I don't even want to say making room, but clearing the room and giving the room unto God so that he can make that place his dwelling place and it unveils revivals impacted. Revival unveils keen Jesus as king and it expedites his return, meaning that I can't remember what scripture it says, but essentially it says every nation will hear about the name of Jesus before his return. Every nation, every people. We'll hear about the name of Jesus. And so it will reveal Jesus as king. And when revival takes place, people that don't know Jesus will begin to witness the fire, the burning the move, the power that comes with revival. That they will be so drawn to come and drawn into his presence that they will then conform to him and that they will give their lives to the Lord. And it also, what revival does, is it contends for authority over regions, breaking strongholds and principalities. This is a whole other Bible study in itself, but every region, every city, every area has a principality that governs over them. That is a result of sin, that we have relinquished the authority and the right to certain areas. And it is the church's responsibility to contend and go into intercession for that, that, that area. For example I'm in a city that, that is has this stronghold of addiction and I we have to pray against the spirit of addiction to break this principality, to invite the Holy Spirit, to then be the authority that governs this area. So then we could have revival. But in order for that to take place, we have to have revival in the land so that God's spirit can move revival's impact. Revival is also the outcome of a bridal partnership. Meaning, when we love Him, when our love for Him is so deep, we begin to carry His burdens. When our love for God is so deep, because of this reviving that we had, His burdens become our burdens. Meaning, we conform to His image. There's a scripture that says be not conformed to the, I'm sorry be transformed by the renewing of your mind. And what it's saying is that we are going to be conforming to his image. I can't remember what scripture that was where it says he's conformed, we are conforming to his image. But anyways, my point is that we are then conforming to the same wounds that he took, the same wounds in his hands, the same wounds in his feet, the same wound in his side, the same wounds on his head, the same wounds that he went through. We have to go through because that's our dying to self. And we are then carrying that suffering that he carried on Our back so that we could walk for others. I'm not saying that we were the sacrifice of the lamb. I'm not saying that we are Jesus. I'm not saying we are a king, but what I am saying is he, we are following him as he's led the example by suffering and dying for us. We have to die for others because no greater love is then this than one that is willing to die for another. And we have to follow that example. And so what revival then leads us to is contending with opposition. Contending with opposition in Ephesians 6 10 through 11. It says be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the all the armor of God so that you will be able to stand firm against the strategies of the devil. See the thing is that when Revival begins to spark when the first flame begins to ember when Revival is imminent the enemy will cause these. He can't dictate what God's people do, but he can dictate what people who are governed by his authority can do in a way. And so what happens is revival will cause persecution, betrayal of man, isolation from family. resistance from hardened hearts. And so we must recognize as people of God, our spiritual weaponry, because it says we can pull down strongholds. We can cast down arguments, taking captive of every high thought. So we have the ability to do this and through this we have to pray in order to pull down strongholds. We need to pray in order to cast down arguments. We need to pray in order to take captive of every high thought. We need to pray. And in order to To operate by the authority of God, we need to be revived in our spirit, in our soul. And so revival has a cost. There is a cost, the cost of revival. A revival demands a humble lifestyle. Not just outwardly, not just not having millions of dollars in your bank account. Not just living in luxury. Per se, but a humble lifestyle is living close to the ground. It is the willingness to be at the feet of Jesus. It is the willingness to serve God. It is the willingness to lay your life down as a bond servant to him. And so humility will lead us to a posture of our heart that invites holiness because holiness is essential. Holiness separates us from comfortability with God. Holiness separates us from I should say it like this, holiness allows us to be compatible with God. It transforms us to love what He loves and hate what He hates. Let me say it like this, in Genesis chapter 2, it says that God searched the world to find a suitable compatible wife for Adam or somebody that, that, that could be a wife to Adam. And he said he didn't find anybody. But so what he did is he put Adam to sleep and from his side and from his rib, he made a woman. And so in that same sense, as the bride of Christ, God is looking for a suitable and compatible bride, which that could then join with him. And he's searched and he's looked and there is nothing. that is as valuable. Let me say it this way. Actually, there is, he has looked and he has sought for someone that is willing to consecrate someone that is willing to be holy, someone that is willing to be humble and before him, and that is willing to join together with his vision and under his authority. And Holiness is essential. The parable of the ten virgins there was five that were wise and the Bible says five that were not wise. But the five that were wise, the thing that distincted them from the ones that weren't, was the fact that they had prepared extra oil. Now Because they were both holy, the ten virgins. They were both sanctified. They were both doing the right thing. But the thing that distincted both of them, or the thing that separated both of them, was the fact that they had prepared extra oil, which is symbolizing the intimacy that they had with God. See, oil only comes from history with God. Oil only comes from a relationship through the secret room, through your secret place, the dwelling with the Lord. And see, gone are the days. This is one thing that has struck me really hard as of recently, where you are no longer able to stand on a platform, speak through a microphone to a congregation, or be in front of an audience where you do not spend time with the Lord. There are needs and is a necessity It's a for private intimacy with him, because if you are not intimate with him, you are performing for them. You, if you are not intimate with him, then you are just pleasing man, but you need to be intimate with the Lord so that you can have the extra oil for when the time comes, you are ready and capable of being the bride that God has called you to be. In Philippians 3 10, it says I actually want to read the whole verse, so let me go to it real quick. Philippians 3. 10, it says this, And this so that I may know him exponentially, becoming more thoroughly acquainted with him, understanding the remarkable wonders of his person more completely, and in the same way experience the power of his resurrection, which overflows and is active in believers. And that I may share in the fellowship of his suffering by being continually conformed in inwardly into his likeness Even to his death dying as he did so this was The second half is where what I was talking about when we are conforming to his image We are suffering like his suffering. We are being fellowship. We are in relation through suffering and being continually formed with him and in his likeness even to death. And but the first part it says this so that I may know him, meaning that if we were to look at that, what Paul was implying here, it means that there is a lack of what he knows. That there is the Paul that, that wrote nearly two thirds of the New Testament. Paul that, that had this radical transformation on the road to Damascus. Paul who constantly and time again went through sufferings for Jesus Christ. But because of Jesus Christ, he was saved through them. We are talking about one of the staples in the Christian belief. But still, he does not know the Lord. Fully. Because he knows the Lord, but he knows that there's so much more that he can get from him. There's so much more of his characteristics that he wants to know. There's so much of the depth of God that he does not even scratch the surface yet. And so he is doing what he's doing so that he may know him more deeply. Revival's call to action. See, there's a re if you want revival, not only do you have to pay the price of revival. And when I say pay the price, the, shift your actions, be transformed by God. There's not only the contending of the opposition. There's not even that tearing that you have to do that the going after it. It's not just the. The result of the revival and even more it's not just about a foundation or I'm not just about building on the foundation that you have, but there's a call to action. The revival declares war on comfort because the enemy of revival has been moved. As of recent that in the church, the enemy of revival has been the clock. We try to go through our structures. We try to get times. We can only sing a song for five minutes and we have been so structurally minded that we lose the influence of the Holy Spirit. And because revival declares war on comfort. He is speaking. in the church, in his bride, in his consecrated holy people that have been interceding and that have been willing to get on their knees before the throne, that have been willing to enter, that have been willing to enter into prayer times without looking at the clock, without looking at the structure. He is beginning to war against the that what has been gripping the church's neck and that is comfort. And isaiah 64 it really brings this out It says oh that you would tear open the heavens and come down That the mountains may quake at your present presence as sure as fire kindles the brushwood as fire causes water to boil to make Your name known to your adversaries that the nations may tremble at your presence when you did awesome And amazing things which we did not expect you to came down at Sinai, the mountains quaked at your presence. And so Isaiah 64 is speaking of revival. He is speaking about the heavens being torn open. This is, as our definition in the beginning was stating is revival. When God openly manifest the rule and reign of his son by the outpouring of his Holy spirit, he is opening up the heavens. If we're Say it like this. He is tearing open the heavens to come down that the mountains might quake at his presence, that there is such a weight of his glory that the earth will begin to respond. There is such a weight of his glory that the mountains begin to shake. And and then it says in the references the time where Mount Sinai Where moses was speaking to the lord and there was like a fire that was kindled on the top of the mountain And these fires were this fire was the glory of the lord that was speaking to moses And as moses was communing with god It brought fear to the people who did not have that same intimate relationship with him And so what revival would begin to do is the same people that Or the same people That will do the church thing that walk the way in the ways of the wicked in the, in a way that walk in a compromise lifestyle that walk influenced by the world. They will be the same ones that are in at the altars, repenting before God and saying, God, I give you my life, that my life is yours. And that they will come in a true and genuine way to the feet of Jesus, where they will be like, yes, Lord, your servant is listening. Yes, Lord. Whatever it is that you have for me, and it creates an intense pressure of God's glory that crushes everything that's not aligned with him. That's the type of fire that revival brings. See, revival requires a few things. The holy, the holiness of the A lifestyle of holiness, living a lifestyle that is honoring to God in intimacy, spending time with God that would fill up our jars of oil that would fill up that extra oil preparation, ridding ourselves of anything that stands between us. Revival isn't about an experience though. Revival isn't about events. It is not something that man can initiate. Man helps fan the flame. But what God does is it's a Kairos moment. That is a divine moment set apart by God. And he's breaking open the heavens and the earth are breaking open the heaven so that he may dispense his spirit into the earth. We need him to breathe are in our dry bones and ignite a movement. See, as I get ready to close in this time, I just want to I know this is Interesting podcast one, but and it's our last one and I talked vision and our, all of our last podcast and I want you to know that revival to me has been such a weight on my heart. And I'm believing that God is going to do great things and he's going to begin to pour out his spirit. But I think we're in a perfect time right now where God's grace is not on or God's grace and mercy are washing away sins and empowering people over their sins, but that they can come to a point where they are receptive to whatever God's going to do. And what God's going to do is he's going to. Tear open the heavens and dispense his spirit among us where there is going to be like a fire where we commune with God and there is going to be a spark that begins to stir in us for revival and that souls will begin to be drawn into not just churches, but drawn into God's people where God's people will then come. Preach a gospel that is untainted, uncompromised, but it is the truth and the truth that will set free the set captives free. And then they'll begin to operate an anointing that will be like a roaring lion that will not be strucken by fear, but they will rise up in love, power, and a sound mind. And the Holy spirit will begin to chisel away at anything that is not like God. See, grace is given to the humble and a holiness lifestyle is a lifestyle of humility. And so our question or our answer to a question that would, the question, do we want more of God is seen not just by our words, but in our actions because revival must be contended for revival must be fanned. And the revival must be fought through praying and intercession. See, revival starts With our personal transformation Intimacy with God And the desire to walk in holiness And so I want to leave you with this In the Bible in 2nd Chronicles 7. 14 15 it says, or let's just read 14. If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. To break this up a little bit, first we see that God creates a distinction and a separation which is consecration. If my people. There's a separation, the distinction. Who are called by my name branded with his name. Will humble themselves. Then we see the humility pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways. We see the repentance and intimacy with God. And then as an advocate and an intercessor, they are hearing from heaven. So they are hearing from the word of the throne room where it's then flowing through that bridge that we had, which is Jesus. He is flowing through the bridge. And then our advocate that is advocating on our behalf, that despite of our sins, despite of our circumstances, despite of what's going around on us, we have an advocate that's saying, but God, this is your people. These are your people. These are, this is your son of God. This is your woman of God. This is your daughter of God. These are the ones that you have chosen. And so we have this advocate and this intercessor who are ministering for us and on our behalf that have heard from heaven and that hearing of heaven will begin to tear open the heavens. and dispense God's Holy Spirit and to us. And then the way God heals the land is by reconnecting the land to him. And if I was to say it a different way, I would say it like this. He is reviving the dead land or what he is doing is bringing revival. And what's crazy is that verse 15, it says, now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to prayer made in this place. There is a revelation that will come with revival. And so this is what our heart's desire should be. Where God would have such an impact over our life that we would begin to seek his face like never before repenting living a humble lifestyle of holiness and seeking his face turning from our wicked ways that he would heal our land. What is the healing our land looks like revival. It looks like God being shown as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. That is revival. But anyways, I am thankful for everyone who's joined this season, who has watched any of the episodes throughout the season. I'm grateful for everybody. I want to get into the vision aspect of what we are doing here at Relentless Pursuit. I believe the Lord has told me to take a break. To take a season of rest in a way from relentless pursuit. So I'm going to be taking two months off. I'm going to enjoy time with my family. I'm going to enjoy some of the mini vacation. I'm excited to take these two months, but at the same time, I'm also a little sad. I love recording. I love speaking. I love about Jesus. I love learning more of him. But with that being said, I will still continue to do my Thursday or the Thursday prayers. That is in the works of, initiating that. And a little bit more vision casting. I feel like the Lord is telling me to do a separate, and this is what I was talking about, like a separate Bible study, but I'm thinking about doing it with a friend. I have to pray and seek God a little bit more on the direction of that. But it was going to be called the deep where we're going to do Bible studies and stuff. But instead I think it's going to be called something a little bit different. And with that but we are planning to do a few more things. Get a little bit more active when it comes to creating get a little bit more active when it comes to developing clothing. And so I just I'm really excited. I'm planning on doing a raffle next season. Hopefully we can jumpstart next season with something a little fun. But we'll see what happens anyways, thank you so much for joining this week's episode of relentless pursuit I'm so excited that you've decided to spend this time with us and that we were able to pour into you I'm believing God for not only just Inspiration and it's a move of his spirit But a revival in the land for people that are willing to seek the face of God so If you haven't seen any of the previous episodes make sure you go watch them go check them out Because I believe what God was doing through the season is gonna give birth to a lot of things that are coming up Anyways, so thank you so much for joining. Don't forget to follow share and subscribe to all our social media platforms. We're on YouTube Instagram tick tock, which might be leaving soon. We're on Twitter, which X whatever actually not very active on that. But whatever that's nonetheless. But anyways, so thank you guys for joining. Thanks for watching. See you guys soon.